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All Out 2023 Discussion


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Nigel McGuinness is good, but he gets carried away at times.

In the opener, he completely blew Dark Orderā€™s spot by calling for them to do their own ā€˜DOUBLE CLOTHESLINEā€™ the minute MJF left.

He also later asked JR ā€œis there a time, JR, where a wrestler could become too injured to even compete?ā€. Yep, I reckon there might be mate.

Heā€™s very good, he brings the best out in JR, he has enthusiasm and is able to tell a very good story. But occasionally he needs a little filter to stop the words coming out of his mouth.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Absolutely tremendous show. In terms of booking, the right people went over in the right places, but pretty much everyone came out looking great - which so rarely happens.

With Punk gone and all the hoo-ha, they needed to build some of their stars. This wasn't the time for Mox or Danielson to lose - but Orange and Starks both looked so good in defeat. Cassidy in particular looked like he took Mox to the limit while injured and beaten up. That main event was thrilling, even knowing the outcome. Must have been amazing not knowing it.

And yeah, even Nigel McGuinness was decent on this one - and I hated him recently.Ā 

What a PPV though. Didn't feel like the spectacle of All In, but felt like a better wrestling show, and both are valid. This felt like AEW's Canadian Stampede 97.

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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Nigel McGuinness is good, but he gets carried away at times.

In the opener, he completely blew Dark Orderā€™s spot by calling for them to do their own ā€˜DOUBLE CLOTHESLINEā€™ the minute MJF left.

He also later asked JR ā€œis there a time, JR, where a wrestler could become too injured to even compete?ā€. Yep, I reckon there might be mate.

Heā€™s very good, he brings the best out in JR, he has enthusiasm and is able to tell a very good story. But occasionally he needs a little filter to stop the words coming out of his mouth.

I think he's brilliant. His enthusiasm really adds to the show, even when he does get carried away. Heck, as far as getting carried away goes, you could say the same thing about Schiavone. I don't think it matters much, even the strongest announcers have their own little quirks.Ā 

Edited by RedRooster
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3 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

I think in the UK we tend to be more forgiving of mistakes if it seems like the commentator is genuinely excited and enthusiastic - cases in point: Murray Walker, David Coleman, John Motson, etc.

They do it over there too. JR was ballsing up regularly as long ago as 2000 and remained revered and beloved (and in a job) for eons afterwards.

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Finally finding time to watch the main event, this is my new favourite show of the year. What a belter. At least three match of the year candidates, with two Stone-Cold-at-Wrestlemania-13-style losses that still elevate lads to a completely new level.

If you didnā€™t know any better, youā€™d think Tony Khan knew Punk was going to cause a bunch of bullshit and would be fired the day before this show because it seemed specifically built to be the ultimate offering of, ā€œforget all that nonsense, cop a load of this!ā€ As has already been mentioned, AEW are always at their best when theyā€™ve got something to prove after some bad press, but this was like that on fucking steroids. Last year it felt like it took them months to recover from being Punked. This time, it took them twenty four hours. Weā€™re back, baby. Punk who.

- Samoa Joe as the next opponent for MJF is absolutely inspired. Max finally stepping up to his bullies. Canā€™t wait.

- Bryan Danielson is the greatest wrestler of all time. I canā€™t believe I still see those articles and Tweets that ask, ā€œdid Bryan Danielson make the right move jumping to AEW?ā€ Are you fucking kidding me? If you preferred his best of twenty one series against Jey Uso to these masterpiecesĀ then you belong in the bin.

- Nigel McGuinness has turned into a great commentator. Really funny. I also canā€™t decide whether he and Taz donā€™t get a long as a shoot or not, but itā€™s super fun to listen to them bickering all the same.

- Great to see CJ Perry. It always felt like they split them up far too early in WWE, with neither of them benefitting as a solo performer. Theyā€™re a great act together.

- Iā€™m fully on board with a MEAT division.

