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The Health and Fitness Thread


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My old man had a fairly serious heart attack on Sunday night. He's only 52. Scary stuff of course but he's doing okay. Just as well he was at home with my mam as he drives for a living. If he'd been out on the road by himself, he'd be brown bread. Had a stent put in and is back home back to his usual self.

Called me earlier and told me to get booked into the doctor to get myself checked as he found out it's hereditary, so I've got that to look forward to. So that's nice.

Edited by Wretch
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I signed up to my first 10k yesterday with the money I raise going to Velindre. I’m absolutely bricking it, but considering this time last year I couldn’t run a minute without blowing up, and now I do a 5k every Saturday, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Edited by Slapnut
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I get a nagging feeling that after the best part of 40 years' bad eating the ole diabetes is catching up with me. Going to try and get into my doctor's next time I've got a week of early shifts. I'm pretty sure I can manage it through not eating and drinking as much sugary crap as I usually do. Squash with sparkling water instead of pop and the likes. 

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I know there's a lot of people that take great offence to the idea of sparkling water as a drink, but any chance you could downgrade to just sparkling water? It takes a bit of getting used to, but it gives you the burn of a fizzy drink without all the sugar/shite. 

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In terms of fizzy drinks, I can only drink Coke Zero or Pepsi Max these days. I turned to them when losing weight and can’t tolerate sugary drinks at all now. The issue is, I’m really addicted to them. It’s the main thing I need to sort out this year. I’ve managed to knock smoking (5 years) and booze (1.5 years) on the head, but Zero & Max are much harder. 

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I can't get enough of Pepsi Max, especially the one with the ginger. Caffeine is horrendously addictive.

I think a lot of the fizzy drinks is because I like the burn of the bubbles. 

Well done with getting shut of the booze and fags, Kaz.

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Pretend you're a grown up and drink water. You won't like it. Nobody likes it. Like work, paying tax, living with someone else and kids half the time!

I usually drink water at work.  I don't mind it. Unless it's sparkling water. 

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15 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

Sadly ours stopped stocking it after the mass shortage last year. Amazon Pantry had bottles listed for £50 each back then, I kid you not.

Ah the great Rose's shortage of 2019. Dark times. 

Tesco deliver it to me just fine now. 

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