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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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I don't watch a lot of AEW, or wrestling these days to be honest, but I fancied some and popped this on, and I was surprised at just what an easy watch it all was.

Omega vs Page was very, very good and whilst I always enjoy Omega's matches, there is something I can't quite put my finger on that distracts me massively when watching him.

I think it's that I find him incredibly inauthentic and I am acutely aware that I'm watching 'someone being a wrestler'. That might only make sense in my head, but there it is. Anyway, cracking match.

FTR vs the Bucks was excellent, despite me thinking the former are the absolute boring drizzling shits. Someone mentioned JR's commentary in this being particularly awful, and yeah it was. At one point I cringed as he spoke about how good FTR were at "transitioning between spots". Just fuck him off.

Having said that, I quite enjoyed the commentary throughout. 

Omega coming out in what looked like a pair of Nike T90 Astros was a bit off putting.

I'm sorry I don't know who it is, and must've missed his name, but whoever speared Cody Rhodes at the end of his match...well, that was the worst spear I've ever seen. 

First time seeing Penelope Ford, and just looked her up. Fair fucking play to Kip Sabian. Punching a million times above himself.

The MJF-Jericho match was awful and the main event was decent, but Kingston's gear looked terrible. He has lovely eyes though.

Overall, good shit and here endeth the take that absolutely no one needed.

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On the cody win, could you do a rumble situation where the champion gets "injured" so the match is for the belt, cody is already an entrant. cody goes wire to wire, 60 minutes, blood, the works. Sets up a straight off the bat feud as well....... 


I'm not a fan of worked title vacating but it's a spitball idea.... 

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17 minutes ago, Chili said:

Adam Page achieving seemingly fuck all elsewhere is the point though isn't it. 

If anything, achieving nothing elsewhere is part of the reason he should be the guy. He has zero baggage - no one's accidentally calling him by his WWE name, no one's pointing out shit he did elsewhere, no one's comparing him to anything, he just is, in the moment. That's what you want as a top guy. That AEW saw that in him when nowhere else did is a sign that maybe they know what they're doing. 

When he was in NJPW, I used to joke that Adam Page was a wrestler I forgot existed the moment I wasn't watching him wrestle. He was a byword for generic, forgettable American indie guy, and Bullet Club goober.

In AEW, he's been a revelation, and probably my consistently favourite part of the show. He looks great - and even better now he's in the long tights - he's believable, he's charming and funny without being the post-Rock OTT goofy promo that usually passes for funny in wrestling, has a clear narrative path to the championship, and his timing is absolutely impeccable. 


From your point about not believing him and Kenny are friends, that's entirely the point. They're not really friends, they're friends of friends. They were put together because they're both in The Elite, and both got on with it and did well out of it, but they don't hang out. It's like showing up to the pub to meet a mate, and he's got another friend with him - you get on fine in a group, but then when your mate goes home, you find you have nothing to talk about. Hangman Page, when expected to be a key player in The Elite on his own merits, has realised that he doesn't really fit - and when that realisation really sinks in and he becomes the loner babyface he was born to be, that'll be fantastic.

In terms of it being unbelievable and OTT - I don't think "wrestler fails to win championship, loses confidence in self, doesn't like being compared to his more famous and more immediately successful mates" ranks anywhere on the list of unbelievable wrestling storylines, particularly not on a show that just saw The Hurricane and Gangrel rock up for comedy pops. 

Edited by BomberPat
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I’m fucking done with Matt Hardy’s Broken/Woken/Shattered or whatever he calls it matches at his house shit. The first one was a novelty because it was totally different to everything else that was happening at the time, but it’s happened that many times now that it’s not special in the slightest.

”Get up or old folks will think this is a mud show” Ugh

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59 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I’m fucking done with Matt Hardy’s Broken/Woken/Shattered or whatever he calls it matches at his house shit. The first one was a novelty because it was totally different to everything else that was happening at the time, but it’s happened that many times now that it’s not special in the slightest.

”Get up or old folks will think this is a mud show” Ugh

My only hope for That was going to be his retirement match. Really brings nothing in this hybrid broken/ Michael Hayes role he’s in 

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I can understand people thinking Adam Page vs. Kenny Omega has been drawn out. There was definitely a moment during the Summer where I felt the same. I couldn't take the foreplay anymore. I needed some release. Now though? Not at all. I think it's an absolute revelation and hope it continues into next year and beyond.

