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4 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I’m convinced the mandatory classes at the Performance Centre are, “Shocked Face 101,” “Best Ways to Stare at Hands,” and, “Shout the Storyline.”

I’ve not seen the show but there’s a lovely clip on Xavier Woods’ Instagram of him getting genuinely choked up about winning King of the Ring. There’s a study to be made one day on how the New Day all broke through this system, truly connected with fans and all felt like real people. Have they ever even teased animosity or splitting up? It’s so weird. Like they exist in a completely different dimension to everyone else.

Their collective and singular abilities to remain entertaining and fresh are incredible. And no, as far as I'm aware there has never been a tease before. I think they've all publicly said they didn't want to do that. Good on them.

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I think they've managed to feel real, steer clear of the usual bad writing and booking and do their own thing by an amazing sheer force of personality. Xavier Woods in particular just comes across as an incredibly smart, creative guy. Feels like there's almost no limit to what he and Big E could do in wrestling in any role and at any level.

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I've said this on here before but I LOVE that New Day are presented as a group of guys who support & celebrate each other's individual achievements (of which Woods now has a significant one to hang his hat/crown on) rather than the usual trope of "well, one of them has had some singles success so the others need to turn on him". I get the feeling from their podcasts that they feel it's particularly important that they are presented that way as a group of young(ish...) African Americans.

I also like that they have remained together as at least a rough grouping despite being drafted apart in recent years. They're still the New Day, just on different brands.

That all said... the thought occurred to me during the KotR final last night how much I wanted to see Big E on the Raw team at Survivor Series and Kofi & Woods on the other side, just to explore the dynamic of them facing off in a competitive environment. (I realize this won't happen as E is champion and they are doing the champion vs champion thing again I think).

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New Day were a bit bland and repetitive for a good while but always popular. Kofi's title chase, splitting them on the the two brands, Big E winning MITB and now the Woods stuff have given them plenty to get their teeth into. Otherwise, they'd just be 800 time tag champs or something by now. It's rare to see that sort of progression with any of their acts in the last few years and it keeps breathing life into the act. It makes them worth following and worth speculating about because soemthing might happen.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

I’ve not seen the show but there’s a lovely clip on Xavier Woods’ Instagram of him getting genuinely choked up about winning King of the Ring. There’s a study to be made one day on how the New Day all broke through this system, truly connected with fans and all felt like real people. Have they ever even teased animosity or splitting up? It’s so weird. Like they exist in a completely different dimension to everyone else.

Between those clips, the things they do on YouTube and the Network specials, it's absolute fucking madness how they don't think to use those emotions rather than the shit fake theatrical bollocks. One of the very few upsides of all these 'fans' becoming wrestlers is that it actually genuinely means so much to them. You don't need to ask them to overact!

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

They've been pretty big on this since that fucking awful "I'm sorry, I love you" moment. Textbook WWE storytelling - tell, don't show and tell with as little subtlety and as much melodrama as possible. This and finisher spamming main events is HBK's legacy on modern wrestling. I wish they had followed Bret's example instead.

It got a thousand times worse during the pandemic. They realised that, with no audience, you could hear the wrestlers talking more clearly and, as ever, it went from some fun organic stuff to just spelling out the story they were trying to tell.

Genuinely one of the worst things I've ever seen in wrestling was Survivor Series last year, when Roman Reigns faced Drew McIntyre. At one point, after Drew kicked out, Roman Reigns said, out loud, "this isn't the same Drew McIntyre I beat before!". Just a hideously clunky sentence that no human being would ever say, and a complete lack of faith in either the quality of their storytelling or the intelligence of their fans, leading them to literally tell you, out loud, what's happening and how you're supposed to feel about it. Utterly abysmal stuff.

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All the usual WWE issues aside it wasn't a bad show really. I know Lesnar/Reigns is a rematch but this version of Lesnar is a lot of fun and the Heyman dynamic has worked perfectly.

Couldn't be happier for Xavier.

I don't hate this version of Becky quite as much now. Sure we can all argue that it was never necessary but it is what it is and we can't change the past now unfortunately. I like that Bianca never looks out of place with the more established names and they're doing their best to make her look strong.

I know Seth pisses a lot of people off but I do think his work with Edge has been really good.

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16 minutes ago, The Dart said:

Michael Cole after the women's triple threat.   "oh my, we have the Smackdown women's champion on Raw and the Raw women's champion on Smackdown.....how on Earth is this issue going to resolve itself, this is an historic moment in history"

He's just awful.

Good grief.

Didn't this happen at the last draft where the Raw tag champs ended up on Smackdown and vice versa? They dealt with that by just swapping the belts around ?

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17 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I know Seth pisses a lot of people off but I do think his work with Edge has been really good.

His character work is the worst I've ever seen. Who is it aimed at? I can't imagine any sane person watching him and thinking anything other than "fuck, this is terrible".

Has there been a more talented guy who has had a worse run than Rollins? The Shield were obviously great, though he was my least favourite part of it, and since it finished, one or two moments aside, he's been absolutely dreadful with his initial Poundland Triple H gimmick and all of the various tweaks since. The guy can work, no doubt, but it's not enough. He's been a top single for what, 7 years now? That's barely believable. About 3 highlights in that time.

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I do often wonder if, given they started presenting the belts as equal to the men's ones around the same time as the last brand split (insofar as them being a legitimate PPV main event attraction, even to Wrestlemania level etc) if WWE doesn't wish they'd duplicated the naming convention and had a WWE Women's Champion & a Universal Women's Champion?

Would avoid shit like that altogether.

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9 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Has there been a more talented guy who has had a worse run than Rollins?

Is he that talented though? He had a good run as part of The Shield where he was great at filling in the gaps between Roman and Ambrose but he's done nothing good since then. He can have a decent match but so can everyone these days, what other talents does he have to offer? I don't think there's any talent being wasted or misused here, the only thing being wasted is TV time on this wet, soppy berk.

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Doe this mean they're going to rename the belts? Because surely it would be a piece of piss to avoid this by either not putting them on people you are going to draft, not drafting the champions or switching the belts between the draft and tonight? Surely the only reason you end up in this scenario is that you want to?

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11 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

His character work is the worst I've ever seen. Who is it aimed at? I can't imagine any sane person watching him and thinking anything other than "fuck, this is terrible".

Has there been a more talented guy who has had a worse run than Rollins? The Shield were obviously great, though he was my least favourite part of it, and since it finished, one or two moments aside, he's been absolutely dreadful with his initial Poundland Triple H gimmick and all of the various tweaks since. The guy can work, no doubt, but it's not enough. He's been a top single for what, 7 years now? That's barely believable. About 3 highlights in that time.

I guess I'm not sane then. Who is it aimed at? I have no idea. But at least his ridiculousness is being played up now. So yeah, no I don't think it's terrible, and I think they've done some really good work together - especially the matches.

I'd take this version of Seth over the Authority version anyday to be honest.

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