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Documentary Thread #2

Egg Shen

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Theres another new skateboarding flick out called Waiting For Lightning.

I watched it last night, the mega ramp is a scary thing and I'd only seen pics of Danny Way jumping the great wall so seeing how sketchy the ramp for that was for that attempt was worrying. I also found this short 30 minute documentary about Rodney Mullen, which is an interesting watch, but I'd still love a longer in-depth documentary about him. http://youtu.be/hF2ZV5nIsJE
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saw a doc. called Fastest whoich acts as a bit of a brief history of MotoGP & also focuses on the career of Valentino Rossi. I knew nothing about the sport going in but i'll honestly watch any documentary about about sport. It was a good watch and even made me think about checking out the next GP, MotoGP is a crazy sport.


I've got another motor racing doc. called Closer to the Edge which i plan on watching next.




i don't know that, but that's gotta be worth picking up if you like that kind of thing.

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Given the love shown to it, I caught Searching for Sugar Man on Netflix. I liked it whilst I watched it but catching up on the story around it, it dismayed me to learn that they'd omitted to tell us that Rodriguez had some success in Australia and New Zealand and had toured there in the late 70's and early 80's. They made it sound as though he'd had no success anywhere.

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saw a doc. called Fastest whoich acts as a bit of a brief history of MotoGP & also focuses on the career of Valentino Rossi. I knew nothing about the sport going in but i'll honestly watch any documentary about about sport. It was a good watch and even made me think about checking out the next GP, MotoGP is a crazy sport. I've got another motor racing doc. called Closer to the Edge which i plan on watching next.ProductImage-7502766.jpgi don't know that, but that's gotta be worth picking up if you like that kind of thing.

Bought my dad 'Fastest' for Fathers Day. Wouldn't mind seeing that TT doc tbh. I can't heap enough praise on 'Senna'. Absolutely brilliant documentary.
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Some docs I've watched over the past few weeks -


REINCARNATED - (AKA The 'Snoop Lion' movie). Snoop Dogg travels to Jamaica to record a reggae album, immerse himself in Rastafarian culture & meet Bunny Wailer. Depending on your interpretation this is either an exploration of an artist who's conquered his chosen field & wanting to move in a different direction, or just Snoop's mid-life crisis captured on film while he smokes copious amounts of Kingston's finest ganja & tries to shake off the gangsta image he's obviously guilty about . Either way it was watchable & pretty funny in parts. This wont convert anyone to being a fan who isn't already.


JONESTOWN: The Life & Death of the Peoples Temple - After reading about this on here I finally got round to checking this out. I'd heard about Jim Jones but didn't know much apart from him being a cult leader & the mass suicide. This is a tremendous film & up there with other 'essential' docs like 'King of Kong' & 'Hoop Dreams'. Fascinating but tremendously depressing. The sheer amount of footage they had was surprising & the testimony from the survivors will stay with me for a long time. The whole thing's on youtube.


I WANT MY NAME BACK: The story of 'The Sugar Hill Gang' & how they got royally ripped off by a dodgy record label. I wasn't aware of their situation & wasn't even aware of the fraud that took place (the 'Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame' booking a group of imposters to perform live!?!). Not the best produced documentary as some key figures involved obviously refused to take part but if you're a hip hop fan I'd definitely recommend it.

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there's tons of Vietnam docs about, i couldn't point you in the right direction though, hopefully someone else can so i can pick em up as well.


This is out on DVD now...




Documentary about a true music original, Ginger Baker. Completely bonkers but insanely talented, if you have any kind of interest in music you probably need to see it. One of the best music documentaries ive seen this year.

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Watched High on Crack Street last night. Think i might have talked about it in the old Doc. thread but i rewatched it. If you've seen The Fighter you'll remember a fictionalised version of this doc which featured in the movie. It's an old HBO doc. that follows three crack addicted people about their everyday business, it shows them getting high, robbing, fighting etc. The Fighter relation comes in that one of the 3 people is Dickie Ecklund (the brother of Mickey Ward, Ecklund is played by Christian Bale in the movie).


It's an unsettling and disturbing documentary, especially the story/fate of the woman in the group. If you've seen The Fighter id say this is an essential little sister-piece to the movie, but if the whole drug, junkie-lifestyle interests you, watch it.


here it is one youtube.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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If you haven't seen it, The Imposter is on Channel 4 at 9. Very very good and rather disturbing.


Saw the imposter on netflix a while ago. Fantastic film that leaves as many questions as it answers.

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Just got round to watching The Imposter


I third it, excellent stuff.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Whilst it is probable Bourdin lied about the confession, I do think the Private Investigator is right in what he believes.


Its a shame it is unlikely we will never know.


[close spoiler]

Edited by jimufctna24
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Watched the one about Jim Jones last night that someone kindly linked to earlier in the week.


It was quite surreal as i'd always heard of the "Drink the koolaid" terminology in pop culture when you hear about people becoming brainwashed but the origins of the phrase never clicked until i watched this. It's quite scary to see both the size and devotion of the following the guy drummed up and, to be fair, the infrastructure that they managed to develop from scratch in the middle of a jungle in Guyana was quite impressive.

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