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Documentary Thread #2

Egg Shen

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nah i've looked for that myself, it hasn't popped up anywhere yet.



watched a couple of interesting docs. on Netflix the last couple of days...




first off watch The Short Game, which is basically a documentary following 8 particular kids into the world junior golf tournaments. Like  King of Kong it's probably a hard sell on paper as it doesn't sound like it would be that interesting but this was great. The dynamic between the parents and the kids are at the forefront really, it shows how much the parents want their kids to succeed (each having their own unique way of putting it showing it), and whilst the kids are uber talented and pretty competitive it switches to many scenes where it shows that they are simply 7-8 year old kids having fun, it's pretty dramatic though and very funny. If this doc.doesn't put a smile on your face you're made of stone.




Dreams of a Life - i love weird little stories like this, it reminded of The Imposter. Story of a woman's who's body was found in a flat in London 3 years after she'd died. I vaguely remember it being in the news (i think), but the documentary tries to give the lady a backstory as the details in the press and the questions revolving the case were never really answered - how the hell could it happen?


It's full of interviews and re-enactments with people the lady personally knew and it tries to give her a bit of a story. Whilst it doesn't get to the bottom of it i think it's farely obvious what happened to her, tragic case though.


After watching the documentary there were several things that the doc. didn't touch really expand upon though (how did the lady's family not try and find her?) and a quick google search answered them for me, guess they were left out because they kind of kill the mystery and overall tragic nature of the story.


Worth a look.

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It might not appeal to everyone, but there is a cracker of a documentary called "I am Divine" on Netflix US about the late, drag star of John Waters' movies. Definately better than it sounds.


"I am Divine": http://www.netflix.com/WiMovie/70273272?trkid=496715


"GLOW: Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling" is also on Netflix US. Worth a watch too. Sad in parts.

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heard about this on a recent Colt Cobana podcast...




it's a documentary about a gameshow scandal in America, id never heard of it but it was a pretty big deal at the time. I won't let into what actually happens, but it's worth a look...

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Stumbled across a doc on Netflix called "Give Up Tomorrow"


Didn't have high expectations since it didn't even have a Wikipedia page and only around 100+ people rated it on IMDB yet IT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE.


It's honestly Paradise Lost on speed.


Well worth checking out but not reading up beforehand.

I'm in the middle of the Netflix Documentary West Memphis 3. Have you seen this? How does it compare to Paradise Lost as Paradise Lost seems quite dated now.

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West of Memphis you mean? If you haven't seen any of the Paradise Lost documentaries i'd highly recommend it but it may not have the same kind of effect if you're familiar with the case.

Yes West of Memphis I meant sorry. Finished it now, brilliant documentary. Very long in 2 hours 45 minutes but well worth it. It took me 2 or 3 sittings but very good.

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heard about this on a recent Colt Cobana podcast...




it's a documentary about a gameshow scandal in America, id never heard of it but it was a pretty big deal at the time. I won't let into what actually happens, but it's worth a look...


Yeah, I spent a bit of time reading about this guy a few years ago. He was more a legit nutter than a criminal cheat  It wasn't his fault the computer used the same few codes. His life went into a huge downward spiral after this with money problems and going even more mental. Wasn't worth it in the end for him to cheat. Basically ruined him.



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West of Memphis you mean? If you haven't seen any of the Paradise Lost documentaries i'd highly recommend it but it may not have the same kind of effect if you're familiar with the case.


Yes West of Memphis I meant sorry. Finished it now, brilliant documentary. Very long in 2 hours 45 minutes but well worth it. It took me 2 or 3 sittings but very good.
Thanks for posting about it. I always intended to check out Paradise Lost and West of Memphis. Obviously i'd heard about the trial but didn't know the details outside of that it was thought to be a wrong conviction. I've just watched West of Memphis and wow. Great doc, equal parts terrifying and horribly upsetting. I couldn't actually watch the footage of photos and video of the crime scene. There's something very wrong with the whole thing. Obviously the murder which is just gut wrenching but everything that came after it.


I honestly feel a bit sick after it.


EDIT- Also watched that Press Your Luck doc. They really milked that footage of him playing the game but that really was fun to watch in of it's self.

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Watched Narco Cultura. It's about what is essentially a Mexican version of Gangsta Rap and the glamourising of the whole drug culture. The music itself was interesting traditional Mexican music with lyrics about gunning down cops and being a badass. The two main characters are a Narco singer, who is an absolute tool, and a Juarez copper, who isn't.


Pretty staggering stuff about the diffences between Juarez on side of the border and El Paso the other side, despite there being less than a mile between them.

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EDIT- Also watched that Press Your Luck doc. They really milked that footage of him playing the game but that really was fun to watch in of it's self.

They basically showed the entire broadcast over the course of the doc. The actual cheat sequence is insane, it seems to simple.

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I watched the Press Your Luck one as well.. Well, skipped through it because it was terribly made and moved at a glacial pace. Jeanie was intensely irritating, the way she clapped like one of those wind up cymbal crashing monkeys. The code was amazingly basic - something like that these days would be unimaginable. Simpler times!


Also, it may have been a massively unsporting way to play the game but it wasn't cheating.


That doc sounds interesting Keith - I remember reading about the Narco Corridos in the book El Narco, and wondering what the sound like but never getting around to listening to any. The whole situation in Mexico is really fascinating, though very grim.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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