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Random Thoughts III.


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I think the best thing for Bullet Club now would be to split off into separate factions entirely - let Omega and the Young Bucks stick together as The Elite, while Omega does his thing with Ibushi, Guerrillas of Destiny can split away and just be a tag team on their own, or possibly knock about with Bad Luck Fale, and then sack off the rest. Or, if you must, keep a Cody-led team with Scurll, Takahashi, Owens and Page, but fucking hell that sounds dreadful.

They'll keep them together as long as they keep selling T-shirts, but they've long outlived any usefulness they had as a unit. I'm amazed they still have enough of a "cool factor" left to sell shirts in the first place. Chase Owens has to be the most forgettable wrestler in the world. I had to look up Bullet Club just to check who the members even are these days, and forgot he existed. I had to check who he was. I'll forget again by the end of this sentence.

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The Bullet Club has always been fucking awful. That's the beautiful irony of it all, and these fucking moron fans wearing the t-shirt when they never watched the shows - it was the cool thing. But the stable has never been good, and when they built the entire company around the Bullet Club, it was the only time in the last 5 years that New Japan business went downwards.

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Bullet Club is hardly even a thing anymore, they're completely fine and harmless at the moment. If you had guys like Page and Chase Owens still doing the main event interference angles and the likes, I'd understand, but they're no trouble tucked away in the under card tag matches. 

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Given the success of their shirt sales in hot topic, and leading to more NJPW shirts getting shelf space, can't see them going anywhere anytime soon. My only real exposure to the BC is through the being the elite series, and find their stuff fun and a bit goofy and lighthearted. Fair play to them for the merch success that seems to be leading on to more merch opportunities 

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It's the classic case of what Nash said when he was doing indie signings & photo ops, "if you're standing in front of an ATM and its spitting money out at you, how long are you going to stand there?". As long as people are buying those shirts and the other various incarnations of it, whether it's someone who likes them or someone buying because it's the hip thing, they'll be around

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The randomest of random thoughts here;

next year will be 17 years since Mania 17, so that should mean only one thing.... GIMMICK BATTLE ROYAL #2

Boogeyman, Super Porky, Pirate Paul Burchill, Simon Dean, Reverend D-Von, Juan Cena, Mordecai, The Zombie, Paul London as El Gran Luchadore, Eugene (ok maybe not Eugene) the possibilities are endless. Obvs have Sheiky in there to defend his crown too (successfully, because he can't take the bump over the top rope)

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13 hours ago, The Dart said:

The Zombie's dead, so don't think he'd be in it.

There's so much going on with this statement.


I bloody love the Gimmick Battle Royal, and the similar one they did for a RAW anniversary. I've always hoped they'd do another, or any kind of old-timers Battle Royal for 'Mania, or even just any random Network special. They're great fun, and a welcome change of pace and tone. And it's not like anyone in it needs to be able to convincingly work - Sheiky won the first one because he couldn't bump, and that match had Jim Cornette and Michael Hayes in it, so it's not like they were desperate for people who could "still work".

Who could you stick in it this time around?

From the original, you could easily throw in another Doink and Gobbeldy Gooker, Michael Hayes, The Goon and Sarge may as well make comebacks, as could the Bushwhackers, Duke The Dumpster Droese and Tugboat. The RAW 15th Anniversary Battle Royal had Bart Gunn, Steve Blackman, Pete Gas, Flash Funk, Bob Backlund, Skinner, Gillberg, and Gangrel, I'd be happy with any number of them making a random cameo.

In terms of people working either backstage or in NXT, you've got Road Dogg, Tensai, Scotty 2 Hotty, Norman Smiley, Red Rooster, D-Von Dudley and IRS.

Then people on seemingly good terms that could show up...Boogeyman, Eugene, Tatanka, Khali...it could be a fucking classic.


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I honestly really hope they go with one, would make an absolutely perfect pre-show attraction. Surely instead of Tugboat they should opt for The Shockmaster falling arse-over-tit? Smarks at Mania would eat that shit up.

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I'm not holding my breath, sadly. I was so gutted they didn't go ahead with the '30 years of Wrestlemania' one a few years ago. They just use these battle royals as an excuse to get lower and mid-card fodder on the show these days (i.e wrestlers people have no interest in seeing).

Edited by garynysmon
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