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There is clearly something pathological w Punk as a personality. When a person is so antisocial in every company he has been in, he either can't see his toxic behaviour or simply doesn't care. I suspect it is the former. He had to be the victim/hero in his own narrative and I suspect that he can't reflect because to do that would shatter his sense of self. 

To be successful in any life area one needs to be prosocial. Sticking to "the man" doesn't achieve anything. Punk has so much talent and yet he can't help himself. He has to burn every bridge he has. He could have been a multi time champion, a legend in the business,  main evented wrestlemania, made so much more money and gone into other things. Whilst he achieved some of that, he will never meet his potential because he can't relate to others around him. 

His incredibly short lived MMA career speaks volumes. He couldn't stick at it because he knew he wasn't likely to improve and rather than chipping away at it, he threw it in. 

I think it's best for all involved to move on. Punk needs to retire, go live in some quiet area of the country, and take up some hobbies. How anyone can tolerate the man is beyond me, and it seems he dislikes many people. Sadly doubt he will ever be happy,  it's like he can't allow himself to just be without a shit load of drama. He needs to grow up and take some ownership of how things pan out for him. 

Yes AEW may miss the name CM Punk on their advertising and cards, but the hassle he brings and the environment he created sounds unsustainable. 

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7 minutes ago, Daaaaaad! said:

To give some credit, it's probably been quite a conscious decision to do this before tonight's Chicago show. Immediately removes the possibility that some will have been holding on to that he could be making an appearance, save for those who insist everything's a work despite all contrary evidence.

Also wasn't Dynamite in Chicago this week? Don't remember any noise for Punk from the fans. 

Collision could be very interesting.

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I'm surprised this didn't happen after last year's debacle. I'm sure Collision will be fine without him. Can't imagine him showing up in WWE again with Tripper in charge. Will he turn up in some indy somewhere? Japan? Impact? Or just sit at home with his money and bitch about things. I'd imagine there'll be an MMA commentary gig for him somewhere. 

I think they'll either have MJF address the "real world championship" thing or just forget it ever happened. 

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14 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I'm surprised this didn't happen after last year's debacle. I'm sure Collision will be fine without him. Can't imagine him showing up in WWE again with Tripper in charge. Will he turn up in some indy somewhere? Japan? Impact? Or just sit at home with his money and bitch about things. I'd imagine there'll be an MMA commentary gig for him somewhere. 

I think they'll either have MJF address the "real world championship" thing or just forget it ever happened. 

Last year was a moment between two groups in a dressing with Punk already injured. It would have been a whole lot messier in terms of potential litigation. 

There was also hope that it could be resolved. 

He's meant to have signed an NDA on returning. There's protection for the company from that. Then the incident happened in a common area with video evidence to support the decision. 

In general they've been fine without him in the 9 month absence from All Out. I'm not to worried on that front. Collision starts against the main college football schedule this week. That's going to cover any dips. The greater issue is that I doubt the highs will ever be as high. 

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It's kind of ironic that the guy who railed against the authority figures in the 'E is more of a good fit for that environment than anywhere else now. Not that he'll definitely show up there, but you have to think that placing him in a more structured environment where the senior talent is given some modicum of respect and where the boss isn't a star-struck fan with a fat wallet will work better than putting him in a place where two guys pushing forty who call themselves "the young bucks" are actual VPs.

It seems the grass isn't always greener, eh Phil?

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Ultimately the decision that had to be made by Tony Khan is whether him being there is worth how much of a massive pain in the arse soppy bollocks diva he is.

Has his presence in AEW really moved the needle dramatically in regards to viewership and was viewership drastically down in the 9 months he was gone?

From recent memory he heads Collision which has had very low ratings, they had a Chicago area house show tour based around him which half the dates were half empty were they not?

People can talk about him being the top merchandise seller but by how much? If he's selling 10 times what anyone else is then maybe its a loss but if not then is it a huge loss? Also how many of those people just buy someone else's shirt now rather than none at all?

He isn't anywhere near the levels of popularity or attraction that he thinks he is anymore nor anywhere near enough to make it worth everyone in the company walking on egg shells before he has his next huff and decixes to do whatever the fuck he wants.

He looks like shit, isn't even half the in ring performer he once was and has wasted what could have been the peak years of his career sat at home in a strop because despite his talent, by all accounts he's the most insecure, pathetic little weirdo in the history of the wrestling business.

