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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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10 hours ago, garynysmon said:


The WWE is in such a fortunate position in that regard. People say that TNA have been given an X amount of chances, but fuck me, these WWE lads couldn't lose fans even if they tried.

That's mental. Lower ratings than 95 when they were recording in front of high school gyms because nobody was coming to the shows, when you had squash matches and then if you were lucky, Bret or Shawn vs a JTTS.

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8 hours ago, hallicks said:

I dunno, Raw just did it's all time low viewership number a couple of weeks ago. 

This, I meant.

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It's a decent headline but Raw in 1995 took place in high school gyms frull of kids whose detention forced them to watch and civic centres in towns too small to map. There are more people in the crowd each week now than knew the WWF still existed in 1995. A few million people each week check them out on social media too. Compared to the readership of WWF Magazine in 1995 which sold less copies than Adam Bowler's memoir.

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8 hours ago, Briefcase said:

I think the only way they can save this is to have Brock go full on heel on Roman (think Brock vs Orton) to the point where the match is stopped, the fans will probably not like the ending (or the fact the match has no clear winner) then bring out Braun to cash in on the title. That way Roman doesn't really lose, Brock gets caught off guard whilst giving Roman a beating and the fans go home happy. 

In the shithouse booking of Roman Reigns over the last three years, this would be the big shiny cherry that sits on top. They should go full pelt and change his entrance to "Why Can't We Be Friends" while they're at it.

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WWE have made a rod for their own back. Yes, a section of the fanbase is predisposed to malignant shitarsery. But they've driven off all the casual fans with dire creative, no stars, 3 hour death raws, etc etc. 

I don't buy this "it doesn't matter" because of the TV rights schtick either. Raw's sliding gradually towards 2 million viewers. USA is only paying through the nose for Raw to keep its average up. It can't go on forever.

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No matter how much sense it would make, I just can't see them turning Roman heel - on the basis that they have so many opportunities to do so, and haven't.


It's pretty much a replica of the situation we saw with Cena for years, and that never happened despite it making "storyline" sense on more than one occasion - albeit nowhere near as much as it would with Roman.


But I just feel that they would have done it by now if they were going to, and they'll probably go for sympathy with him losing it to a cash in after winning, or use him to protect Lesnar by taking the fall in a three-way, and then have him chase Braun through to WM.


Edit - in fact, you can see it now, that he loses a "final" title shot, due to something screwy, then wins the Rumble to main event WM!  Nailed on IMO!

Edited by FourtyTwo
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4 hours ago, FourtyTwo said:

No matter how much sense it would make, I just can't see them turning Roman heel - on the basis that they have so many opportunities to do so, and haven't.


It's pretty much a replica of the situation we saw with Cena for years, and that never happened despite it making "storyline" sense on more than one occasion - albeit nowhere near as much as it would with Roman.


But I just feel that they would have done it by now if they were going to, and they'll probably go for sympathy with him losing it to a cash in after winning, or use him to protect Lesnar by taking the fall in a three-way, and then have him chase Braun through to WM.


Edit - in fact, you can see it now, that he loses a "final" title shot, due to something screwy, then wins the Rumble to main event WM!  Nailed on IMO!

I have complete faith they'll eventually turning him heel, except in true WWE fashion they'll do it at the most predictable moment possible and nobody will end up caring because they can't time these things for shit. They'll want to give him his 400th crowning moment first though. 

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WWE postedd this on their Instagram to promote tonight’s Raw. Super cool. I’d never considered it before but now I’m dying for Brock and Ronda to interact. Even if it’s just a tiny backstage thing where they give each other a nod in passing or something. I think that’d be ace. 


Edited by Supremo
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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

WWE postedd this on their Instagram to promote tonight’s Raw. Super cool. I’d never considered it before but now I’m dying for Brock and Ronda to interact. Even if it’s just a tiny backstage thing where they give each other a nod in passing or something. I think that’d be ace. 


Imagine the fun if Brock was full time though. I'd have far more interest in Brock & Bliss vs Roman & Ronda on the go-home Raw for SummerSlam than for SummerSlam itself.

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They went hard on making Lesnar the heel. The backstage segments with Heyman on the sofa were as subtle as a sledgehammer. They should have brought back GTV.

Bland show otherwise. Nowhere near as interesting or fun as Smackdown. Strowman chasing Owens was alright, Reigns knocking out Corbin was good, otherwise it's just overly long match after overly long match.

And Ronda getting thrown around by ... Alicia Fox. Jesus wept.

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The Boss and Hug Connection? Urgh. 

Fuck it, just call them Boss Hug, give them the General Lee to ride to the ring for an entrance. Job done.

If it's got to be dumb, you might as well go all in on it, couldn't be much worse.

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I don’t think they even consider how stupid they make themselves look when they have Brock act like this.  The desperation to make him a heel is coming at the cost of making their company look like a less attractive place to be. I mean,  Brock is happy to walk into a UFC octagon while not under contract with them yet doesn’t want to go out to the ring whilst in WWE’s employ?  Doesn’t that at the very least make them look a bit shit ?

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I enjoyed all the Brock stuff. After two years of mostly rubbish it appears they may finally be getting this one right. A pity that they've killed any enthusiasm I may have had for Roman finally overcoming Brock.

My heart skipped a beat when Brock picked Angle up. Poor bugger.

Fox battering Rousey won't matter if Rousey destroys her next week. Watch them have a match the equivalent of Kurt Angle v Matt Morgan.

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A night of polar opposites on the booking front. Thought they took a fun new direction with Brock as a character - it’s one thing for other superstars to cut promos on him calling him selfish, he doesn't care etc,, but this was the first time I can remember them portraying him like that on screen. Even if they can’t physically get to the arena between now and Summerslam, it’s a good new direction of character for Brock. Heyman and Angle both played their roles to perfection as part of the presentation as well - Heyman played it perfectly in terms of the awkward position he was put in, while Angle’s passionate promo in the ring about what a champion does was his most convincing mic work since he’s been in the role. Probably not an ideal scenario for them, but what makes it fun is that there’s a massive element of truth about it, and after all wrestling is about blurring the lines between reality and fiction. 

As for Rousey…I’ve gone back and forth a couple of times on here in spirited debates about how they’ve presented her. I didn’t mind the stuff with Stephanie so much as I still think they gave her more than most with that feud, I didn’t even mind too much her getting screwed out of the women’s title in the Money in the Bank scenario. But I draw the fucking line at fucking ALICIA FOX being able to take her out repeatedly. She’s done precisely fuck all of note for over a decade and now we’re supposed to believe that even with the various distractions etc that she can go toe to toe with Rousey, throwing her into barricades and shit? Fuck off. There are many different ways they could’ve set that match up. If Rousey doesn’t beat her and snap her arm in seconds next week then they are complete and utter simpletons. 

The Strowman booking was shit too. I know they booked it to highlight one of the different ways Owens could potentially steal the briefcase, but that can still be achieved without making him look like a pillock. If you’re going to book him to lose the decision, he at least needs to get some heat back on Jinder or Owens post-match, and he didn’t get either, having to stand there roaring and posing after he’s just been made to look like a total pleb. 

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