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Richie Freebird

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I'm going to hold up my hands and be honest: I didn't expect Borash to have this much pull so early in his tenure. Don West and Scott D'Amore must be waiting by the phone.

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15 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Does anyone overrate Jarrett? He gets praise for the times he was interesting and for generally being a good hand. He gets panned for the times he was dull as fuck, for when he was in way over his head as WCW Champion and when he was HHH lite in TNA. 

That Jarrett run in TNA where he was "HHH lite" was top notch. TNA was class back then with him as top heel. I specifically remember an event he was stood atop a ladder after winning a title with fans throwing garbage in the ring and it was a great heel moment. People weren't sick to the point of tuning out, they genuinely stuck around because they wanted this guy to get beat. That's a proper heel.

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The only TNA show I ever attended was in London, and JJ fought Johnny Moss. Before that match, I'd always seen Jarrett as a solid hand, but nothing more. But in that match he was one of the best heels I've ever seen, moving seamlessly from a slightly comedic cowardly Southern heel to a vicious bastard, and getting real sympathy on Mossy, who I'd assume was unknown to most of the audience. By the end of it, people were actively rooting for Mossy, not just against Jarrett, which is an important distinction.

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Jarrett, Borash, Angle, the Hardys, Samoa Joe, Styles, Roode, Sting, Spud, EC3, Gunner, Eric Young- that's most of the best of TNA right there. Plus, Dixie Carter appearing as a surprise talking head on a WWE Network documentary.

I think it's time to bring in Don West, up those merch sales.

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4 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

Something I always wondered. Is there any (public) heat between Angle and JJ stemming from JJ's relationship with Karen?

What TildeGuy said, but at the more immediate time, there was a period when Dixie Carter took JJ off-air because of it. When he came back from his sabbatical, they even ran an angle that he was looking for Kurt to talk to him about the situation. It was a decent bit of acting for wrestling too - came across like a proper bit of drama. Jarrett walked into Kurt's locker room, says: "Hey Kurt, I've come to -" and Kurt, without looking around, just stops, stiffens and says: "I know why you're here". Made me think they were going to have them kick off at each other verbally, and then they defused it with a "I'm OK with you now, but don't ask me to be pleased about it"-type chat.

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5 hours ago, FUM said:

That Jarrett run in TNA where he was "HHH lite" was top notch. TNA was class back then with him as top heel. I specifically remember an event he was stood atop a ladder after winning a title with fans throwing garbage in the ring and it was a great heel moment. People weren't sick to the point of tuning out, they genuinely stuck around because they wanted this guy to get beat. That's a proper heel.

Nah it was insipid to me, the nWo rip-off Kings of Wrestling feat. the least motivated Nash imaginable "yeahh, I suppose we're taking over, I guess", overbooked main events and turning Monty Brown heel was tonedeaf booking. I'd say people stuck around because of the X and Tag division greatness at the time, if it was all about the main event programmes they'd have had no chance.

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59 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

What TildeGuy said, but at the more immediate time, there was a period when Dixie Carter took JJ off-air because of it. When he came back from his sabbatical, they even ran an angle that he was looking for Kurt to talk to him about the situation. It was a decent bit of acting for wrestling too - came across like a proper bit of drama. Jarrett walked into Kurt's locker room, says: "Hey Kurt, I've come to -" and Kurt, without looking around, just stops, stiffens and says: "I know why you're here". Made me think they were going to have them kick off at each other verbally, and then they defused it with a "I'm OK with you now, but don't ask me to be pleased about it"-type chat.

Was there an angle in the midst of this where Jeff and Karen were leaving a theme Park?

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17 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

Was there an angle in the midst of this where Jeff and Karen were leaving a theme Park?

Given that it was in the Impact Zone, I'm surprised they didn't, now.

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10 hours ago, PunkStep said:

I think it's time to bring in Don West, up those merch sales.

Imagine what he could do promoting the Network. Or stick him with Mauro calling NXT.

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I'd much rather have Don West calling Impact. Can't see it happening though, he seems quite happy living on the west coast and running a minor league Baseball team. Can only see him making special appearances at events like Slammiversary going forward.

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