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Richie Freebird

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I'm tempted to get that revised Encyclopedia, even though I have the first one. Flog that one on eBay or something and make my money back...

I'm tempted to get that revised Encyclopedia, even though I have the first one. Flog that one on eBay or something and make my money back...

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I watched Clash of the Champions 16 from September '91 a couple of weeks back.  During the show, Foley is involved in two angles with Sting, firstly where Cactus Jack jumps out of a gift box attacking Sting.  Cactus does a mental elbow drop off the middle rope, over Jim Ross' head at the announce table onto Sting on the floor.  Later on the show, Sting jumps out of another gift box and attacks Cactus.  During the second angle, Cactus takes a high back drop on the rampway and is then hip-tossed off it onto the exposed concrete floor.  He's up on his feet again in a matter of seconds and they brawl to the back.  It was incredible the crazy risks he would take in an angle like this, let alone a match. 

The thing is, it's easy to watch it now and say it wasn't worth it, but Cactus Jack didn't have a great deal going for him other than the kamikaze lunatic act. Particularly in that era, when he was just a monster of the month for Sting. If he hadn't done all that dangerous stuff, he might never have grabbed people's attention and got to have a cell match with Undertaker etc. Certainly there were house shows and indie matches where he took lots of bumps that didn't amount to anything, but I think Foley made peace early on with the trade-off between his career and eventual quality of life.

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It's Foley's back bumps onto guardrails that always made me wince. Say he's on the ramp thing WCW used to have and somebody throws him backwards and he lands on top of the rail back first. Always looked like one of Foley's more dodgier bumps. Just asking for Sciatica problems there.

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When I rewatched Raw through 98 to the end of 99 recently one of the main things I noticed was Foley's bumps. Even on meaningless 5 minute TV matches he'd have the shit knocked out of him and take a big bump like a backdrop on the floor or something. Nearly every single match. It was crazy to see. I guess he told himself that it was part of his act and perhaps used bumps to cover up his lack of technical and athletic ability.

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When The Rock first came back to WWE, he thought Hornswoggle was a Make a Wish kid.


Oh yeah, I called him out on having his notes on his wrist tape. His song that night, he had it on his wrist tape, and Cena went out there and free styled, and I called [Rock] out. I will fully admit, I went out on a limb, and probably said something I shouldn’t have, when going into WrestleMania Rock vs. Cena was the biggest match we’d had in a long time. Maybe I shouldn’t have tweeted that, but I meant it. I have been known a lot to keep my mouth shut, but there are certain things that I really take heart to, and that’s one of them. If you were to come out here and say you are free styling and you sing this song when you have everything written down, then you’re going to try to punk out one of my friends, John Cena, who is free styling and still killing you. Then he approached me about it about 2 weeks later.  First off, I don’t think this story has ever gotten out there, so you’ve got an exclusive:

The Rock: Why you got to call me out like that?

Hornswoggle:  The first time I met you, you thought I was a Make a Wish kid.

The Rock: What!?

Hornswoggle: Yeah, I met you backstage the night you came back in [Anaheim], when you were revealed as the guest host for WrestleMania, and you thought I was a Make a Wish kid. You tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Did you have a good time tonight buddy?’ Then you walked off and you realized it, then you said to Big Show, ‘Hornswoggle thinks I thought he was a Make a Wish kid, and I did think he was.’

Hornswoggle: So I don’t pull any punches now when I say things about you. Because you are so out of the loop, I’ve been on TV for 8 years now, and you thought I was a visitor?

The Rock: Yeah, yeah I did. Not gonna lie.

But we hashed everything out, and everything’s good now.

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Not entirely sure where to put this so I thought I'd throw it in here. If there's a more fitting location do let me know.


Just been into WHSmith and they had the revised WWE Encyclopedia on sale for £7 so I picked one up. Presume it's a nationwide thing. Great coffee table book.


I now need to buy a coffee table.

Just to say thanks again for the info on this, bought the book today and it's fantastic. Shame it doesn't have Ryback, Shield, Wyatts, Rusev or anyone else from the last 2 years (or updates on other guys from that time, like Lesnar's return and the Streak ending) but it'd be an impossible thing to keep up to date.


It's part of a 2 for £10 offer in Smiths as well, so if there's another book you're after you're basically getting them for a fiver each.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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New Observer issue reporting WWE have done a deal with Lesnar that means they can book him for as many PPVs/Raws as they like, but rather than carry on paying an annual salary, they pay a fixed fee for each booking. It means that as long as they think it's worthwhile financially, there's no reason they have to take the title off him early for fear he won't be available enough.

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That agreement still depends on them paying him seven figures a match, and it'd take some justifying to shareholders.


Unrelated but also from Meltzer: Punk's suing them for putting him in the new game, because they haven't been sending him royalties due to him breaching his contract.

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