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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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A bunch of different sites went through the lineage a few weeks ago to figure out who was rightful heir to the Iron Throne, when the -- unlikely -- question was raised of what would happen if Tommen died. Cersei was the legitimate heir, but once she goes, in terms of non-Dany characters kicking around that side of the Narrow Sea, I have no idea. You'd probably have to go way back in the family trees and end up on some Lannister we've never seen called Ian or something.


That got debunked though didn't it? It was based *entirely* on a Baratheon family tree off the official ASOIAF Wiki that ended up getting deleted for not being canon. The one that's up there now only goes as far back as Robert, Stannis and Renly's Granddad (who married a Targaryen and gave them their claim to the Throne).


Surely Jaime has to be Cersei's heir? It was one thing when he was in the King's Guard, but Tommen sacked him, so now he's free and clear to take the Throne if Cersei croaks. Kevan (Lancel's Dad) was standing next to Mace Tyrell when the Sept blew up so, aye, there's no known Lannisters left after that.


Night's Watch could do with a bloke like him as Lord Commander. Tyrion's influence prevents his brother being executed if he takes the black - like Ned should have been allowed to do - and Jaime goes full face as he goes up against the Walkers, only to die heroically. Possibly after Bran pushes him off the Wall as revenge.


Probably not that last sentence. But this scenario could invite a Jaime/Bran meeting, which would be interesting after all this time.


i dunno. That seems a bit too neat. I think I'd rather see Tyrion have to make the tough choice between betraying the Queen he swore to obey, in order to save the brother he loves, who is trying to protect the sister he despises. Plus do you really punish a guy for breaking an oath by making him swear another oath?


Speaking of the Night's Watch, it still annoys me how nobody in the North is even questioning Jon's resurrection. If I was a Ranger, I'd be coming back and going "Sorry, lads. I got killed out there. Some Wizard bloke brought me back to life and disappeared. I guess that's my vows fulfilled. Best of luck with the White Walkers and that"

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I wouldn't want that at all. A film, or film trilogy based on Robert's Rebellion or Aegon's Conquest however, that would be pretty fucking sweet. Or even a spin-off mini series.

I'm predicting we will see Roberts rebellion played out through flashbacks in the next 2 seasons.Dunk and Egg series has to be a sure thing


On the subject of the High Sparrow, is the faith now all but extinct?

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Saw this on 9GAG - not sure why shed be going to the Iron Islands though. The most logical explanation for Varys's apparent time travel would be that he was sent back with the pictured Martell and Tyrell ships.



Edited by herbie747
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