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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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52 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

I know nothing of her other than that gormless look she pulls to no applause after declaring new pork markets, so it’s assuring to know she is as thick as she came across.

So that's what #TrussForPM stands for

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16 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

The only thing you need to know is that she thinks Drones are scared of dogs

Why would drones be scared of dogs? Dogs can’t even look up to see them in the sky.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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I was born in November 1973 so have little memory oh Heath, Wilson or Callaghan.

Thatchers legacy of selling all the family silver (without securing a 51% controlling stake) and relying on imports was short sighted to me and my compatriots.

Following her was Major; a man with the charisma and political influence if a raspberry fart.

Then Tony took over and was OK, apart from killing all those folk and all that fuss.

Brown and his corrupt PFI  nepotistic corruption should have been a disbar to the office but the fact the cunt sold gold reserves in 1997 when they were at the lowest price for decades. The same Daily Mail hailing him as 'The saviour of our Nation" was the same fucking rag all but calling him a myopic, Scotch poof a year or so before. Does anyone think their nickname Prudence meant anything else?

Cameron shagged a pigs head and that is his legacy

May was a yesteryear fantasy of what think a politician used  to be.  As an Insilin Diabetic who (as I have bored y'all with before - sorry) supports kids with Additional Support Needs, including those who are type one the fucking idiot was so weak she hid her Diabetic quick acting glucose medication in case "the speaker pulled me up" when it has been illegal to do this from AT LEAST NINETEEN FUCKING NINETY. Cunt. As you may tell that still fucking rankles with me.  She said this during her tenure as PM.

"Our Boris" delivered the Brexit anyone with a brain knew it would and now it could be LIz fucking Truss.

I genuinely think Truss will get in as she, for many reasons, will be more palatable to the formally red areas in Northern England which they need come the next General Election.

Is there any space on those flights to Rawanda because fuck this.

And breathe - I am usually an optimistic person btw.

Edited by Hugh Thesz
Spelling, always my fucking spelling
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1 hour ago, wordsfromlee said:

I haven't really been following it all that closely - so apologies if I'm wrong - but I presume the Tories are voting for Liz Truss to be the new leader of the Conservatives for the same reason the public voted for that boat to be named Boaty McBoatface? For the lols and memes.

I think it’s because it’s an absolute dumpster fire, no one coming in now will be able to fix it and they can throw her under the bus when they lose the next election.

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