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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Yeah, yours is the far superior poster - but, absolutely take it as a compliment. I think a poster's fair game - if they'd half-inched your work and stuck it on a T-shirt or something that they're monetising, then get up in arms about it, but I'd have no problem with this.

The Canuck Pro situation sounds like it was part of a recurring problem with "fake" promotions popping up in Canada and promising the world lately, there have been two or three more this year. Do you know whether it's a legitimate concern that got ideas above its station and had to cancel, or a scam/wannabe who never had any intention of running in the first place? From the stories I heard, I got the impression it was the latter, but they still seem to be advertising an event for this month, and still promising a weekly YouTube show and OnDemand service - which is a hell of a lot to promise before you've run a single show, before you even consider the talents they've advertised.


Does seem a curious decision on LuchaTO's part to create a poster consciously aping a design, no matter how good, that had been used to advertise a fraudulent show, though. You wouldn't think it would be an association you'd want, really!


Probably goes without saying, but just be careful not to end up tarred with a shitty brush for having designed that poster - I've seen it said that Canuck Pro turned out to be "just a kid with Photoshop", and wouldn't want you getting fucked over by association.

Edited by BomberPat
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30 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Yeah, yours is the far superior poster - but, absolutely take it as a compliment. I think a poster's fair game - if they'd half-inched your work and stuck it on a T-shirt or something that they're monetising, then get up in arms about it, but I'd have no problem with this.

Probably goes without saying, but just be careful not to end up tarred with a shitty brush for having designed that poster - I've seen it said that Canuck Pro turned out to be "just a kid with Photoshop", and wouldn't want you getting fucked over by association.

Never for a second did I think anything otherwise chief.  I've been chuckling all day.  Its a fucking ego boost that guys out there doing this for a living aspire to my level, just as I have guys I look up to and try and emulate.

I've done similar in the past, be it composition when I wasnt sure how to best feature a unique number of athletes, or for colour schemes, but i've never just gone, that fucker'll do and outright copied one.  

Very interesting points on the conscious choice of that particular one to replicate though!  I've no idea if im honest.  No idea what their intentions were, or what played out.  New to the game an all, I was paid for every job (except the last after the scandal broke) and as I expect was most peoples experience, just stopped responding.  It is shit for me though, because it's three strong portfolio pieces somewhat tainted.

 Anyway, now in talks with the Toronto promotion about supplying them in the new year, so fingers crossed.

Edited by John Matrix
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I'm currently in the midst of a two hour anxiety attack I can only describe as literally the culmination of three days of stress just getting worse and worse. 

Started the new job Wednesday afternoon and after two shifts I already feel completely overwhelmed and have no idea what I'm doing half the time. Between the staff seeming so chill when it's non stop customers every minute from open to close whereas I'm just getting more and more agitated as I have no clue what I'm  doing at all and seem to just keep asking the same questions. 

I've got a 6am start today that requires me to be in for 5.30 and being so terrified of being late have set three different devices 10 alarms and still can't trust myself to go back for an hours sleep now even though the anxiety attack is going to completely wipe me out. I have four of these starts in the next 7 days including a 10 hour shift on their busiest day of service. 

On top of this all while my mother doesn't live in the worst area of my city I've always been really anxious about noises in gardens and around the house at night and considering we live on the side of an alley way near a not great area I'm always a lot more sketched out. Last week or so we've had rats or squirrels or something that are banging into my wall and the side of the house and between that and how much the house creaks from even the slightest movement while sleeping I'm currently in bed with a pool cue thinking someone is trying to break in and trying to rationalise my brain that this is stupid. 

Of course instead of realising this is an affect of my severe anxiety condition and you know making me assured it's okay everyone just treats it as one big joke and overlooks the fact I'm genuinely getting freaked the fuck out even being home during the day at the moment. 

I've gone from seriously feeling so good about a new job and being settled at home and gearing up for Christmas and New Year to literally having to talk myself out of quitting after three days because the work is just too much for me, essentially telling my mother I don't want to stay at hers anymore and having to really fight the urge to go back to a really dark place because I have absolutely no way of fighting all the negativity in my brain. It doesn't help I don't have a safe space I can go and feel calm since coming back either. 

