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Devon Malcolm

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Yeah, this Brexit thing is just a massive pain in the arse, as we all knew it would be. 

I've not been majorly effected (yet), but my folks sent a couple of parcels (clothes for the kids, a few small books, biscuits etc.) last Monday and they haven't arrived as they normally would within 3 to 5 working days because we need to now fill out a form confirming the value of the goods and then have them either re-delivered or collect them from an interim holding warehouse. 

Never been the case before, obviously, and nobody from the postal service here (Czech Republic) has actually contacted us about how to do any of this, my mother just had to let me know once she'd checked the tracking. 

There'll also be a processing fee on our end for this, naturally, and we don't have a printer so we'll have to go somewhere to print off the form that we need to fill out to get our innocent little present package. 

Again, not the worst thing in the world but after a few years of not having to do any of this, it's a bit of a headache and means that my folks will likely be sending less packages in future. 

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9 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Sadly that then scales up for every package crossing the border :(  A month in and I'm already seeing projects affected with death by a thousand cuts.

Firms aren't shifting transcontinental EMEA warehouses just to serve the UK.  Instead I'm getting 5 working day lead times for components that would have been sub 24 hour even in the middle of last year.

It's horrific, yeah. 

We got instructions through the post today on how to get the two packages and obviously it's all incredibly antiquated. 

Filling out forms and providing evidence and whatnot and then sending it on to be processed, for about £40 worth of stuff that was just a little post-Christmas gift. 

So what would have taken on average 4 days to arrive with no hassle in the post is now going to take about two weeks, with extra charges and carry on. 

Cheers, Brexit. 

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I sell recyclable waste to Mills, we did have customers all over Europe. Only 1 European company is buying our stuff now, so we have to sell for less to India. While there are Mills in the UK, there isn't really a demand for card in the UK. It has also caused several changes to paperwork and procedures. It's a hassle but we'll get used to it. 

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  • 1 month later...

Nobody willing to comment on the utter, utter shitshow of a performance by the EU during the past 12 months? (I'd argue the past 47 years). Look at the fucking state of 'em. And you still want to be part of that. Just as well the grown-ups took over. Unlike your vote, your feelings and what you think never mattered anyway.

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31 minutes ago, KingofSports said:

Nobody willing to comment on the utter, utter shitshow of a performance by the EU during the past 12 months? (I'd argue the past 47 years). Look at the fucking state of 'em. And you still want to be part of that. Just as well the grown-ups took over. Unlike your vote, your feelings and what you think never mattered anyway.

Yeah, cos everything’s going fucking swimmingly here isn’t it

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1 hour ago, KingofSports said:

Nobody willing to comment on the utter, utter shitshow of a performance by the EU during the past 12 months? (I'd argue the past 47 years). Look at the fucking state of 'em. And you still want to be part of that. Just as well the grown-ups took over. Unlike your vote, your feelings and what you think never mattered anyway.

bean snickers GIF

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51 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

The EU makes bonehead mistakes = Brexit’s going swimmingly. Got it. 

I bet the EU have spent less on Track and Trace apps and fake PPE contracts combined than we have as well. I don't even understand the point he is trying to make. 

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The EU have ballsed up the vaccine roll out from claiming it didnt work to claiming it will give you a blood clot and kill you. Lucky for us we managed to do our own deals on said vaccine. 

However to claim brexit as a huge success is very premature. Give it a few years with stuff back to normal and then see how things are doing.  

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I started a new job just before Christmas. One of my first tasks was to identify & select a bunch of European vendors and suppliers to replace the existing UK based ones.

The cost of doing business has increased dramatically & this is the easiest fix. Big companies that have a UK and EU presence have been asked what processes they have/can put in place to bypass the UK.

This is tens of £m's worth of business and just 1 company. I was on a post Brexit ' customs webinar' just a couple of weeks ago (lucky me right?) & this was a common theme. Big companies who you'd have thought would've planned for this doing exactly the same thing. Desperately trying to avoid using UK biz for EU fulfilment & find Euro alternatives.

It's a shit show. I dread to think how many 'zombie' UK firms are currently being propped up by the furlough scheme?


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