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2 hours ago, TheBootyBoy said:

Roman winning the Rumble and challenging The Fiend is going to happen and it'll be awful. But honestly, The Fiend by next year will have run its course. So its eh.

I actually think Roman/Fiend has the potential to be a really intriguing feud, but it would require them to go against their instincts every step of the way. 

It can’t be a case of a supernatural demon taunting Roman, as the announcers paint him as an underdog wondering how the hell he can overcome this maniac.

If they actually have the balls to present them as equals, suggesting that Roman might actually have what it takes to beat The Fiend...then you have an interesting story. 

Given how terrible Smackdown is right now, it’s more likely that he’ll undergo a crisis of confidence before getting a pep talk from Shorty G or something. 

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Ali for me, that promo has built him up more than anything he's done so far, the fact he knows he's not had a great 2019 but he's breaking down barriers and standing tall, wouldn't be surprised to see him win the Rumble (which sounds crazy but it's actually making me excited for the Rumble not really knowing who'll win the mens one). 

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It’s an interesting bit of clarity, this. On a number of levels.

When Bruce Pritchard was Head of Creative in TNA (particularly the period from Bound For Glory 2011-Bound For Glory 2012), he, Dave Lagana and Matt Conway put together a tidy little product that made sense, was engaging, and elevated those that needed to be. Particularly Bobby Roode, James Storm and Austin Aries. I think Slammiversary 2012 still stands up well. 

It was the most consistent sense the booking had made since before Vince Russo came on board in 2006.

Nonsense was there, but didn’t overwhelm shows. Of course, history could just be messing with my head.

It now appears that part of it was down to the fact that the product was being produced for general consumption, whereas this Smackdown, more than ever, and more than RAW and certainly NXT, is being tailored to an audience of Vince McMahon only. Aided and abetted by Ed Koskey (who I would guess is a McMahon writer)

As an aside, Dave Lagana (along with some input from Matt Conway, and) guided by Billy Corgan, is booking one of the stand out shows and products of the current era. 

I guess all the components need to be in place. IMO, of course ?


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The most interesting thing about The Fiend is how long Vince is going to stubbornly keep using the red lights when everyone else on the planet has agreed how shit it is. I wouldn’t put it past Vince to still be doing it by the time Wrestlemania rolls around. As if it wasn’t hard enough trying to elicit some crowd reaction when you’re five and a half hours into a show. Now the poor bastards are going to have to wrestle in that red light, too. At least it’ll stop people booing Roman too loudly, I guess.

Edited by Supremo
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33 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

It's a very, very outside bet, but it is possible. There's no way Ali wins the title and isn't being booed within a few months though.

With the very real risk that wwe turn this into a ‘you’re booing me cos I’m brown’ gimmick 

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21 hours ago, Supremo said:

The most interesting thing about The Fiend is how long Vince is going to stubbornly keep using the red lights when everyone else on the planet has agreed how shit it is. I wouldn’t put it last Vince to still be doing it by the time Wrestlemania rolls around. As if it wasn’t hard enough trying to elicit some crowd reaction when you’re five and a half hours into a show. Now the poor bastards are going to have to wrestle in that red light, too. At least it’ll stop people booing Roman too loudly, I guess.

I'm hoping they do the full power point on the canvas gimmick again. The 6 hours would go a lot quicker with more proper campy wrestling stuff thrown in. 

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I have the BT Sport App through EE so I tried to watch this this morning. Fuck me, it's atrocious. One thing you lose from the YouTube highlights is just HOW bad the commentary and dialogue is. I was already cringing by the cold opening with Bryan and The Miz. Now The Miz is someone who generally manages to deliver their material and make it work but both his segments on the show were truly hideous.

I skipped through the matches so might aswell have just stuck to the supercut. Not sure how a single person anywhere on the planet could be expected to give a fuck about any of those matches. Not one. Wasn't a title on the line, a title opportunity on the line, not even an internet wet dream.

Seriously, if they sat before the show and wrote a list of reasons to watch, a list of reasons to watch next week and a list of selling points for the Royal Rumble - they'd have a blank piece of paper.

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