Edited by Shy Dad
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Hey @Shy Dad, I've been in quite a few jobs where I've had absolutely no idea what I'm doing for a good few weeks, but then everything just clicks into place and it becomes a walk in the park. I know your anxiety probably makes it difficult to see that right now, but it'll happen. Also keep in mind that you wouldn't be letting anybody down or inconveniencing anyone if you ask your manager for more help where needed.

Shoot me a PM if you ever want a chat.

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@Shy Dad

Sorry you're going through the wringer a bit at the moment, but it'll get better, certainly where work is concerned. No company employs someone expecting them to know everything straight away, and it's far better that you are asking questions than ignoring their advice or instructions. It takes some time for things to click when learning new skills, so while I know it's easier said than done, you should try not to worry about feeling overwhelmed by a new job, especially one where you have to deal with the public and learn on the job.  You'll likely make mistakes, but they'll be allowing for that as you're new and still learning, and I'm sure your colleagues will have gone through something similar when they started. 

EDIT - What @Slapnut said, far more eloquently than I!

Edited by mim731
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@Shy Dad Try and remember that everyone at your place of work was in your position at one point, they will help you through the difficulty based upon their experience.  They are there to guide and teach you, and to be honest, if you picked up all there is to know about your role in a few hours, imagine how boring that job will be!

Soon, you'll be the one teaching the new guy, and you'll remember how you felt and that's why you'll be great at leading and teaching them.  You've come a long way, allow yourself a moment to be proud.

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@Shy Dad Impostor Syndrome is very real. Everyone experiences it.

I'm going through it at the moment. There's been a restructure and I have a brand new boss and I feel like I've got something to prove, and I think they're going to say "this guy clearly bullshitted his way into this job". I've been doing it three years but I still have that itch at the back of my head that I'll get 'found out'.

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22 hours ago, John Matrix said:

I don't know how many of you follow the wrestling scene on Twitter, if you do, you might be aware of a promotion called Canuck Pro in Canada who announced a load of shows due to be kicking off around now, that were absolutely LOADED with top Britwres guys, ROH names, Penta etc.

Turned out to be a complete farce and they've disappeared off the face of the earth without ever running a single show.  A shame really, as I designed three event posters for them which i'd honestly put up there with some of the best stuff i've ever done.

Anyway, scrolling through Twitter this afternoon I spotted one of my old Canuck posters.  This one to be precise...


Curious as to why someone was posting artwork from a cancelled event as I scrolled back up to take a look at the tweet.  It was only then I noticed something peculiar.  See it wasn't my artwork at all.  Well.  Look, i'm not saying it's deliberate or anything.  Maybe we just both like that colour scheme, and had identical briefs in terms of a moody luchador looming in a stormy sky, I dunno...  Anyway....


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^^^ That's what I saw.  Funny thing is, i've seen other designers lose their shit over similar situations, but i'm genuinely flatterered that anyone deemed my stuff good enough that they'd want to try and copy it.  

Tickled me that has.  


Had a very similar thing when we started doing opening motion graphics and green screen for a few promotions. Within about 2 months there was a lot of people trying to do it, and copying the look, to the point that I was sat at another promotion after renting someone some equipment and their direction to people was 'Just do what you did for the PCW one'

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We once had a web banner - don't think it ever became a poster, sadly - made to look like the opening level of Streets of Rage 2, but with our wrestlers. Not that I had a hand in creating it or anything, but I'd have been over the moon if everyone decided to nick that.

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So last night I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air and really struggling to breath.

This happens a few times as I sometimes suffer from heartburn/indigestion. Usually though it only lasts a few seconds but this time I was struggling for about 20 seconds.

My mom suggested it might be a panic attack as I have been a bit anxious and stressed lately. I am just wondering if anyone has gone through this before and did you go to the doctors about it ?

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