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Bath or Shower?

Max Power

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Growing up in shitty Barnsley we only had a bath when I werra lad. Now I can't stand them. I've just come back from cricket practice and had a simply stunning shower. If there's a better feeling that getting a soapy hand (oo-er) right up your arse crack then I'm yet to experience it.

So, what do you prefer? Bath or Shower?

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I don't have a shower in my flat, so it's a bath.  I wish I had a shower though, but saying that bath time is when I watch a boxset on my iPad.  Which is why it feels wrong watching Mad Men whilst wearing clothes.  Not that I've stripped off to watch it in the front room and instinctively answered the door when the bloke from Npower came round to read the meter.

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I use both regularly but I prefer the bath. Spotify, book, bubbles (radox not champagne). Not many things I find more relaxing.

Do you have some Kenny G playing in the background during your bathtime, hun?

We don't have a shower, which is shit as they're much better than baths. Getting a shower installed in our bathroom is going to be a right ballache as we'd need to move the plumbing to the other end and it will cost a lot. It's on the wish list though, because baths are shite.

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