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Lio Rush WWE 2020?


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With increasing reports of backstage heat...

Refusing advice on etiquette 

Refusing to carry bags/water for others

Allowing non wrestlers into the backstage area without permission 

Claiming his salary is not a liveable wage

Is his days as a WWE employee numbered or is there enough of a talent shining through that will get him to the end of the year?

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45 minutes ago, 5pints said:

Refusing to carry bags/water for others

Well, that one is fucking stupid.

Is there any other industry in the world where something like that would even be an issue, much less a sackable offence?

It makes me wonder if (a) WWE even HAS a H.R department and (b) what would happen if wrestlers filed grievances the way any normal person would if they were getting this sort of shite at work.

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Just now, unfitfinlay said:

Well, that one is fucking stupid.

Is there any other industry in the world where something like that would even be an issue, much less a sackable offence?

Probably plenty of live entertainment touring events have stuff like that.

And it’s not a sackable offence if you believe what you read, he tried to quit, they said no.  Quite the opposite of sacking him.

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11 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

It'll probably blow over, because wrestlers are big fanny flaps who will move onto the next thing to moan about. Either that or he'll quit and become a star on the indies and he'll get signed back in a few years.

Pretty much. He'll land on his feet whatever happens. He's still very young and is incredibly talented with a lot of friends on the outside.

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10 hours ago, unfitfinlay said:

Well, that one is fucking stupid.

Is there any other industry in the world where something like that would even be an issue, much less a sackable offence?

It makes me wonder if (a) WWE even HAS a H.R department and (b) what would happen if wrestlers filed grievances the way any normal person would if they were getting this sort of shite at work.

As an HR professional with responsibility for about 200 people in the US, I can assure you WWE will have an HR department. Employment rights are poor in the US - 16 weeks paid maternity (which my company offers) is considered amazing, for example. Nearly everyone work on an 'at will' basis - with no employment contract, meaning they can be fired without justification / cause (as long as the reason is not illegal, eg sex discrimination). Some states are much worse than others - rights in New York state and California are significantly better for example.

But these guys are independant contractors, not employees, so their rights are effectively zero. Usually they are not subject to an organisation’s disciplinary or other procedures, so the organisations can effectively do what they want.


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11 hours ago, unfitfinlay said:

Well, that one is fucking stupid.

Is there any other industry in the world where something like that would even be an issue, much less a sackable offence?

It makes me wonder if (a) WWE even HAS a H.R department and (b) what would happen if wrestlers filed grievances the way any normal person would if they were getting this sort of shite at work.

Isn’t it not the same kind of thing as the new guy making the tea for everyone else in an office or sweeping up? I bet working on a building site is similar. 

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2 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

Isn’t it not the same kind of thing as the new guy making the tea for everyone else in an office or sweeping up? I bet working on a building site is similar. 

Not sure if you’re using the example of a building site also employing ‘80s working rituals as justification for continuing them today and in other industries, or highlighting how stupid they are.

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Fucking good on him, the bellends who are sore at him are the ones who didn't say no to being a lackey. It's workplace bullying at the end of the day and fair fucks to him for not being a part of it. 

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4 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:

Didnt he piss a load of people off on Twitter when he 1st signed as well? can't remember the exact details now though


Yeah, it was just after they released Emma. She’d just finished up working a program with Asuka and was released a couple of weeks afterwards and he tweeted something along the lines of “guess someone wasn’t ready for Asuka”. Baring in mind that Lio Rush had been with the company for all on 5 minutes and appeared on NXT once, some saw it as him mocking Emma, who would’ve been feeling pretty low after losing her job

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Stuff like this must be a major factor in Vince wanting to keep the independent contractor structure. This generation of talent in particular seem like the type who would run to HR to complain about stuff. Can you imagine the amount of headaches it would cause if these guys all had employee rights and the company had a legal obligation to treat them as such?  I'm not saying they shouldn't have those rights - just saying I can completely understand why the company would be against it despite being able to afford it a hundred times over. 

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Lio Rush seems to have heat wherever he goes. El Ligero slated him on Twitter regarding him apparently pissing off EVERYBODY at a show he worked at in the UK.
Ethan Page also had less than kind words to say about him.
He apparently got big heat in NXT for seemingly making fun of the well-liked Emma being sacked and now Mark Henry and others are speaking out on his attitude on podcasts etc.

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