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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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I remember Hacksaw doing a Q&A thing with Kevin Gill hosting it. Must have been a ICP thing, because there was a load of their fans knocking about. Anyway, one bloke got up and asked this dreadfully long question about "have you heard of Juggalo Island? If there is a Juggalo Island, and all us Juggalos went a lived there, would you come and be our first celebrity guest on the island" and Duggan asked with "always happy for another booking, brother." The lack of shit given in the answer made me love him forever.

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I love that the arms of Duggan's glasses are miles above his ears. They look way too small for his massive head, like they're squeezing his skull and could snap off at any second.


Have we had a pro wrestler's weird fashion thread? Bumbags galore!

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