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The Relationship Thread


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With one of my exes, I'm not sure I'm actually really over her, but she's married now, so I'm not going to do anything to fuck that up, as I'm genuinely glad she's happy.


I'd just fancy having a chat with her, as I think she's the best friend I ever had. But not having her number and having been blocked on social media (after I went a bit mental after the break up) I don't think that's going to happen. Life eh?

I'm like that with the one ex who wasnt completely mental. She's happily engaged and has a kid with her fella of about 2 years. We were still quite close until erm I started changing indeed was going to be her daughter's God mum/dad. However she freaked out at change and isnt speaking so that's that. Unless she decides to get in contact again.


In other news, most recent ex decided to speak to me all over Xmas on what's app. Was going well boundaries I set as mates worked and had a laugh and a joke and a catch up, as both seemingly moved on etc.


However, yesterday morning was re deleted and blocked on everything without even a goodbye. I'd spent much of the night helping the homeless of Burnley and Flood victims from Padiham, got in late, woke up yesterday and uber blocked. Strange fruit that one.

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Thought I would wade in on the topic in hand as it is something that I have experience of.


I met a girl at Uni and apart from a couple before her she was my first real girlfriend. We were together for 4 years and it was very much a roller coaster for most of that time. For all the good things that happened there was also a lot of hard times that we went through. When we split up in 2003 I kidded myself that it was a"mutual decision" and for the first 24 hours it was. We both decided it was not working and wanted to move on. The next day, however, I decided I wanted her back but she was not having any of it. To make matters worse we owned a house together and neither of us couple really afford to live alone so even though we were split up we still lived in the same house. Her in "our" bedroom and me in the spare room. This was hell on earth and after a few weeks I could not stand it any more and moved out into a shit rental place in a shitty neighbourhood.


We always said we would be friends so we kept in contact. Looking back, I think I was still pushing for more, and trying to get back with her. I kept making plans with her and she kept cancelling them. I really didn't get the message. She had always wanted to go to NYC so a few months after we broke up me and a mate of mine went to NYC for Wrestlemania 20. I ended up spending the best part of a day going around all the shops for her and buying her stuff I know she would have liked. I had become such a sap. I went to see her when I got back and gave her the presents I bought for her. She was (rightly) quite embarrassed by the whole thing and it was very awkward. A few days later, I got drunk and wrote her a letter (when we started dating we lived miles apart so used to send each other letters, it was quite the romantic thing) which said how much I missed her and how much I wanted her back. A few days later I got a txt message from her and all it said was:


"I have met someone else"


From that point on I decided to delete her number out of my phone and move on. It took me a long time to fully get over her and apart from a few encounters with the opposite sex I remained single for 5 years.


I truly thought my ex was the love of my life. We went through so much together and were each other's "firsts". We truly loved each other and I thought I would spend the rest of my life with her.


These days I am married to my current wife who is more than I could ever wish to have and have been with her for 7 years. Ā I suppose the moral of this story is that time is a great healer. You might not feel like you will ever get over an ex and it might not happen until you find someone else but you will get over them I am sure of it. It might take months, it might take years but eventually you will be able to look back with fondness at the good times and not be so upset by the bad times.


I have not had any contact from my ex since 2003 (12 years ago). I occasionally see things on Facebook via mutual friends about what she is up to but other than that she does not really enter my conciousness. It was a part of my life that was good and bad in equal measure but it made me what I am today.

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I'm still on friendly terms with most of my exes. I don't go out of my way to watchĀ see them or anything, but if I bump into one in town I'll say hello and have a catch up, and there's a couple on Facebook that I'll trade comments with every so often. I just see it as we went out, we don't anymore, that's what people do, no need to be all weird about it.


Every now and again one will get drunk and send me a dribbling message about "old time's sake" and whatnot, but I just play dumb and don't respond to it, and then a week later it reverts back to the same type of conversations I'd have with workmates as if nothing ever happened.


Some have cut all ties with me even though we didn't split on particularly bad terms, and some will talk to me awkwardly as they can't handle the idea of me not finding it weird (or assume that I'm only talking to them because I'm trying to shag them again), but they're a minority.

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Why do you constantly keep in contact with your exes? Cut all contact.

In short though relationship ends if a friendship is possible and break up wasnt messy or mutual then go with that.


They are two separate things and what may not work in a romantic way, can work as a friendship as you know each other inside out, but it's not complicated by relationship pressures.


No desire to get physical etc with any of them again or get back with them etc. Stuff that is good in a friendship, advice etc can remain, depending on the person


Not one for this whole must cease all contact because it's expected bollocks or else you cant move on dealio either, it's all very American.

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I have one ex I stayed reasonably "friends" with and still chat to mostly about the wrestling with, 13 years after we broke up. It's been relatively easy because while she was besotted with me, I honestly was never really that bothered about her from a romantic point of view, even while we were together. That's the reason I ended it, to be honest. I was with her because I thought being with someone was better than nothing instead of someone I was genuinely into (I was 19 and a knob). It wasn't fair on her and wasn't really doing me any favours, just delaying me trying to find someone I adored, so I ended it. It was tough for a couple of months but we reverted to being friends eventually and still are. Aside from dumb occasional drunken fumblings over the first 3 years after the split, we became "just friends" and it seems to have worked out OK. She's married now. Happily, I think.


My other ex, who I was wildly in love with, planned a future with and who cheated on me, I wouldn't piss on if she was on fire. Although she got her stupid face in a catalogue recently and I nearly took one home to wipe my arse with, that might have been cathartic.

Edited by air_raid
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Not one for this whole must cease all contact because it's expected bollocks or else you cant move on dealio either, it's all very American.

It's not going to be the same for everyone though. Some people can't keep contact with an ex and still move on. Especially when they'd been with that person a long time. I don't have figures to back this up of course, but I'd say most breakups aren't a mutual thing. Usually one half of the couple is wanting to make another go of things. So keeping in touch after splitting up is just going to make things more difficult in that respect. I don't think that's exclusive to Americans ;)


I don't have many exes. Not what I'd consider proper exes anyway because I haven't had many long term relationships. If it was a brief thing I never had a problem moving on. But splitting up with my first long term girlfriend was hard to get over. We'd been together going on 8 years from teens-early 20s and we'd been through a lot of shit together. It definitely would've taken me a lot longer to move on if we'd kept in touch after breaking up at the time. Now it's not an issue. We've always had a couple of mutual friends so every now and then we bump into each other. It's not awkward at all now. We've both got on with our lives and had kids and stuff. It's different. But for a while there I made a conscious effort to avoid her after we split. It'll be different for everyone but that was the right call for me.

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Iā€™m still friends with my first ā€˜properā€™ girlfriend who I met when I was 16. Weā€™re not best friends or anything, but still talk. I met her through my step-sister so see her every now and again, but our friendshipā€™s completely platonic. Iā€™ve not bothered to keep in touch with any ex-girlfriends since then, though. It wasnā€™t a conscientious, ā€œWeā€™ve broken up so fuck youā€-type decision, justā€¦ didnā€™t bother keep in touch. Iā€™d say hello in the street still.

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