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Survivor Series: WarGames

Devon Malcolm

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1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

Apparently the talent in the ring had no clue he was coming out ?

This is brilliant, the tears in here will be fantastic too.

After a thumping Rovers away win yesterday and now this, I am very much convinced that there is a god after all ?

Don't forget Burnley getting beat as well. 

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27 minutes ago, Chili said:

Oh they all knew he was in. Seth Rollins is a fucking awful actor end of, give him something actually big and massive in Punk coming back and his performances will be somehow worse. Loves a bit of Jared Leto on his toast doesn't he. State of the lad.

For me, feuding with Seth Rollins is the least interesting thing Punk could do. I’m hoping Rollins’ hammy reaction means we’ll be getting this match sooner rather than later, and Wrestlemania will end up being something more exciting. I really want to see Punk take on Logan Paul, that could be a tonne of fun both in and out-of the ring.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this shocked by a wrestling return, I didn’t see it coming at all. Any faint hopes I had felt firmly killed off as soon as Randy Orton’s music hit. I swore out loud when Cult of Personality hit, what a fucking cool surprise. And a genuinely unexpected one, especially in that moment. 

And as a few people have pointed out, it looks as if they’ve de-aged him, the difference between how he looks here and how he looked in AEW is pretty astounding.

I can’t wait to see what happens next. Love him or hate him, for me he’s by far the most interesting person in modern wrestling.

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52 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

The silly old cunt looked twenty years younger than in his AEW run. He looked in great  shape, the hair looked great, the beard was properly trimmed, he had decent clothes on, he looked like he’d had a few weeks with some moisturiser round the eyes. He’s known about this for a while.

That was my main thought watching it back. A clear indicator of how much respect he has for each company in 2023. That first night of Collision he looked an absolute slob, like he’d just woken up or swung by the arena on his way back from the gym, whereas here he looked ready for a smart casual job interview. Best behaviour Phil.

I suspect/hope it’s a sign of things to come. Nothing would be more spiteful to AEW, Khan and The Elite than for him to go back to WWE and have a peaceful, successful run, with no drama or incident. See! It was those unprofessional pricks!

Freezing Hell over by going back to WWE when it seemed forever impossible though. The ultimate Bret Hart tribute spot.

Having now come down from the initial excitement of the moment, the Seth Rollins stuff is almost certainly a work, but that’s the promised land, isn’t it? Work me, bro. I want to believe. If CM Punk manages to make me actually believe and care about something Seth ‘fuck’s sake’ Rollins is doing? That might be even more impressive than the Kingston or MJF feuds!

You hope this gives AEW an even bigger kick up the arse than what they’ve already had in recent weeks. The victory lap from Matt Jackson in the dark, empty arena is not aging well. Second time this year Punk’s probably had Tony Khan scared for his life! It must make for a rough breakfast this morning for Tony. Realising over your Corn Flakes that WWE are probably going to do Cody vs. Punk first, when you let the opportunity slip through your fingers.

At this point, I wouldn’t even be shocked if they get Moxley back at some point.

Edited by Supremo
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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

At this point, I wouldn’t even be shocked if they get Moxley back at some point.

H should take it as a personal project to finally do the Shield triple threat as a Mania main event, right before smiling and evaporating into the aether.

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7 minutes ago, Supremo said:

At this point, I wouldn’t even be shocked if they get Moxley back at some point.

Wade Keller said on a recent podcast that a senior, long-time AEW wrestler was disillusioned and checked out of the company, but he wouldn’t say who that wrestler was. Given Keller’s relationship with Moxley, it seems plausible to me that it is him being referred to.

I wouldn’t be shocked to see this happen at all. 

Whatever happens going forward, it really does show the benefit of having two major American companies. I highly doubt Punk would be back in wrestling, let alone WWE, if not for AEW. And the prospect of Moxley going to WWE - whether it happens or not - wouldn’t feel exciting if not for AEW making him a hotter commodity. It’s such a fun time to be a wrestling fan.

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The main difference between Mox and Punk is that Punk's that underground uh...punk...band who gets the tats and talks the tru life shit but was always quite transparent about wanting to headline Glastonbury. 

Mox is genuine chaos. I don't think he cares. He just wants to get paid enough to take care of his wife and kid and be able to bleed all over the place without people giving him shit. 

Still, you don't rule out any return in this business. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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The return really does open up a lot of questions. Such as “How long do I have to leave it before bringing it up in the Raw thread before being labelled a dick for spoilers?”

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

At this point, I wouldn’t even be shocked if they get Moxley back at some point.

I've been saying this for about 12 months about Moxley.  Yes, he loves his crazy indy matches and his bleeding, and all of that, so yes AEW is the perfect place for him.

But there is a TON of money on the table for Moxley in WWE.  The Shield reunion, the subsequent feuds, all the new matchups.  And this being HHH's company I honestly believe he'd come back AS Moxley, not Ambrose.

With this CM Punk signing HHH has signalled that the door is always open for anyone.  Hell, Poppa Pump is in the HoF and he said some shit about Haitch's wife.  So I think he'd be up for making whatever contract Moxley wanted.  You want to compete in Japan half a dozen times a year?  Works for WWE brother.


You have to love that pop when CM Punk comes out - that Chicago crowd has been chanting his name at every WWE event for a decade, this is their moment as much as anyones.

As I said before, WWE doesn't need Punk.  At all.  But it will be a fun 3-6 months seeing what they do with him.  Just maybe he knows this is his last run, just maybe he wants to earn a WM main event, just maybe.  Nah.

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