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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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45 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Norm's getting all kinds of pelters at the minute for saying he's glad the #MeToo movement has slowed down. Truly a sad situation. He's brilliantly done another interview distancing himself from it all by saying "you'd have to have Down Syndrome not to feel sorry for the victims." An incredible apology.

Yeah. I've honestly been on a tadĀ of a downer over it. The best you can argue for him is he made some really clumsy points that areĀ a weird blend of compassion, insensitivity and stupidity. His sincerity since shows it wasn't shtick - although I can understand why people could feel that way if they followed Norm's career closely, prior to all the apologies.

I'm going to listen to the Stern interview before having a go, but aye the "down syndrome" line wasn't smart considering.

I was actually thinking of creating a Norm thread yesterday (what with his new show), but then all this happened.

It sucks when your heroes let you down, particularly when you assume they're above all this. Your move Hanks.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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34 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I think it pisses you off when it's someone whose work you adore because there is such a connection you make to the films, it's like you think they must share the same values as you. Ā Dunno if that makes sense.

It absolutely does. But then I think about how much I love a few of Roman Polanski's films and it barely registers with me when watching them what he's done. Maybe it's because all this is going on now and I wasn't quite around when he did Chinatown or anything.

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12 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

I think it pisses you off when it's someone whose work you adore because there is such a connection you make to the films, it's like you think they must share the same values as you. Ā Dunno if that makes sense.

Absolutely makes sense.

I believe that it's going to happen a lot more in the future and it's going to cause a big divide between those of us who can drop a loved personality and those who refuse to.Ā 

In my opinion, now matter how much I can love an artist, supporting the victims is a lot more important in the grand scheme of things. It will be hard though. I enjoyed CK's stand up but I dropped him like a dime. I don't feel like my life is emptier without him or House Of Cards in my life anymore. However, I can admit that I still listen to Brand New and As I Lay Dying, so I'm not perfect when it comes to these situations.Ā 

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12 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

I think it pisses you off when it's someone whose work you adore because there is such a connection you make to the films, it's like you think they must share the same values as you. Ā Dunno if that makes sense.

For what it's worth I still think Gary Glitter's Rock 'n Roll pt2 is one of the best pop songs ever.Ā 

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It's a cloudy issue, but I generally don't think there's a need to feel guilty or dirty for enjoying someone's films or music or whatever just because they've been outed as a bit of a shit human being overall. You can make the moral choice to stop financially supporting them, but what you like is what you like.

There will be times when someone has repulsed you so much that anything associated with them is automatically tainted in your mind and you're no longer capable of enjoying them. And that's fine. But don't beat yourself up if that souring hasn't occurred. It's likely that the work they've created is an expression of the more positive side to their personalities, the part we can all relate to, overshadowed though it might have become by the negative traits that are rightly scorned.

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Yeah I think it's a personal thing, isn't it. Ā I mean, I don't want to sound all Harmonic Carbomb here, (apologies @HarmonicGeneratorĀ and @Carbomb) but I love the paintings of Caravaggio but he was a murderer and most likely a woofter who liked them young. Ā Can overlook the killing and pederasty but the gayness is a brush too far.

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14 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Ahh, didn't see that, sorry mate.

I don't know why this one has bothered me so much. I mean, they all do, but it hasn't stopped me from watching stuff with people involved in stuff like this, whether rightly or wrongly. I'd been looking forward to The PredatorĀ for months but all this has blown up and I've lost all enthusiasm for it. It's just awful that only Jacob Tremblay has stood up for Olivia Munn on this, a bloody 11 year old kid.

Thankfully Stirling K Brown and Boyd Holbrook put out statements over the weekend and Shane Black has also now apologized as wellĀ https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2018/09/13/director-shane-black-gets-visibly-choked-up-responding-to-olivia-munn-predator-controversy/23525862/

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Did he drop his famous fist full of Xanax during the interview?

I don't know how you don't end up a little overwhelmed by some of the responses. Particularly when you hear about some of the producers on the Tonight Show openly weeping by his mere presence (which is a little mad). As Norm points out, he said some things he feels were taken out of contextĀ rather than being a genuinely evil person, and given some of theĀ responses you'd imagine heĀ was Pete Townsend.

Hopefully he can now go on and live a happy life as a deeply closeted gay man.

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I love Norm and was saddened by his comments but his explanations for his couple of faux pas lately seem to be pretty genuine, and I'd like to believe that they are. I'm not sure I entirely get what he's saying about Hardwick and #MeToo exactly, though.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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9 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

I'm not sure I entirely get what he's saying about Hardwick and #MeToo exactly, though.

With the Hardwick case, an ex accused him of all manner of horrendous abuse, which lead to Hardwick almost immediately losing all his big gigs and, obviously, being labeled a terrible person. As the weeks went on,Ā evidence came outĀ (text messages and what not) and AMC carried out an investigation with a law firm, which ended with themĀ supporting Hardwick not being a monsterĀ and he got his jobs back. Whether Hardwick did those awful things, no one truly knows apart from the two involved, but Norm's point is you must be careful to hear both sides ("dueĀ process" as Joy butted in with)Ā before ending a persons career because of an accusation.

Of course, his point is a very very tricky subject to debate, because everyone knows how awful it must be to come forward against personal abuse and have people discredit you. Particularly when you've got horrible people like Roxanne Pallett onĀ the telly making it harder.

Edited by ColinBollocks
Hardrick is yer uncle.
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