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Richie Freebird

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Renee is in that category of commentator where she is totally unessential to the story that is being told, and being forgettable at the same time. Usually with a lot of the commentators that are considered bad, I can usually remember something they've said that's completely idiotic. With Renée, I altogether forget she's there and struggle to recall one interesting thing that she has said right after the show. 

Renee may well improve by leaps and bounds. She just hasn't shown an aptitude for it so far. Whereas she is the best they have by a country mile as the host/backstage interviewer, out of those who have already been given a try. I guess WWE are just changing it up a little to see what roles some people may grow into and be better suited for. 

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I read earlier (admittedly on one of those news sites) that with FOX paying all this money for Smackdown that WWE will make Smackdown the flagship (A) show instead of Raw and will end up moving everyone around for it.

Not sure what to think of that? But hopefully it will be the kick up the arse WWE needs and may liven things up a little bit. WWE will be pushing hard for ratings but Raw has always been the flagship show so surely its high risk to throw all the eggs in one basket unless they do a clever angle where Triple H takes over Raw and gets NXT thrown into the mix to keep the hardcore fans happy.

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7 hours ago, bigfoote said:

Coachman will begin his new role alongside... Booker T, David Otunga, Sam Roberts and Peter Rosenberg

So if you weren't interested in preshows already, they just became worse to a titanic degree. What an absolute shower of shitehawks! Neither Coach nor Booker watches the product, Otunga has yet to speak in nearly ten years of employment, Sam "Artie Fufkin" Roberts is the fan who can't believe his luck (if there was ever evidence Vince doesn't watch the preshows he's it - Vince would snap his neck) and Rosenberg is too smug by far. Gah. 

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7 hours ago, Briefcase said:

I read earlier (admittedly on one of those news sites) that with FOX paying all this money for Smackdown that WWE will make Smackdown the flagship (A) show instead of Raw and will end up moving everyone around for it.

Not sure what to think of that? But hopefully it will be the kick up the arse WWE needs and may liven things up a little bit. WWE will be pushing hard for ratings but Raw has always been the flagship show so surely its high risk to throw all the eggs in one basket unless they do a clever angle where Triple H takes over Raw and gets NXT thrown into the mix to keep the hardcore fans happy.

They'd have to do something to freshen up Raw and make sure they don't piss of USA Network/NBCU because USA also just paid out the ass to keep Raw for another five years and I don't expect they'd be pleased to see all the big guns (such as they are in this day and age) move over to Smackdown and Raw becoming a 'B' show.

Sidenote: I really haven't watched much WWE since the second brand split (the first brand split also led to a long, long period of me not watching WWE, so I guess I don't like brand splits). Is Smackdown currently looked at like a 'B' show before the Fox move? I know historically it always ends up being the case, but as I recall the second brand split was supposed to have both shows be strong.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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He's not wrong though, is he? In terms of best faction. The Shield was a good three-man team, but its place in history is vastly overstated by WWE because it's the only decent example they've had to point to in years and the hype serves to promote their current stars.

The NWO had its well-documented faults, but it smoked the Shield all day long.

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1 hour ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

Dolph Ziggler is one of the top guys on Raw? Welp, there goes any interest I may have had in jumping back in now I have Sky Sports.

In fairness, I've hated Ziggler for a long time, but he's actually not too bad alongside McIntyre and Strowman in this current role.

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6 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

He's not wrong though, is he? In terms of best faction. The Shield was a good three-man team, but its place in history is vastly overstated by WWE because it's the only decent example they've had to point to in years and the hype serves to promote their current stars.

The NWO had its well-documented faults, but it smoked the Shield all day long.

WWE are 100% right to present their current product as the best wrestling has ever been. It is counter productive to acknowledge wrestling isn’t as good as it used to be.

However if you want to compare the two groups, it depends on what criteria you want to judge it on. In terms of creating stars I’d say the Sheild is miles ahead. NWO already were stars who got bigger, where as Sheild made the three of them stars, and elevated people they worked with like Wyatts, Daniel Bryan and Ryback. They didn’t devalue anyone even when beating them down

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I compare them on how much they've entertained me as a viewer.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with WWE overstating the Shield's place in history, it's entirely expected that they would, for the reasons I stated.

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The Shield definitely didn’t elevate Ryback. He’d already been killed dead by CM Punk and Brad Maddox, but the Shield fucked his corpse ragged for about four or five months. He was an anomaly though, for the most part, they didn’t crush anyone’s chances in their rise. Although they exposed that Sheamus/Del Rio/Barrett/Swagger generation as a bit shit.

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