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The lets all point and laugh at Fin Martin thread

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It felt as though half the reason for the NXT article in the latest issue was to give Chris Hero a bollocking for being such a pillock when he had a chance to make it in WWE. This is all fine (and pretty justified, IMO), but it's pretty bastard hypocritical considering the amount of generic internet shit he heaps (and has heaped for years, and years, and years....) and the company only pushing guys with the right look.


And I feel like I say this every year now, but it's got to be a bit of a trolling job on Fin's part at this point to not include Cena in these things.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm thinking PS may be struggling at the moment. Not sure when this happened, but they seem to no longer be offering subscriptions to the physical copy of the magazine. Could be they aren't making enough money. Bit disappointed by this as I'm not a fan of FSM bar one issue I enjoyed recently and not sure how much I'd enjoy reading it on my tablet.


Maybe it's time I finally start using my subscription to F4W and read the observer and F4W newsletters instead of just listening to the shows!!



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The writing's been on the wall since they knocked the schedule down to every 5 weeks. The only reason people buy that magazine is either that they really really hate WWE and TNA but watch them all the time and also love Japanese wrestling but don't watch it as much as WWE and TNA... Or they've been buying it for years out of habit. And I think Fin's myopia has driven off a good portion of the people who used to buy it out of habit. And that first group, that mostly watches WWE and TNA but hates them, is probably quite a small niche for a magazine to target.

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20 year anniversary of the mag soon. I have fond memories of buying the first issue with Owen Hart on the cover after winning KOTR. It was a breath of fresh air even though it only semi-broke kayfabe, since it had news only a couple of weeks out of date compared to the about 3 months of the Apter mags at the time. And it covered Japanese and Mexican wrestling which weren't really covered elsewhere for the most part. It's been a long downward slide since then. I really don't know why Fin doesn't sell up, he's clearly beyond jaded with wrestling. What magazine covering any other form of sport or entertainment would be so constantly down on what is currently happening and so in love with the past?

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I was one of those people who used to buy it out of habit but Fin's constant moaning and the general lack of content for it's high price finally drove me away. I still remember an article years back banging on about how great Toryumon (now Dragon Gate) was only to never dedicate any real coverage to it again.


I can't see it lasting much longer.

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Or they've been buying it for years out of habit.


That's me. I've bought every one since Sting winning the belt at Starrcade 97. I still like the DVD reviews, "History of pro wrestling on PPV," Stately Wayne/Santili and interviews. I still like reading what Fin thought of the latest shows even though I often disagree with what he thought of the WWE PPV, don't really know what to think of the TNA PPV because I didn't watch it, and don't need Fin to tell me the New Japan show was brilliant.


So yeah. Habit sums it up best.

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I stopped buying it quite a while ago when I realised it was a pointless purchase. I can get the news when it's new, and with far better analysis from Meltz, Keller, Johnson and the like, show reviews I couldn't really give a toss about as only my opinion matters if I'm the one watching it, and it doesn't have the great articles like Rob Butcher's (I think) travelogue from 1999 anymore, FSM has the article market cornered. There's absolutely nothing PS does well enough compared to somewhere else that makes it worth buying.

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Or they've been buying it for years out of habit.


That's me. I've bought every one since Sting winning the belt at Starrcade 97. I still like the DVD reviews, "History of pro wrestling on PPV," Stately Wayne/Santili and interviews. I still like reading what Fin thought of the latest shows even though I often disagree with what he thought of the WWE PPV, don't really know what to think of the TNA PPV because I didn't watch it, and don't need Fin to tell me the New Japan show was brilliant.


So yeah. Habit sums it up best.


At one point, i was only buying the magazine to read the History Of PPV article. I soon stopped and just began reading it at WHSmith. If there is one thing they should do before shutting up shop, it's releasing all those articles in a nice little paperback.

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I bought PowerSlam every month without fail for around 12/13 years. I got annoyed with it for many of the reasons Pity mentions but generally just the bashing of everything mainstream.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a rant and I enjoy reading about shit stuff being given a shoeing in an entertaining way but there has to be balance. Anything 100% negative just doesn't do it for anyone. And there is no entertainment in Fin martin's bashing. It's just WAH-WAH-WAH shit.


I can't say I've missed PS one bit this past 3/4 years. Never been tempted to even pick it up and browse since, let alone read it.

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I buy Powerslam out of habit and find I read it fairly quickly, not everything in the magazine interests me i.e. Japanese/Indie stuff. I like their History of PPV section and on sometimes they have a interesting interview with somebody I'm interested in reading about like someone who has an fasinating story, if its an indie-guy or somebody whos only been around a couple of years then I tend to by pass it.


I find I often agree with Powerslams opinion of WWE, its refreshing to read an honest review of WWE programming most of which tends to echo what is wrote on this forum. If its good then Powerslam will say its good and if it was shit then they will say it and like I say I find myself agreeing, their opinions are constructive and interesting. I admire their knowledge and understanding of the history of the business and I find their articles on topics such as the territory/old school days and general trivia interesting.

Edited by C-Rock
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I find I often agree with Powerslams opinion of WWE, its refreshing to read an honest review of WWE programming most of which tends to echo what is wrote on this forum.


By whom? By you. And by no-one else.


*e-punches C-Rock in the eye*

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I find I often agree with Powerslams opinion of WWE, its refreshing to read an honest review of WWE programming most of which tends to echo what is wrote on this forum.


By whom? By you. And by no-one else.


*e-punches C-Rock in the eye*


No, just in general they seem to agree about the quality of PPV's/matches as people on here do. Its not as though their opions are totally outragious, if a perticular match wasn't very good its often the same opinion as Powerslam and people on here. I agree with Powerslam when they make certain suggestions or ideas, they seem justified and understandable but with that said I dont watch a lot of WWE at all, I don't watch a lot of wrestling at all tbh, I dip in and out and like to keep up with the latest goings on and will watch if it something interests me. WWE isn't exactly my cup of tea at the minute which I have made obvious on here before and won't go in to again, I agree with their opinions on John Cena as do many others on here that he isn't very good at all and by the obvious reactions by the people in attendance at WWE events so do many others around the world. I am a a wrestling fan and worked in British pro-wrestling for nearly 6 years, I'm not a mark and I don't take WWE and wrestling in general as seriously and as passionatly as many others obviously do on here.

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I agree with their opinions on John Cena as do many others on here


Not many, really. If it is many people they are people who don't post.



worked in British pro-wrestling for nearly 6 years, I'm not a mark and I don't take WWE and wrestling in general as seriously and as passionatly as many others obviously do on here.


Working in wrestling doesn't necessarily make one right about it, and the fact you've strived to make it clear a few times now that you are "not a mark" and that you're in da biz shows that you do indeed take it seriously. You just say you don't as an out whenever you lose every debate on it.




I mean you always say you've worked for years, but you'll never say in what capacity, for whom, or indeed who you even are. Everyone else involved in it here will.

Edited by PowerButchi
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