In modern-day pro-wrestling, in the United States at least, where, "long-term story-telling," just means, "they feuded for more than a month," there's really only two kinds of angle. Either there's the stuff where everything is painted in super board strokes, with all developments shouted into your face over and over again, replay after replay, or there's the storylines that don't actually make that much sense, so you have to try and connect the dots yourself just to justify wasting your time watching.

I remember someone wrote this huge piece about Omega and Ibushi a while back, talking about all these nuances and subtleties. Having not really seen much of it myself I always just assumed it fit into the latter, where people are seeing things that aren't there, connecting the dots themselves, over-blowing it. Having now seen a Kenny Omega storyline evolve from inception though? The guy can tell a fucking story. Can't book a women's division to save his life, but book his own story? Guy's a genius. This thing has had actual nuance, giving me things to genuinely mull over and decide how to interpret. I can't remember the last time I was this invested.

How long ago did Hangman mumble that poison line? A month? Two months? I still think about it now. Same with that spot where Hangman subtlety teased hitting him with the Buckshot at Revolution. I suspect Hangman in the tunnel will be another one. There's loads of them. These tiny moments that just happen. No-one screams at me to look at them. I don't see a million replays. No-one even brings them up in future promos. Proper character and story building moments that require and then reward your full attention. In WWE Michael Cole would be bellowing about how Hangman is filled with anguish, has a drink problem and can't get over the fact that all of his mates are more successful. It's what we always say about show, don't tell. Pro-wrestling is one of the best mediums in the world to just show people stuff and let them interpret and come to their own conclusions but somewhere along the way it became about hammering people over the head with stuff to the point that nothing matters and you can watch the whole show in the background, whilst cleaning the house or whatever. You don't connect with anyone or anything. Obvious, loud stuff happens, commentators SCREAM ABOUT IT, it's  replayed to death and then we do a hard reset at the end of the month. Nothing builds. Nothing someone did in January or February matters to their character or story now. You're actively encouraged to not even remember stuff that far back, you dork.

Kenny Omega and Adam Page is the future of this business. There's no-one I'm more invested in than Hangman. There's no storyline I care more about and look forward to seeing where it goes each and every week.

When Adam Page eventually sorts his life out and wins the belt from Kenny I'm going to fucking weep.

Edited by Supremo
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I nearly bubbled up at the end of This weeks BTE at Page , so im Very much in on all the nuances. More of what’s in BTE needs clipped out and shared by AEW tho as that’s where a lot of the non wrestling progress of this has been 

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52 minutes ago, Supremo said:

When Adam Page eventually sorts his life out and wins the belt from Kenny I'm going to fucking weep.

Agree. He’s the epitome of the flawed hero and my fave thing in the business right now.

Really enjoyed the show, my favorite of the year and definitely worth downloading a vpn blocker ($20 from Uk fite app vs $50 on b/r in the US!).

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Same with that spot where Hangman subtlety teased hitting him with the Buckshot at Revolution

I think it was just before that, there was a really great tease of Omega and The Bucks doing the triple super kick. The way they was standing in position, to moving forward just as Page turned around. The crowd reacted more to the Buckshot tease though, but the triple super kick is definitely going to happen. Maybe when Omega wins the title and Page comes out to celebrate with him and the Bucks, they all finally turn heel. Revolution will take place a couple of days shy of the year anniversary of that tag match. So it’ll be the perfect time for them to pull the trigger on the next stage of this story. Just hope they can keep the build going for the next four months until then. 

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2 hours ago, Louch said:

I nearly bubbled up at the end of This weeks BTE at Page , so im Very much in on all the nuances. More of what’s in BTE needs clipped out and shared by AEW tho as that’s where a lot of the non wrestling progress of this has been 

Yes. Absolutely blindingly good moment. And so much going on all at the same time. Including hilarity.

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19 minutes ago, Chris B said:

Yes. Absolutely blindingly good moment. And so much going on all at the same time. Including hilarity.

Comedy that then switches and makes you feel. Making even the evil dark order see that that guy is hurting and needs help. This needs more eyes on it than BTE

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1 minute ago, Louch said:

Comedy that then switches and makes you feel. Making even the evil dark order see that that guy is hurting and needs help. This needs more eyes on it than BTE

Based on Evil Uno, I think they just see an opportunity.

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