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Trivial Things That Annoy You...


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17 hours ago, Merzbow said:

Gigs finishing at 11 annoys me, it gives me such little time to catch a train home and depending on the venue I won't be able to make it.

Infuriating stuff. I tend to drive to the gig, these days, because of this taking the piss. Although I went to see Virginia Wing, a few weeks ago, seeing as the venue they were playing meant it was a safe bet they would be done by 10.30, so I'd get the train no bother. All went well, finishing just before 10.30, great gig, get to the train station to find the last train is cancelled. Thankfully a good mate was kind enough to pick me up for some petrol money and a McDonald's.

People that walk at a laboured pace turns me into Himmler, particularly when they're taking up most of the pavement on a busy street. I'm very much someone that walks at an heroic pace, so I get stupidly annoyed at these waddling fannies getting in my way. The worst, of course, is really fat people with those super wide swinging gates. All the time leading to some murderous thoughts.

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Back in the middle of last year, the local supermarket found that their trolleys wouldn't take the new pound coin correctly, so they decided to whip off the metal bit that pushes the coin back out of the trolley by simply cutting the chain to it. No more rummaging around in your change or needing one of those round things that gimmick an old pound coin. Unfortunately since then, some local shoppers have become lazy arseholes. Last week when I went round I seen at least three trolleys abandoned in car parking spaces, one of which was on a white line taking up two spaces. Car parking spaces aren't a big deal here, it's not a massive supermarket and outside of Christmas Eve and sometimes the weekend after monthly payday it doesn't get close to being full, but it's just sheer laziness. Especially when its at one of the parking bays near the entrance. There's also plenty of trolley bays to leave used ones in that are at most a 10 second walk from your car. And even then more often, people get there but can't be arsed to leave the trolley in with the same type of trolleys taking up space on their own. If it's one rogue trolley then I fix it by just moving in to the right line of trolleys but if there's several left randomly and other trolleys have built up behind them then it's a lost cause. Would have been better if they simply got new things made for them to take the new pound coin then the lazy arseholes wouldn't be quick to sacrifice a quid. I should not be too surprised though, a few times I had to wait outside next to the pick up area which is marked "pick up only" only to see it abused by cunts parking their vehicle in the area and not returning for at least ten minutes The biggest offenders are construction workers with their vans and women that look 30-40 something years old driving 4x4s or some other MPV that screams "important mother" but doesn't have anyone else, adult or child, in tow. So when taxis and other cars come to collect people in the pick up bay, they can't set down there and it forces people, often elderly or disabled, to come out into the car park all because some selfish bastard wants to park as close to the front door as they can and can't bear to walk a few more metres.

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Actors in adverts who fucking lie to your face.

Let me first clarify. I'm not talking about:

a) overselling the quality of the product, which we basically expect from every advert that's ever been or will be made, or

b) actors playing out a scene between themselves, as if we were watching a mini drama.

No, I'm talking about actors addressing the audience directly with blatant fiction like this:

"Last week I spoke with my dentist," [no you didn't] "And she told me" [no she didn't] "blah blah blah blah..." [stop it! stop lying about this conversation that never happened!]

It just feels so much more insulting to the viewer's intelligence than any other type of ad, even though they're all designed to take advantage of us in some way or other. I feel like these false testimonies belong in the 1950s, when advertisers could lie through their teeth no matter how pearly white they were.

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At uni my flatmate and I took a trolley home to our student halls on campus, carrying it up the stairs to the top floor, and mucked about with it in the communal kitchen till stashing it in my room for want of a better plan. LADS, innit.

I was awoken the next morning by a routine room inspection.

Luckily the night before I'd had the foresight to "hide" the trolley between the open doors of my wardrobe with a sheet or something draped over it - ie, not hidden at all.

Yet despite its conspicuous shape and position, it somehow avoided detection. Or they just thought "not another one" and couldn't be bothered writing it up.

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46 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

It just feels so much more insulting to the viewer's intelligence than any other type of ad, even though they're all designed to take advantage of us in some way or other. I feel like these false testimonies belong in the 1950s, when advertisers could lie through their teeth no matter how pearly white they were.

A similar one that winds me up. When I'm waiting on a train platform and the robot voice says "I am sorry that the 8:24 train to London has be delayed...etc" . No you're not! You're not even a real person. It's a cut and paste soundboard performance from a voice actor given completely out of context. I'm pretty sure she is not sorry that I'm going to be standing around on the train platform for another ten minutes.

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On 10/29/2018 at 3:44 PM, WyattSheepMask said:

Bands that have the letter in V in place of other letters in their name.

Chvrches? Landmvrks? 

I know Chvrches did it to make it easier for people to Google their name. So the band come up as the first search result. I presume that's what the other bands did too.

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