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Hey, I don't mind this tag tournament if it means we get Gresham and Brookes on the card. As long we still get some top-tier New Japan singles matches, I'll be happy.

Right, today is the day then! Ospreay vs Ibushi II! The last time I thought Will would slow down due to a neck injury, he put on the best match I have ever seen live (vs Matt Riddle, WWN Supershow 2018). Here's to plenty of near-death experiences!

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Current Standings After Night 10

A Block

Kazuchika Okada 10

Kenta 8

Hiroshi Tanahashi 6

Evil 6

Kota Ibushi 6

Lance Archer 4

Will Ospreay 4

Sanada 2

Zack Sabre Jr 2

Bad Luck Fale 2

B Block

Jon Moxley 8

Tomohiro Ishii 6

Juice Robinson 6

Shingo Takagi 4

Taichi 4

Toru Yano 4

Tetsuya Naito 4

Hirooki Goto 4

Jay White 4

Jeff Cobb 4

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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I’ve not seen Night seven yet, but Moxley vs Ishii (Night six) and Ospreay vs. Ibushi (Night five) are my two favourite matches so far. Both were absolutely incredible. Every time I think Ospreay is the best wrestler in the world, Ishii reminds me how fucking good he is. It won’t happen, but I think I’d make those two the winners of their respective blocks, provided Ospreay can complete the tournament without dying.

Also, Lance Archer might be my new favourite big man. He’s having some crackers!

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Iishi is a breath of fresh air. So believably tough. His match with Mox is the best thing Mox could use for his “they held me back” gimmick because it’s arguably his best match ever.

Archer, Yano, Okada, Iishi, White and Ospreay are all impressing me. Naito, Sanada and Taichi aren’t bad but worse than I expected, especially Naito who has done very little. Bad Luck Fale is up there with the worst of them. He’s not even Mabel levels when it comes to big men.

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I've been watching this and that, up to night six.

Ishii, predictably, is MVP of the tournament so far. I was taken aback when I first saw him, he's lost a lot of mass and looks a decade older since I last saw him a few years ago. Little turtle. But as soon as the bell rings the Pitbull still comes to play. Him and Jay White in particular was a blast. He made a New Japan star out of Jon Moxley as well. Moxley would've gotten over anyway but Ishii sealed the deal in that one, his frog splash through the table is the spot of the tournament.

Moxley hasn't disappointed so far. Love that he's adopted the Regal knee. I hope he brings back the crossface chickenwing someday as well. Drop that 'running' clothesline though please, lad.

Osprey's having crackers too obviously. Liked him vs Ibushi. Despite these two daft cunts being determined to die in the ring, there was nothing in this match stupid enough to take me out of it. Osprey's selling(?!?) was fantastic.

Lance Archer's run as the claw wielding, singles babyface has been a surprise highlight. All his matches have been decent to really good and it's always cool to see the change in dynamic the big guys bring. 

Juice Robinson's punches rule.

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Ibushi vs Ospreay and Mox vs Ishii fucking slapped. Best matches of the tourney so far. I popped huge for Ishii's big splash and him kicking out of the Death Rider. Really hope he makes it to the final, he deserves it. Oh, and Okada vs Ospreay was wild. What a banger!

On the flip side, SANADA got his shortcomings exposed by Ibushi again. Those two really shouldn't face off, something about the combo flusters SANADA. The likes of Naito, Goto and White aren't doing much for me either. Naito in particularly looks like he doesn't care anymore. And Fale is just depressing to look at.

To end on a positive, Archer has been a damn revelation! Who knew that he'd be more over than Tanahashi at Korakuen Hall?

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This is the first G1 I've followed and I'm having a blast! Love the concept - its like a PPV every few days...but glad I took the advice to skip the tags...

As above, Ishii / Moxley, Ospreay / Ibushi are highlights for me....but also loved Ospreay / Archer, Tanahashi / Okada, Cobb / Ishii.

Yet to watch night 7.

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Anyone else not 'get' the KENTA hype? He was brilliant in NOAH but was the shits in WWE and doesn't' seem half as interested in the G1 as I had hoped for. Don't buy him as a credible NJPW guy moving forward. Moxley is again fine but nothing wow.


Ishii as others have said is the greatest this year.

I loved...

Moxley vs Ishii

Ibushi vs Ospreay

Ospreay vs Archer

Tanahashi vs Okada

Okada vs Ospreay

Ishii vs Cobb

Ishii vs White

Edited by Michael_3165
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This is my first proper attempt at following the tournament as it happens, normally I’d find a best matches list and watch those and then catch the final, but I’m enjoying it for the most part. Thank you to whoever it was that recommend skipping the tag matches. I watched them on the first night, but if I’d stick with subsequently I doubt I’d have had the time or the stamina. I’m not watching every match, but I am watching most of them. A Block is much better than B Block on the whole.

As far as KENTA goes, he’s been ok. Without sounding like I’m laying the blame at his feet, his WWE run was a disaster. He looks in much better shape here than when I last saw him on the Royal Rumble preshow. His match with Ibushi was a bit too chop-kicky for my liking, but it wasn’t bad. The Tanahashi match was as good as it could’ve been considering how broken Tanahashi is, whose even in the last year has slowed down noticeably. They have done a good job protecting the GTS as a finish though

Im suprised they haven’t had Jay White win one yet, considering that he was IWGP Champion a little over 3 months ago.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Somehow, Okaka vs. Ospreay was even better than I expected. Incredible. That final sequence with all the counters was unbelievable. Ospreay's the best. Imagine being Seth Rollins watching this G1. How embarrassing.

Edited by Supremo
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I remember watching the show that announced the G1 competitors and blocks and thinking why the fuck Archer was in there and not Suzuki, 

He’s proved me wrong big time, Korakuen cheering him on over Tanahashi would have been mind blowing to think 3 months ago.

Hopefully Okada will beat Kenta in the next A Block match as I can’t be having Kenta winning the Block, I haven’t been a fan at all, he was getting booed at Korakuen and the pro in him was playing up to it so fair play to him for that. 

Ishii/Moxley was great maybe the best Moxley match I’ve ever seen.

Okada/Ospreay was great, that chop Ospreay delivered was so loud and by the 15 minute mark I was rooting for Ospreay to win.

Toru Yano has been a joy to watch as always. 

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I haven't been watching whilst I've been away, plan on catching up in the next few days though. Have been keeping up with the standings and results though.

I think Okada drops defeats to both KENTA and Ibushi, and draws with SANADA (playing up the whole story of SANADA coming closer and closer to beating Okada that's been underlying throughout their matches) which keeps him out of the finals and sets up two big main events for King of Pro Wrestling and Power Struggle respectively. If they want to maintain the tradition of Power Struggle being headlined by the Intercontinental, perhaps even one of those two takes the main event of Royal Quest instead. Then again, I can see them working in a defence against White before Wrestle Kingdom as well. 

It looks like my prediction of a Naito/ZSJ final is down the shitter. Haven't heard many good things about Naito's performances so far either. Him and Ishii are always tremendous value though, hopefully that'll give him the kick up the arse he's after.

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