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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I don't see what the problem is with what Phillips said, and it's not the first time they've done it either.


If the BBC continuity announcer this Saturday night said "After the news we'll join Gary Lineker and the team as we catch up with all the results and storylines from the first day of the new Premier League season in Match of the Day" I wouldn't bat an eyelid.


It's just another way of saying "events" or "happenings", surely?

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I don't see what the problem is with what Phillips said, and it's not the first time they've done it either.


If the BBC continuity announcer this Saturday night said "After the news we'll join Gary Lineker and the team as we catch up with all the results and storylines from the first day of the new Premier League season in Match of the Day" I wouldn't bat an eyelid.


It's just another way of saying "events" or "happenings", surely?

I hear what you're saying although for me it was the context in which it was said. In a business where they are trying to sell a story as reality, I don't want to be reminded of which is which, I want it to become one. 

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Didn't he get super kicked by HBK at Wrestlemania 12? Damn, sad to see a long time employee get the sack. I guess they figured they can employ someone young to do his job for a fraction of the cost.


On that note, exactly what is a timekeeper's job in wrestling? Matches typically don't have time limits nowadays, so what do they do beyond bell ringing?

I always thought that they were responsible for recording an official match time for the archives?


In fact, do WWE keep records of results from every event they do?

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Kriss Sprules and Death Threats...




It was shortly after the Cage Tyler match; I essentially deflected the criticism by being as big an asshole as possible online and would get the odd email death threat. Anyway, I woke up one morning to find that some fucker had hand-delivered a note to my house saying that he was going to kill me and my family if I ever wrestled again. I immediately took myself off the card for the next OPWO show, made excuses to my then-fiancee (who owned the promotion) about wanting to let shit die down and just kept a low profile. I was genuinely scared that someone would harm my family over a wrestling match.
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Since leaving wrestling, I've fulfilled a few semi-interesting jobs; I've been a journalist, writing for websites such as TheCarmineProject.com, Soccerly.com and for Piledriver Magazine. I've also been a screenwriter and offer tips and mentoring on writing for film through my own blog. I've also been involved in acting, stand-up, TV production and music, worked in bars, and all manner of shit.

Bloody hell, what HASN'T he done? Talk about living the dream!
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Jesus - what a self-absorbed wanker. I don't believe the death threat at all.


I've fulfilled a few semi-interesting jobs


Screen writing? TV Production? Music (pretty vague..)? I'd like if he substantiated that list with specifics.

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Dean Ambrose is starring in the next WWE film, production starts this month apparently.


From variety.com:

“Lockdown” will become the second action film that WWE Studios and Lionsgate will co-produce and release through their “six-pack” movie deal.


WWE star Jonathan Good, known in the ring as Dean Ambrose, will headline the film, to be directed by Stephen Reynolds (“Tomb Raider: Ascension”). Production starts this month.


Written by Nathan Brooks and Bobby Lee Darby (“See No Evil 2″), “Lockdown” follows a police officer who finds himself trapped inside his own precinct and hunted after crooked cops stop at nothing to recover incriminating evidence of illegal activities against those closest to him.




So pretty much Assault On Precinct 13.

Edited by DJM
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