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Vince McMahon may actually be done this time [Trigger warning: Sexual Assault]


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24 minutes ago, Loki said:

HHH has been the on-screen WWE "head" for a few years but in reality apart from a brief period when he and his wife ACTUALLY managed to oust the villainous old bastard, he's not been in a particularly senior position in the main office.  The only point of contact I can think of is he and Stephanie instigating an independent investigation into the allegations, and I'm not sure that actually reported back before Vince forced his way back to power and sent his own daughter packing.

He was on the Board of Directors of a publicly traded company for the better part of a decade and had an office and title for years before that. 

He's been one of the most senior people in the company for ages. 

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50 minutes ago, Loki said:

Has anyone in any position of knowledge made any insinuation that HHH knew about Vince's sex trafficking?  I'm still somewhat baffled about how THIS continues to be the main topic of conversation, as opposed to the repercussions for Vince himself, Laurinaitis, Lesnar, and any other people actually directly involved in the abuse.  

HHH has been the on-screen WWE "head" for a few years but in reality apart from a brief period when he and his wife ACTUALLY managed to oust the villainous old bastard, he's not been in a particularly senior position in the main office.  The only point of contact I can think of is he and Stephanie instigating an independent investigation into the allegations, and I'm not sure that actually reported back before Vince forced his way back to power and sent his own daughter packing.

Perhaps HHH has been Cc'd in on all the videos of his father-in-law shitting on women, but there's been no suggestion of that.  Perhaps he should have resigned when Stephanie did, but he probably feels he has an obligation to the wrestlers and the product.

People on Reddit are going "HHH is definitely out" but I'm still unsure why apart from that he's a visible figure and everyone assumes he must be guilty of SOMETHING.


Triple H is essentially the public face of the company now so rightly or wrongly it's only natural for people to point fingers at him, I suppose.

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3 hours ago, Factotum said:

You would expect anyone who genuinely didn't know to want a full investigation into it all. If Triple H is genuinely in the dark then he should be demanding one and fucking reading the lawsuit

I'm of the mind that he wasn't lying when he said he hasn't read the lawsuit, because that would mean having to sit down and read a sixty plus page document, which I don't reckon he does all that often. Perhaps he thought this would enable him to have plausible deniability? Or perhaps he loaded it up, hit Ctrl+F for 'Paul Levesque' then closed it down when he didn't find anything.

Of course, none of that excuses the fact that a) he definitely knows what's in it anyway, and b) he absolutely should have read the thing because of course someone in his position fucking should have.

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It wasn't just that he said he hadn't read it, it's that he said that in the same interview where he claimed that they were doing "everything possible". Reading the thing seems like it might fall under "everything possible"!

To be honest, I'd even have some sympathy on Triple H not reading it - it's full of horrific details about his father-in-law's sex crimes, I can't imagine getting into the right headspace to read something like that. But you don't just say that you haven't read it, say your legal team is reading it

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11 hours ago, Browser Brady said:

Share price is on it’s way back up.
85 .00 USD at the moment..

TKO Group Holdings Inc https://g.co/kgs/KQnYbPY



The surge arrives just a tad too tardy for a Yuletide Xbox Series S Toaster acquisition, but fear not, there's always the prospect of the forthcoming year. Undoubtedly, the cleaner shall maintain a vigilant eye over this discourse with profound interest.

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20 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

You are not wrong, but it's the same with every news story. The news was that the case had been filed and then it was Vince had resigned. Realistically there isn't any more news on the story. The next big news hit will be if/when it goes to trial. I wouldn't expect a lot of coverage until then as other news will happen, and let's face it for the general public there is plenty of news and then some happening. The wider public only has so many fucks to give and right now outside a small section of a small section of wrestling fans this was never going to be on the radar for long. 

Exactly this - if it's slipped from the news agenda, it's only because there's no more news to report; the story was less than a week ago, we got the headlines of the allegations, they circulated through the press, and then the story of his resignation, then the story of Triple H doing a bad job of addressing it at the press conference. There's no developments beyond that, so other than the odd think-piece, or it getting brought up on something like (I know I referenced this already) Richard Osman & Marina Hyde's podcast, there's not really anything else to report until the next development, or until some journalists do some really digging and fact-finding - and it's on that latter point that "but it's just wrestling" could hold things back, as major newspapers probably aren't inclined to put much money behind that. Though you never know - a friend, ally and major fundraiser of Donald Trump being caught up in a sex trafficking and sexual assault lawsuit isn't something to sniff at.

But to put things in perspective, I just did a quick search on McMahon's name on Google news - in the last 4 days this story has been reported on by: Sky News, BBC, ITV, the Guardian, the Independent, Al Jazeera, The Daily Mail, Forbes, the Telegraph, the New York Times, LBC, the Mirror, Time Magazine, Sports Illustrated, NBC, The Sun, Rolling Stones and CNN. Some of those are aggregated reports from Reuters, but a who's who of the mainstream media still thought it worth publishing. Some, like CNN, have gone beyond just relaying the report and published think-pieces on how Vince was allowed to get away with it considering everything that was already known about him. 

The Daily Mail/Mail Online - which, yes, fucking awful, but once upon a time was (and maybe still is) the second-most read UK online news source after the BBC - didn't just report on the story, but ran multiple follow-ups; they reported on Vince's resignation, on Ronda Rousey's Tweet, on Triple H at the press conference, on Vince's rebuttal, on Vince's merch being pulled from the WWE shop, on the Bella Twins making a statement, on Brock Lesnar being pulled from the Rumble, and even a story about Punk's injury made sure to refer to him as "a vocal critic of Vince McMahon" in the headline. They know it's going to get clicks and that's their business, but the point is that the story isn't going anywhere just yet, if only because it's scandalous and salacious enough to keep shocking people with more horrible revelations. 

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No t-shirt has ever lied more than that one insinuating Vince McMahon didn't care about being cool.

He'd have given up being a nonce for good for just one shot at actual mainstream popularity and relevance.

Fucking cunt.

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HBK handled the Vince allegations far better than his mate on the NXT media call today.

First time I’ve seen him comment on the allegations levelled at him too which I also felt he handled quite well.

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