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The twitter rumour currently is that Dixie is selling the library to WWE (and probably the TNA name since they might need that for the copyright reasons of showing the footage) and selling the company (i.e. the Challenge deal, the India deal, Pop TV and the wrestlers contracts etc) to Corgan. So there may not be a TNA anymore, but there will still be a company. Which for me is the best deal possible, because Corgan can start up hopefully without the TNA stink and WWE gets what they want.


Dont know how true it is, but enough people are buying it to think there's something to it.

Do WWE or Corgan then end up with the massive debts that TNA owe?

Also, how little are WWE paying for the video library? Whatever small change Vince finds in his trouser pocket?

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By Wade Keller, PWTorch


WrestleZone published a story today, crediting their writer Justin LaBar, that TNA’s tape library had been sold to WWE and that Billy Corgan would be continuing on with a rebranded version of Impact Wrestling.


TNA’s longest-running employee Bob Ryder pushed back strong against the report, stating: “Guess again ‘reliable sources.'”


PWTorch has heard from a source plugged into negotiations that the report is “insane.” The scenario is something that several have speculated about, including Jim Ross on his podcast this week. However, it was just one of several scenarios thrown out there as possible directions this story could go.


There are definitely different parties jostling for control of TNA, with Dixie Carter and Billy Corgan at odds, with other parties in the mix. It’s very possible that some stories are being leaked to try to affect negotiations. That was a criticism of the sourcing of the New York Post story last week on TNA’s ownership situation – that some of the info was provided to try to steer ongoing talks.


Read more at http://www.pwtorch.com/site/2016/10/05/tna-ownership-update-pushback-high-profile-report-tna-library-sold-wwe-wkellers-analysis/#PJpScW8MrFZxWr55.99



I suppose it's still a possible outcome, but it really did sound like a fantasy booking scenario, like something someone would start an EWR save out of.

Edited by Benno
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Assuming a company as poorly run as TNA have the shows saved somewhere.

I like the idea of WWE working through a tatty box of unmarked tapes and finding the unbreakable 3 way cutting out halfway through as Dixie taped over it with a half episode of Inspector Morse and MOTD highlights.

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Selling the tape library to WWE, and then the rest of the company to Corgan, sounds exactly like something Dixie would do. A complete mark for WWE until the bitter end, I suspect she'd view getting TNA programming onto the Network as some weird type of success. "They said we'd die in a month, but now look at us! We'll live forever on the WWE Network!"

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I just watched Cody Rhodes' debut on Youtube. It's really really bad. His entrance theme is embarrassingly bad and sounds like something Justin Bieber would have brought out before his balls dropped.


They can't seem to call him by his full name because WWE, so it seems his ring name is just 'Cody'.


He gets in the ring and Maria (who is absolutely smoking hot) gets in his face and tells him to fuck off back to WWE, as if that's a demotion. Maria slaps his wife, and the two get into a 5 second long grapple of sorts, while one of them is clearly saying to the other "ready? Ok, now!". His wife then knees Maria in the head and everyone starts fighting. I lost interest at this point.


I was never really a big fan of his, but what the fuck was he thinking signing with TNA?

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Why don't they just call him Cody Runnels? His Brother was called Dustin Runnels after he ditched the TAFKA Goldust during the Attitude Era.

Brandi Rhodes is quite hot, so she should make a decent valet, as long is she doesn't jump in the ring too much.


Cody signed with TNA because they pay him, he can still do ROH and almost every other Indy, it's quite a sweet deal if you can manage it, in fact he will be earning a lot more than the WWE undercard for maybe half the work.


James Storm can be great with the right storyline, I haven't read what this but he's been great several times.

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I watched a podcast (rare thing for me) recently where Cody said that if he couldn't get WWE to let him use Rhodes, he'd just go by his first name. He says he's never used Runnels in his personal life so would find it stupid to adopt it in wrestling.


This was before signing with TNA, but when asked whether he'd go there he brought up his famous list of opponents he wanted to wrestle when he left WWE, and said he'd go wherever was necessary to make those matches happen. One of the guys (I forget who) is in TNA.

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From the TNA library.



Looks like something from my VHS shelf. Good arrows!


..but I would have a "*" asterix somewhere to indicate if a TVX \ Adult Channel Freeview was on there. Codes all the way.

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