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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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That's enough of the switches right there. I think Sasha should've lost and taken a back seat until post mania where she takes the heel role against bailey but I guess it's happening before with perhaps a brewing Dana vs charlotte sub feud.


So Roman has the title shot at roadblock. Has it escaped me what's going on at the Rumble with the belt?

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That Heyman segment is superb. Basically going with all the cool character development ideas he outlined for Cena on Austin's podcast following his squash loss to Lesnar in 2014, but which never saw the light of day. Lesnar as wounded animal is about the most interesting thing they could do at this point. This angle could be one for the ages by the time it's over.


The five o'clock shadown and bloodshot eyes could've looked hokey but actually looked really natural. Excellent angle.


Totally. The tears and unshaven look were a bit hokey but it added to it. It's wrestling after all. If they keep this standard up through the Royal Rumble and into Wrestlemania then it'll be the best angle they've done in years.

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I would have preferred Charlotte go the distance as champion until 'Mania for Bayley to step in and take it. Sasha as champ is "ok", but unless they do have another match where "loser doesn't get a rematch" or something like that, I'm not really into these title switches.


For me it's almost pre-determined that Charlotte regains the title on a PPV between now and Mania, preserving Charlotte's "unbeaten on PPV" schtick, and wrestles and loses to Bayley at Mania, assuming Bayley has to beat Dana and possibly Nia in between to prove she deserves a crack. That Sasha's third reign could end up being her being Bayley's fluffer upsets me greatly, but then if they'd intended her to be the figurehead of the division as a babyface, she would have won at Mania, SummerSlam or most poignantly, Hell In A Cell. She didn't.

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I would have preferred Charlotte go the distance as champion until 'Mania for Bayley to step in and take it. Sasha as champ is "ok", but unless they do have another match where "loser doesn't get a rematch" or something like that, I'm not really into these title switches.


For me it's almost pre-determined that Charlotte regains the title on a PPV between now and Mania, preserving Charlotte's "unbeaten on PPV" schtick, and wrestles and loses to Bayley at Mania, assuming Bayley has to beat Dana and possibly Nia in between to prove she deserves a crack. That Sasha's third reign could end up being her being Bayley's fluffer upsets me greatly, but then if they'd intended her to be the figurehead of the division as a babyface, she would have won at Mania, SummerSlam or most poignantly, Hell In A Cell. She didn't.


To be honest, thats fine, but why does Sasha have to win it all? I'd have had Charlotte retain last night, a rematch on the PPV (Loser doeskin get a rematch etc), which then takes you into WM season, for Charlotte to run through who-ever, leading to Bayley getting it back at WM?


I'm just not down for all these title changes, that involves Mick Foley chubbing one out over his women being in the main event

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There was a guy in the front row with a pinko commie shirt, that was my highlight of the night.


Surprised to see no love for the bar scene, it wasn't perfect but it's great to see skits outside of the hallway or that makeshift GM office. I just hope the guys start teaming in proper matching gear and the stripper pants are left behind.

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I thought the tears were silly, but stubble was great. The loss hurt him so much he's been on a week long bender, drinking and smoking crack in alleyways.


I think Heyman has been shite for years, but he earned his money that night. So simple too. Brock is embarrassed, has something to prove and is pissed, so plans to fuck up Goldberg at the Rumble. Can Goldberg take a big beating? Would they put Brock in a losing position again? Will Goldberg's rumble entrance reaction give me goosebumps? (yes)


The Rumble has been relegated to watching the repeat the next day for me over the last 4/5 years, nothing will be worth messing up my sleep pattern for the week over. However I will now definitely be watching live this year. I actually care. Thank you! 

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Heyman's interview is the best thing he's done in years.


This angle continues to be head and shoulders above everything else they're doing. In a company where everyone and everything is mishandled for years on end, somehow they continue to do Brock vs. Goldberg perfectly. I can't wait for the Royal Rumble now.


I wonder, are idiots still of the opinion that what they did at Survivor Series was bad? Or has the penny dropped for everyone now?

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I thought Raw was fun this week. It felt like they were trying to change things up a bit and not follow the usual formula.


Jericho getting attacked in the car park, the fight in the bar, Foley and Zayn in the ring at the other side of the commercial break, Heyman's sit down interview, no Stephanie McMahon, the main event going all over the arena.


It felt like things were more occuring more naturally and that the segments had a bit of variety. Much better than the normal backstage office area where everyone stands in awkward spots, in front of various advertising posters in the

non-office "office" that everyone comes and goes from. More of this please.


Heyman's promo was great. Rich Swann's wasn't, but they let him try at least.


Even Mick Foley's average mic work days are long past him now at this point. I like that Sami Zayn is having some focus at the minute.


Skipped the New Day talking so I don't know what they were at thankfully. Tony Nese and Cedric Alexander was there probably to set up a tag match tomorrow night but I couldn't have been less interested.


Reigns and Owens should have a good main event at - Roadblock:End Of The Line!


Seriously, who thought of that idea to use the full name constantly?

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That bar scene could have been great had it been more raw. They should be thinking more the movie Nightcrawler than some slick 17 camera shoot that felt so contrived. Have a "fan" record a scuffle on his phone and do it that way, hell tmz or some divvy gossip site might pick up on it and think its real and that sheamus and cesaro are going round town whacking people. May get a bit of buzz. But no, it ended up like something out of a shite film that my local petrol station has.

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I thought Raw was fun this week. It felt like they were trying to change things up a bit and not follow the usual formula.


Even Mick Foley's average mic work days are long past him now at this point. I like that Sami Zayn is having some focus at the minute.


Reigns and Owens should have a good main event at - Roadblock:End Of The Line!


Seriously, who thought of that idea to use the full name constantly?


Loved Raw also. For as much shit as creative is given, I'll always give them credit when they put in an effort. Production was weird on the bar scene, but I'm willing to overlook it because... there was a bar scene.


Heyman was great in his segment. Unfortunately, these days Foley seems to think that shouting is the only way to CONVEY EMOTION!


The PPV name is only the way it is because it's the second Roadblock of 2016. Which begs the question, why does WWE use the same PPV name twice in one year when they have so many trademarked, but there you go. 

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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