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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I liked Drive but Refn has basically taken all the worst elements from it and made it into two terrible films since. It's a shame, really, his Danish films are excellent - all three of the Pusher films are superb especially. Don't know what happened to that guy.

Yeah. I've not seen his Danish films yet. I watched the Neon Demon and I liked it as a piece of "art" but the story was a bit poo. He's a talented guy, though. I mean, he's a director I'll keep my eye on, simply because he's making films that other people don't. David Lynch is the only other person I'd say that about. 

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8 hours ago, Rascall Flatts said:

How so? Because you think the character is a mongo. Fine. I love the soundtrack and Gosling gets my dick hard. He's so cool in that film. I'm going to watch it again today just to spite you.

No, you weird returner. Because the sentence you posted made no sense.

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The Autopsy Of Jane Doe.

When you have a film that is set in one location and has just two people for 90% of the time, it can be a recipe for disaster.  When Brian Cox is one of those people, you have a fighting chance, and when the bloke who made Trollhunter is directing, you're in good hands. Really good claustrophobic horror/thriller and comes in at about the 90 minute mark.

5 New Labours bopping to D:Ream out of 7 from Kool Keith.

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Finally got round to watching Mad Max: Fury Road. What a great film! I thought it'd be a blast anyway, but it was absolutely fantastic. Tom Hardy was solid as Max, but Charlize Theron stole the show here for me. Hell, even the lad from Skins whose face annoys me was good in his role. But yeah, great to see a remake/reboot that wasn't bland or forgettable like the majority of them are.

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I've seen a couple of films on telly over the Christmas break, ITV4 and Spike were a fucking goldmine in particular during late nights freelancing, with Total Recall, Demolition Man, Predator and the Expendables trilogy basically repeated on a loop come 10pm most nights.

But two films stood out to me in particular to the extent I ended up zoning out from work to watch - not because they are all time greats or anything, but because they were so remarkably different to how I perceived them based on the way the films were marketed.

First was East is East, which is what, 18 years old now?  Whenever i've seen trailers for it, or heard admittedly predominantly white opinions, it's all been Bollywood music, thick accents, 'baaastad' and 'lol, Jim Branning says pakis'.

My eyes rolled as it opened with a typically flamboyant depiction of a wedding, thinking here we go, but fortunately I was too bone idol to pick up the remote and was shocked therefore to discover that it is in fact a pretty dark drama for the most part, albeit one which does a wonderful job of including enough comedic moments to avoid spiralling into something utterly miserable. 

Thoroughly enjoyed it, and that's notable, because whilst i would've and indeed have avoided the film I thought it was like the plague all these years, I likely would have done so regardless given my utter lack of understanding of the subject matter, I think the fact it caught me so utterly off guard made we want to see how it played out and i'm thoroughly glad I did.

The second was Kingsman, now again, i'm going mainly by the trailers I saw for this which whilst showing some glimpses of action were more notable for a bloke in a tracksuit shouting 'SICK, BRUV' and suchlike.  Now, admittedly, i'm equally guilty here of dismissing a film in which a well spoken Colin Firth appears to lead the action, but none the less, my lasting impression of this was of some sort of fish out of water, chav plays Bond and I guess, to a degree, it is.

However, from the moment a man was quite literally split in half after administering a number of very graphic head shots, it was clear there was a bit more going on here and by modern standards, I thought the action was captured really, really well.  A few moments of over the top bollocks I could do without, but otherwise great choreography with some absolutely brutal payoffs and a couple of genuine surprises.  

I was quite taken aback by this, the degree of violence and language really surprised me - again, a marketing thing probably.  I don't know what certificate it was on release, probably just a 15 right? but I honestly thought this was going to be some low level, teen friendly Bulletproof Monk style adventure romp.  I gather theres a sequel out?  I'll be actively pursuing that and I can't say thats been a thing for a while.  Good fun.

Edited by John Matrix
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45 minutes ago, John Matrix said:

 Kingsman, I gather theres a sequel out?  I'll be actively pursuing that and I can't say thats been a thing for a while.  Good fun.

Kingsman - The Golden Circle, is a hot mess. For me not a patch on the first. Still had some good sequences in it, but also a lot of crap filler and nonsense in it as well. Lower that expectation and you will probably enjoy it more.

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10 minutes ago, Nick Soapdish said:

Kingsman - The Golden Circle, is a hot mess. For me not a patch on the first. Still had some good sequences in it, but also a lot of crap filler and nonsense in it as well. Lower that expectation and you will probably enjoy it more.

Ah, that's disappointing to hear, although inevitable these days I guess. 

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6 minutes ago, John Matrix said:

Ah, that's disappointing to hear, although inevitable these days I guess. 

I really liked the original for what it was. The trailers really didn't know how to sell it and I had no interest in seeing it and the ott violence really worked. 

I watched the sequel last week and it is a massive mis-step. Charmless and all over the show 

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@John Matrix Glad you liked East Is East, for me a top 5 British film of all time.

Bit of context needed, I have two sisters who have a different Dad to me, but we all have the same Mum. Their Dad is Indian, and my Dad raised them like his own when their Dad left. Still with me? Anyway, growing up on a council estate, even one as multi cultural as mine was, the usual derogatory terms were aimed at my sisters, and me, on a daily basis. It was tough to deal with, and I saw my sisters encounter the same things that the Khan kids go through (rejecting their heritage; wanting to be wholly British like their mates, and me I guess; taking the piss and calling each other the p word), so the film resonates quite a lot.

So when I saw this film with my Dad and sister at the cinema, we all sat there and cried our eyes out at certain scenes. Even though there is a load of comedy in the film, actually more pathos, some of it is really, really dark. I think Linda Bassett delivers an all time great performance.

I've never watched West Is West. Is it any good does anyone know?

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I watched Sisters on Netflix last night. It was pretty solid! Nothing special, but it did make me laugh and passed the time. I like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler but I thought this film would be a bit shit from the trailer, so I was glad it wasn't.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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7 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I watched Sisters on Netflix last night. It was pretty solid! Nothing special, but it did make me laugh and passed the time. I like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler but I thought this film would be a bit shit from the trailer, so I was glad it wasn't.

Been avoiding this due to the arforementioned shit trailer, but I’ll give it a go now.

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