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Richie Freebird

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On 7/15/2018 at 9:47 PM, Supremo said:

EDIT: Fuck Hogan. Look at this. He's not at all sorry for what he did. Just that he got caught.

I'm not surprised by that, to be honest. Hogan never really seemed to understand what he did wrong. He focused completely on the "wrong words" he said and totally ignored how fucking ridiculous the context was. His excuse was along the lines of "I grew up with a lot of black kids and I just got used to using that word", which is (a) probably bollocks and (b) totally misses the point. The issue, at least for me, was never "Hogan said "the n-word" it was that he had sex (with his best mate's wife) and then decided to talk about how much he hates black people. As far as I'm aware, he's never actually acknowledged just how fucked up that is.

Was he ever actually "removed from the Hall of Fame" though? I thought that they'd just "Benoit'd" him from the website, which included the Hall of Fame page. It's not like they asked for his ring back or anything did they?

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I figured they wanted to make some kind of announcement, and they can't just say "we've forgiven him" so they pretended they'd actually removed him to announce they reinstated him.  He was still in the Hall of Fame programme each year.

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1 hour ago, unfitfinlay said:

Was he ever actually "removed from the Hall of Fame" though? I thought that they'd just "Benoit'd" him from the website, which included the Hall of Fame page. It's not like they asked for his ring back or anything did they?

It was definitely reported at the time as him being removed from the Hall of Fame, and he's talked about it as such interviews since then.

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One Redditor posts recaps of Attitude Era Observers. They're fascinating. Aside from the McMahon / Bischoff tittle tattle he posted this letter from Desmond Devlin from September 1999 which I found quite funny (spoilered for length):


I must turn to you for answers.


They say that if you made 10,000 monkeys type at 10,000 typewriters for 10,000 years, one of them would eventually come up with "Hamlet." If WCW let 10,000 wrestlers compete in 10,000 matches on 10,000 Nitros, would one of them eventually end with a clean pinfall?


How can Hulk Hogan be considered the wrestler of the century when he didn't get started until at least 1930?


Is it true that Hogan went back to the yellow trunks because he's getting to that age where embarrassing yellow stains sometimes pop up?


If 56-year old Harley Race changed his last name to Davidson, would Eric Bischoff get all giggly and give him a big push?


In order to be eliminated from the WWF Royal Rumble, you have to have both feet touch the floor. So looking back, how was Kerry Von Erich ever eliminated?


Would you agree that Marc Mero is having a BAAAAD career?


What terrifying image haunted your nightmares the longest, seeing Vince McMahon's teddy bear on fire, the ghostly image of Warrior in Hogan's mirror, or hearing Madusa with a live mic?


When Mean Gene is in bed with his wife, does she have to press 4 for other options?


Do you think the coast is clear for David Flair to stop watching over his shoulder for Chuck Zito?


Has Goldberg read the FDA's medical report on inhaling second hand pyro smoke?


Is it true that the members of KISS met the Nitro Girls and said, "Whoa, that's a lot of makeup?"


Considering all the guest singers on Mondays and WWF Week on MTV, wouldn't it be a good idea for the following rock-and-wrestling connections to happen? David Flair and White Zombie. Ken Shamrock and Primal Scream. Jerry Lawler and the Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Blink 182 and any Sid interview. The Nitro Girls and the Barenaked Ladies. Pat Patterson and Boyz II Men. Whoever keeps track of WCW's storylines and Erasure. Spike Dudley and Too $hort. Scott Steiner's diction coach and Chumbawamba. Dusty Rhodes and Cake.


Were you surprised last week when Hurricane Bret didn't swing North to viciously attack San Antonio?


Isn't is risky for DJ Ran to instruct Nitro crowds to "throw their hands in the air and wave 'em like they don't care," when in fact, most of the fans really don't care?


Now that pro wrestling's on The Nashville Network, do you think it'll turn out that it was George Jones who drove the hummer?


Do you remember way, way back when bookers would actually let a character appear on television more than one time before "shocking the fans" by "turning them heel?"


You now he's out there somewhere. The same people who film him are the ones who hate and fear him most. His personality hovers over everything, but they never let you see him. The Flair Witch Project?


Since Rey Misterio Jr. stole X-Pac's bronco buster, do you think Hunter Hearst Helmsley should retaliate by using Chris Benoit's snot blowing spot? And if HHH does empty his nose on an opponent, do you think that wrestler might drown?


If Mr. Bob Backlund was locked in a bare room with Jim Hellwig, and they started having an excogitative conversation imbued with contemplative apperception, cogency of percipience, and lambent sagacity, who do you think would reach for the gun first?


Hulk Hogan currently owns the WCW belt. But to be the man, you've got to beat the man. So doesn't this mean Jay Leno (1-0 record) is the true uncrowned heavyweight champion?


Now that WWF stock is available to purchase, does that mean "selling short" won't mean tapping out to Taz?


Isn't it nice that Hulk Hogan tells fans to "say prayers" before starting his matches? After all, the audience should always pray just before falling asleep.


Scientists have used a supercollider to develop a subatomic neutrino that exists for just 0.000143 seconds before disappearing forever. Do you think they should name this discovery a "Malenko push?"


Desmond Devlin


Northwest Dudleyville



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not gonna defend Hogan as he clearly is trying to shift a little of the blame off himself but it IS  a lesson not to say stupid shit even in private. I bet we've all said things in private to people close to us that we aren't proud of at points in our lives.

Edited by HeavyT
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Just so we’re clear on what Hogan actually said...

“I don’t know if Brooke was f*cking the black guy’s son,” Hulk raved, the sources add.

“I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, f*cking n*ggers. But then when it comes to nice people and sh*t, and whatever.” ...

According to sources, he said: “I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f*ck some n*gger, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n*gger worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!

“I guess we’re all a little racist. Fucking n*gger.”

I don’t think the lesson here is, “watch what you say because you might be being recorded or filmed.” I think the lesson is, “don’t be a horrible racist.” 

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”I don’t think he is a racist, it’s good to see him back home”

”I’m white, so I’m not offended, it’s good to see him back”

It’s eye opening, as well as mind bending, how fucking idiotic people are (should be used to it now I know).

He calls himself a racist for fuck sake, then proves as much by saying what he said, yet some daft pricks are happy to ignore any of that because it’s Hogan. Fucking cranks.

Don’t read the following thread of tweets if you can’t be arsed with a few morons. This is however exactly what I’m on about.


Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Hogan has always been a lying, detesable prick. There’s people making mistakes, then there’s launching a deliberate tirade and saying the word three or four times in quick succession, then his bullshit apology to the lockeroom. Bloke is a senile old prick.

As good a time as ever to re-post this gem of a piece from @Astro Hollywood from back in the day. Never gets old. 


Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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Howard Finkel "in poor health"


Also, Virgil Flynn, who was in GFW in 2015, has passed away


Edited by eugenespeed
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Hogan is basically the Donald Trump of wrestling. A racist orange goblin with dodgy blond hair who lies about or exaggerates everything he's done, made an arse of himself on reality TV, has an unhealthy fixation on his own daughter, and whose forays into other careers than the one he's actually good at have been abject failures. I wonder if he hates The Rock and tries to downplay everything he's ever done too.

EDIT: Oh, and both have beaten up McMahon at Wrestlemania.

Edited by Carbomb
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