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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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4 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Are they giving Lio Rush another proper go, or is it just because they were in California? It didn't seem to work between them the previous two times they tried with him.

I don't think so, which is a shame because I really enjoyed his match and in general think hes great in the ring, but don't think he'll be regular.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Best part of this week was Nigel attempting to ditch his job with no notice to join Toni and Mariah in the bar without realising their promo was a pre-tape. Brilliant. 

His line about the three jobbers facing Cage of Agony looking like Russian dolls got a good laugh out of me. 

I really didn't like him as a commentator in NXT but he's been fantastic for AEW, him and Tone together are great.

Isn't Lio Rush meant to be a bit of a headache to work with? I might be confusing him with someone else.

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He's got quite a history of having "heat with the boys" and being a bit unpredictable, yeah. 

E.G. not long after signing with WWE he upset a bunch of people by putting an ill thought out joke about Emma being released on Twitter. And after turning up in AEW before as the joker surprise in a Casino Battle Royal, he promptly announced he was retired. Then unretired about a week later. 

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20 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Isn't Lio Rush meant to be a bit of a headache to work with? I might be confusing him with someone else.

His name brings me out in a rash just THINKING about that spot.

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Hahaha I think the kick out of the package like driver afterwards is even better. Just when you thought the sequence couldn’t get any more Indy. 

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I used to use that spot as an example of how, when people talk about wanting wrestling to be more realistic, what they're usually actually asking for is more illusion. Because you can't argue that no-selling a powerbomb off a ladder through a table is "unrealistic" - you just watched him do it, he definitely came off that ladder and through that table, so it is real.

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This clip probably got him booked on Dynamite last week. I think setting his twitter account on fire would be a better strategy to hold down a job though. 

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Posted (edited)

As I remember it, Lio Rush posted and then deleted a number of Tweets slagging off Tony Khan, before he left the company. It’s very on brand for Tony to still bring him back a year or so later. Spineless dweeb. I bet he didn’t even mention it.

Best thing on this week’s episode was - once again - the brilliant combination of Danny Garcia teaming with Shibata, with Daddy Magic as the proud father at the desk. Phenomenal act. I’d be bang up for these lads challenging The Bucks for the belts.

Ultimately though, I can’t really be arsed with this new direction of Collision being, “for the sickos.” I enjoy a good match as much as anyone, but a show featuring good matches exclusively? With little to no storyline or character development? Zero big angles? Promos that only really exist to recap what happened on Dynamite?

I’ve never written or booked pro-wrestling. Is it truly this difficult to put out two separate, “A,” shows? Is there a reason as to why one show always suffers, becoming a self-fullfilling prophecy where less and less people watch because you make the show more and more skippable, so on and so forth?

I’m quickly losing interest, and I’m probably one of the sickest sickos they have watching. As things stand, most weeks it feels like a show you could easily skip and miss little to nothing bar some fun action. That’s not my Collision. That’s just a two hour Rampage. They’ve rebadged it, you fool. CM Punk must be turning in his grave.

Edited by Supremo
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Lio was backing up Swole on the diversity allegations, wasn't he?

I know me was talking with Tony Khan to make improvements within the company but at that same time he was taken off TV and his contract was allowed to run out. Seems to me that Lio isn't an arse licker and will be very vocal about stuff that matters to him, which we all know fucks you over in this carny business.

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Posted (edited)

Wake up, babe.  New Tony Khan hyper-fixation just dropped. As if The Young Bucks and Chris Jericho weren’t already stepping on each other’s toes by both playing the overbearing, insincere babyface act, we’ve now got fuckin’ Scorpio Sky doing it too! Going full Kurt-Angle-in-1999 here, with all the corny, disingenuous chat about being, “our hero.” Tony doesn’t ever do tropes by half, does he? In for a penny, in for a billion pounds.

Still, this was easily one of the better episodes of Collision in a while, for the simple fact that it was built around two of their best, most endearing characters in Orange Cassidy and Willow Nightingale. Two great promos from the Feel-good Megapowers - particularly Orange’s awesome promo about all his friends abandoning him, brilliant main event with Orange and O’Reilly, and then Willow making the big top babyface save at the end, getting the huge reaction and looking breath-takingly attractive. I can’t ask for more. I love these two. They’re going to make for an amazing mixed tag team in the upcoming weeks. Cassidy vs. ZSJ at the pay per view should also rule.

This has got to be the healthiest AEW’s Women Division has been in their entire existence. Loads of fun, exciting stuff going on. Statlander looks great as a heel, Statlander vs. Willow feels like a huge deal that has kept Willow’s momentum going despite losing the belt, Timeless Toni’s Erotic Thriller with Mariah May is probably the best storyline in the company right now, Mercedes looks set to have a great run as TBS Champion and Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo on next week’s Collision promises to be one of those bonkers CZW-style women’s matches AEW do better than anyone else. Toni entering Mariah into the Owen Hart Cup is such an inspired direction, too. She’s dug her own grave. She’s set into motion her ultimate downfall. Mariah is raising that gold in Wembley. Oh, the dramatic irony!

Other quick notes…

Fun opener, with good action and a clever, cute play on the Time Limit draw, “Five-more-minutes-clap-clap-clapclapclap,” idea. Got everyone over, even The Bucks who weren’t even there. Yuta coming back has breathed some much-needed life into the Blackpool Combat Club.

Putting the Wembley World Title shots on the line in the Owen Tournament was a fantastic idea. It’s added tonnes of interest, intrigue and prestige. They haven’t even started the tournament yet and it already feels a million times more important than previous years, being used to build up loads of different stories. First time in a few months I’ve had that really positive feeling about AEW again. Similar to the start of the year, you feel they’ve got solid directions that they can cleverly build towards.

Samoa Joe, Hook and Shibata seemingly confirmed as a Billy Big Bollocks Trios Team, wrecking chumps backstage, with Shibata bringing the banter with his Text-to-voice gimmick. Good stuff. Get the belts on them as soon as possible. Completely pivot to pastures new. Pretend the Jericho stuff never happened. Get as far away from him as possible.

McGuinness was hilarious all night long again. He and Schiavone are the best team in the business right now. The three man booth on Dynamite has been a bit much recently, Jump the Shark Jones, but Big Nige and Big Tone continue to be that perfect combination of fun, charming and enthusiastic. Perfect chemistry, with Tony playing it straight and Nigel constantly trying to make him laugh. Remember Kevin Kelly? Gone and fondly forgotten.

Danny Garcia looked good. My boy.

Worst part of the show was how old Dustin Rhodes looked. A real struggle of a match with Johnny TV, where they never really got on the same page, then a bit of a rambling promo from Dustin to build up his match with Jack Perry on Wednesday. Not a good night for Dustin. Did I hear him say he was putting his career on the line in that match on Dynamite? It’s probably for best. He looked ancient here. It’s probably time to call it a career. Plus - given his previous recent history, it was genuinely stressful watching him interacting with Taya Valkyrie. Felt like at any time he’d do another tone-deaf spot where he kisses someone without their consent. If this is the end, hopefully Jack Perry gives him a better send off than this match here, which was rubbish.

Christian Cage’s Father’s Day special announced for Collision’s One Year Anniversary! Brilliant.

If only there was special match that has perfect Saturday Night Collision energy for them to finally pull the trigger on, to celebrate the one year anniversary. I’m just a man, once again praying for it to happen. Double J vs. Bryan Danielson. Book it, you cowards!

Edited by Supremo
Ain’t he great.
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