I think a massive part as well will be embarressment on his part that he probably genuinely thought his presence was going to turn the industry on its head and propel AEW to new heights off the back of his involvement then really hit him where it hurts however in reality next to nobody cares and he's looking over ar WWE then watching Stardust and Eli Drake get bigger reactions and sell more merchandise than he does.

It will be fucking hilarious if after all this he did go crawling back to WWE with his hand out even if its just for a HOF pay out in the future.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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37 minutes ago, Butch2000 said:

I’ve worked in some shit tips, but fuck me, nowhere as shitely ran as AEW. This whole situation has been a year long fucking farce. I hope the company moves on and forwards and does well, but this has been an absolute fucking joke since Ace Steel bit someone.

Yeah, everyone involved has been pretty embarrassing in this but the fact some no name could bite someone and get his job back is fucked up. And they couldn't even fucking decide if his job was from home or not it seemed.

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17 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

It will be fucking hilarious if after all this he did go crawling back to WWE with his hand out even if its just for a HOF pay out in the future.

I'm not sure anyone would be "crawling" back to the other. It depends if WWE sees value in what he brings, which is obviously a lot. He's easily the most talked about wrestler who is active at the moment. He shifts a ton of merchandise, he is red hot in Chicago, which is a relatively important market, and despite seemingly being a bit of a shitstick in real life, he has a fairly large and loyal fanbase. WWE will know that his coming back will have eyeballs on their product. Let's not pretend that those of us who've been active in this thread won't be watching. I've not seen a WWE show in a long time, but if they announce a Punk return, I'm watching.

The overriding factor in all of this seems to be a lack of respect, rightly or wrongly. He obviously felt that going to AEW would be really cool and that he could help push some of the younger talent there forward and lend some of his experience in the big leagues, but it hasn't worked out that way. They all seemingly know what they're doing and don't need any help.

If anything, Punk may actually be the one to give Triple H a call and say, "Hey man, you know what? I understand how you felt having to deal with me back in the day." 

The only difference, of course, is that while Punk was certainly a belligerent twat in his WWE days, he was actually a star. The lads in AEW he's been feuding with aren't. The "Young Bucks" are both pushing 40 now. They're not going any higher in the game than they are now, and they certainly wouldn't be making waves in WWE. Jack Perry is a nobody, and that isn't going to change. 

MJF is the only real player AEW has that could cut it in the big time. 

29 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

Has his presence in AEW really moved the needle dramatically in regards to viewership and was viewership drastically down in the 9 months he was gone?

Is anyone in the business these days really "moving the needle" dramatically on a consistent basis? Stick any guy on a show without proper stars around them, and I don't think you're getting results any different from what we've seen with Collision. Basically, it did great the first week or so, then it'll tail off. Punk needed people to work with, and for various reasons, that didn't happen. 

No one is tuning in every week to see him fuck around with Ricky Starks. 

31 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

He looks like shit, isn't even half the in ring performer he once was and has wasted what could have been the peak years of his career sat at home in a strop because despite his talent, by all accounts he's the most insecure, pathetic little weirdo in the history of the wrestling business.

I always thought he "sat at home" because he didn't really want to work in wrestling. I'm sure there was offers put to him. He just wasn't interested. And by sitting at home in a strop, you maybe mean spending time with his wife, travelling, going to gigs, hanging out with his dogs and watching hockey. 

It sounds like a pretty ace existence, really. He's more than financially able to not take another bump and basically see out his days doing absolutely whatever the fuck he wants every day. 

I think he either has a conversation with Triple H, or he'll go back to that "strop" life of doing all of the above. He still has work commentating on MMA events, and I'm sure he could coin it in on the comic con and fan expo scene. 

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It's bitterly amusing that Punk's last match in AEW was him beating one of his greatest rivals for a "world" title in front of 81,000 fans. Punk has never seemed like the kind of guy who's been able to truly appreciate the opportunities he's been given and now he's overshadowed his own achievement by being a knob and getting fired for it. 

Hopefully this is a bit of a relief for everyone working there. And maybe for Punk. Hopefully he finds a passion (maybe a solitary one) that's a bit less anguished for him. 

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He simply has to take the belt to wwe and carry on his “real worlds champion” gimmick.

What a total lunatic, to be fair I never thought TK would fire him.

I’m also quite amused that it was jungle boy that was ultimately punks downfall 

wrestling is glorious sometimes. 



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