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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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Sometimes have to do nights but only the odd day usually if there is sickness. I don't mind it personally as a one off type thing, I am the only person on site, no phones ringing, no team members in my ear. It's quite nice. I usually do more work without these distractions.

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Has anyone experienced this new phenomena of advertising an offering jobs before they are ready. A few years back, my wife was offered a job with Apple but told they would let her know when a role was ready for her. With myself, been offered a train drivers job in December, but I am still waiting for a training start date (I know someone who joined last year was waiting 9 months for his training start date). Just give me back the old days of offering a job when it is available and not thinking of it in advance.

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1 hour ago, gmoney said:

In my current job we have to do do nights twice a year a week at a time. It's an office based thing, so you're sitting in a comfy chair all night and you can watch Netflix/WWE network or whatever. Once the small amount of work is done, you're just reacting to whatever comes in, which is hopefully nothing. I almost actively enjoy these to be honest.

That's pretty much the current set up. Do all the tickets by midnight and swat away the replies as they float back in, WWE Network on the second screen. It's honestly terrific when you're in there, it's the time off just never takes off from the ground. Even when it feels healthy I never have quite the same energy to go out as I would ordinarily.  

There's a few mentalists with us who it works out very, very well for. The kind of solo cats who'd go out nearly every night on the sauce, ordinarily, but are forced into a 4 night lockdown, so it's quite healthy for them!

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Has anyone experienced this new phenomena of advertising an offering jobs before they are ready. A few years back, my wife was offered a job with Apple but told they would let her know when a role was ready for her. With myself, been offered a train drivers job in December, but I am still waiting for a training start date (I know someone who joined last year was waiting 9 months for his training start date). Just give me back the old days of offering a job when it is available and not thinking of it in advance.

My industry has a lot of verbal agreements between "friends" and many jobs have unofficial job interviews and often never come into fruition. I kind of feel like companies use it to keep people who plan on leaving for a bit longer. They will take on the responsibility to get this job in 6 months, boom job does not exist due to organisational reconstruction.

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7 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

The stars aligned, I glad handed, begged, stole and borrowed... As of three weeks I have my own pub.


In Sunny Rhyl.

Get in mate, nice one.

I was in the middle of contract negotiations to take over one up here (Newcastle). The owners were bang up for it.... but decide to sell the plot to a secret bloody buyer the night before, in some fucked up swap/trade. I’m a bit fragile to tell you the truth. It had been on the cards for me to take over for the past year.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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11 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

The stars aligned, I glad handed, begged, stole and borrowed... As of three weeks I have my own pub.


In Sunny Rhyl.

Once you've settled in, I'll pop over and props the bar up with a cranberry juice.

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15 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

Get in mate, nice one.

I was in the middle of contract negotiations to take over one up here (Newcastle). The owners were bang up for it.... but decide to sell the plot to a secret bloody buyer the night before, in some fucked up swap/trade. I’m a bit fragile to tell you the truth. It had been on the cards for me to take over for the past year.


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On 7/13/2018 at 3:53 AM, PowerButchi said:

The stars aligned, I glad handed, begged, stole and borrowed... As of three weeks I have my own pub.


In Sunny Rhyl.

If your place does food I hope the menu will consist entirely of tinned goods and Fray Bentos pies.

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@Ralphy Firstly, congratulations!!!

Secondly, you only really have to give one reference, and you can always put down someone from HR, if you can't put your current line manager. Most new employers will only email and ask to confirm dates of employment, and whilst people can refuse to give a reference, this is highly unlikely. I have no idea where you work, but if you give a HR head office reference and email, if i'm being honest, they'll be a pain in the arse to get hold of, and if your new employer is serious about taking you on, they'll probably just forget about going through the ball ache of obtaining the reference.

Failing that, put down a senior colleague that you trust, and that should be OK.

Also, in 5 years of recruitment, I genuinely think that out of the hundreds of placements I made, only about 5 of them actually ever asked for references.

Best of luck pal.

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  • Awards Moderator

Today Google has launched their job search engine in the UK. As it is powered by Google it's exceptional. It indexes most job boards (notably not Indeed who don't fancy it) but there's clever stuff under the hood. The filtering is really clever, it understands how different job titles are the same thing (e.g. programmer = developer = coder), and can work out commute time as opposed to 'as the crow flies' distance. It'll also intuit salary from similar roles. Dead smart.

Just go to Google and type "jobs" to get started.

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Just got offered a new job working as a night Porter in the hotel next door to my house. Absolutely overjoyed to now have a full time well paying job where I can work in the hours of the day I'm most awake and aware. Also gives me reason to not watch WWE Raw live too.

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So, given my academic career is on hold for over a year, I've put myself back in contention for the promotion at work I previously turned down, given I was supposed to be starting my masters in September.

Although I really am not a fan of the actual work I do, I know the company inside and out and given that my base salary would rise to £40k + before the end of the year, it could be a good opportunity to pay off some existing debts and put a little money aside so that, when I am ready to leave the business development world behind forever, I've got some savings to see me through until I start finding regular writing work.

I am going to have a meeting with the MD today or tomorrow. I do have some "demands" although they are more like things I'd like and am unlikely to get. For example, I'm willing to take £35k p/a for now, but I want the OTE element dropped. No more targets. He knows I set up meetings for our clients that are extremely well qualified, not wishy washy, send them anywhere sort of ones. I do not want to be working to a target.

Of course, I may change my mind again as, if I do do this, I'll be back to doing it full time and frankly that thought makes me want to throw myself in front of a tube. So, we shall see.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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