- Takeshita feels like a made man. Not enough is being made about what a great job theyā€™ve done with him. When did Callis start hinting at wanting to recruit him? December? January? Really impressive plotting, with an insanely good match to cap it off.

- I love Bullet Club Gold so much. I canā€™t take my eyes off Juice Robinson ever since he adopted the character of Animal from the Muppets. Bollocks to all this chat of Britt Baker and Adam Cole being the power couple of AEW. Itā€™s Juice and Toni Storm! Banter central!

- Cassidy vs. Moxley might be my new match of the year. What a fucking triumph. This belt meant NOTHING when Orange won it. And now itā€™s arguably more prestigious than any World Title in the business. Phenomenal match. I was on the hook for everything. Orange hulking up, with the sloth kicks turning into murder kicks was the greatest thing Iā€™ve ever seen in my life.

Looking forward to them not capitalising on this momentum whatsoever and delivering a painfully dull episode of Dynamite tonight. AEW will always AEW!

Edited by Supremo
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10 hours ago, Supremo said:

- Takeshita feels like a made man. Not enough is being made about what a great job theyā€™ve done with him. When did Callis start hinting at wanting to recruit him? December? January? Really impressive plotting, with an insanely good match to cap it off.


I really hope - at some point - we get MJF/Takeshita for the title. Aside from the fact it would feel like a massive match; watching MJF interact with Callis would be a lot of fun.Ā 

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On that point about Takeshita, when he first started wrestling for AEW, a mate of mine used to complain that he suffered from the worst of AEW's "tell, don't show" attitude to their midcard - they told us he was a great wrestler and one to watch, but he never won.Ā 

I wonder now if that was intentional, that the point was always that he wouldn't start picking up big wins until he had Don Callis to give him his killer instinct.

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4 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

On that point about Takeshita, when he first started wrestling for AEW, a mate of mine used to complain that he suffered from the worst of AEW's "tell, don't show" attitude to their midcard - they told us he was a great wrestler and one to watch, but he never won.Ā 

I wonder now if that was intentional, that the point was always that he wouldn't start picking up big wins until he had Don Callis to give him his killer instinct.

I think it was intentional. There was a point where he was picking up wins on Dark a lot but getting the 'hard-fought loss' on Dynamite when he was against tougher opponents, and Excaliubur would point out that he's never won on Dyno and is searching for that first big win against an established opponent. It's been a really smart slow build to him becoming a killer under Callis.

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On 9/4/2023 at 12:56 PM, chokeout said:

Can we all agree Bullet Club Gold are the business and have the best entrance in pro wrestling?Ā 


Still boggles the mind that a FUCKING BULLET CLUB splinter group is a genuinely entertaining act in AEW in 2023.Ā 

The Gunns have improved so much over the last year or so. Genuinely one of my favourite teams in wrestling.Ā 

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On 9/6/2023 at 4:31 AM, BomberPat said:

Nigel McGuinness has definitely come into his own, though, he was better on this show than I've heard him in years.Ā 

I don't know why, but his comment about someone (I can't recall who) being so cheap that instead of buying their mum flowers for mothers day, they just buy her seeds absolutely cracked me up. Great stuff.Ā 

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There wasnā€™t alot on All Out that interested me hugely, but after hearing the plaudits for the Strap Match, Iā€™ve just had a watch and wow, what a great match from both.

Iā€™ve not seen a lot in Ricky Starks previously, which goes against a lot of opinions, but wow this made him look great.

As for Danielson. Nothing that I can say, will be any different to what others say. The man is just incredible, and surely a shoe in for one of the best ever. Thereā€™s nothing he canā€™t do, in front and behind the camera. I canā€™t think of anybody else, ever, that has contributed to both sides of the industry, so successfully.

Edited by Matthew
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Only just got around to watching this. Managed to avoid spoilers for over two weeks. Went onto Fite last night to order it. Bang. Main event spoiled with a picture of Moxley there with the belt.Ā 

Still, a main event that was presented as, and felt big time. Then the bell went and they delivered in spades, just like you knew they would.Ā 

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