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CM Punk chat


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Kind of weird, but I assume it's the same for any show they do in the US. Not sure why they couldn't just book Addison Lee cars for everyone? Very funny that Punk threw a strop and got the tube(probably to prove a point or show how "punk rock" he is) when he's a fucking millionaire who could have got very easily one of the many taxis at Heathrow Airport. Even funnier that he then got lost on the tube, what a twerp.

Edited by LaGoosh
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31 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

MAJOR pro wrestling pet peeve of mine. 

I hope CM Punk beats all of their asses. 

Nah, not in the context they’ve done them. It’s very much ‘thank you, you bring out the best in us but this is not over’, so there’s a thin veneer of kayfabe within.

I can’t imagine even Punk is trying it on with Cash Wheeler. The man carries a gun.

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CM Punk is acting like he does because he knows he can get away with it.

Possibly because he doesn’t NEED the job financially (I’d have thought), but also because he could quit tomorrow with a solid body of work and somewhat of a legacy behind him.

Its mainly though as he knows that Tony Khan isn’t really a man manager at all, at least in a wrestling setting.

Ok, I can see TK being more boss-like in an NFL or Fulham setting where he doesn’t have the same emotional attachment.

The bloke was in London on Sunday yet didn’t see to hang around for Fulham’s game last night. He has no personal interest does he? 

But this 2002 ROH geek is like a pig in shit  being surrounded by most of his favourite wrestlers. He’s too emotionally attached to make rational decisions.

He’s not going to can CM Punk and he knows that.

Vince McMahon got rid of much bigger names than CM Punk, wherein lies the difference.

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1 minute ago, garynysmon said:

The bloke was in London on Sunday yet didn’t see to hang around for Fulham’s game last night. He has no personal interest does he? 

To be fair it was a minor cup game and he has a Dynamite to run tonight right? That's surely more important for him.

Pretty sure he was at the Emirates Saturday. 

Edited by SuperBacon
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14 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

Ok, I can see TK being more boss-like in an NFL or Fulham setting where he doesn’t have the same emotional attachment.

He isn’t. His dad is the main man and hires people to take care of the day to day running of the organisation. Sniff pretty much does fuck all except wank dogs and remember to post on social media if they win a game. 

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I don't know how much CM Punk's behaviour is a Tony Khan call and how much a WBD call - obviously he's a fan, but there are reports that the two aren't on talking terms. People leapt on "Tony Khan was chanting 'CM Punk' as he walked through Gorilla position" to show that he's just a fanboy, but surely that's a promoter hyping up their talent before they go through the curtain? That's a far more rational reading of that scene, to me.

Whereas the amount of control Punk seems to have over Collision seems to be more of a "WBD gave TK a show on the proviso that CM Punk be involved", which tells me that Punk has Khan over a barrel on this one, rather than that Khan is letting him get away with it because he still has a wardrobe full of ROH T-shirts. 


It does feel like Punk's match with Joe was designed to work as a bit of a send-off if it turns out to be his last match, ending with one of the greatest hits as it did. It also feels like Punk is constantly doing this shit to try and push AEW to fire him, because that way he gets to be the martyr and the wronged party, which is a position he seems very comfortable in, rather than walking away and having to bear the responsibility for fucking up his last run himself. But surely we're reaching the point where he pushes things too far and this becomes a legal situation - I'm amazed we're not there already.

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22 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

He isn’t. His dad is the main man and hires people to take care of the day to day running of the organisation. Sniff pretty much does fuck all except wank dogs and remember to post on social media if they win a game. 


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43 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Pretty sure he was at the Emirates Saturday. 

He was yeah. CM Punk was at Leyton Orient I imagine. He's punk rock

On a side note they played Bray Wyatt's theme at half time at the game. The DJ is a huge wrestling fan so always does something like that, but was kinda cool in the pouring rain with the floodlights on to hear that.

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3 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

Punk doesn’t seem one to go to the dirt sheets when something happens to him. 

He definitely does.

Fun fact: 50% of Punk's run in AEW so far he's either been injured or suspended.

A lot of people saying Tony Khan needs to do something about this as if he's done absolutely nothing - he's suspended him twice and fined him for unscripted comments. I think everyone involved needs to be honest and just speed this all up: Punk is going to quit at some point so let's just get on with it and agree to terms now. No point dragging this out any further. Then at some point Punk can do his shoot interview where he buries everyone else for being childish and stupid because none of this could possibly be any of his fault despite it only ever happening repeatedly to him. Worth noting that the biggest post debut episode ratings were for the episode with MJF/Adam Cole in the main event - not Punk. You give people a good enough story they'll tune in, Punk is not required.

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I’d love to understand the breakdown of who’s and who’s side with all this nonsense.

JR has obviously lashed his colours to the Punk mast, hilariously saying as Omega during his entrance at Wembley “KE… CM Punk, I just can’t get over how good his match was.”

Tony Schiavone apparently grassed Jungle Boy up in the first place to old Punky.

I wonder if anyone old enough to have been gaslit into thinking it’s only wrestling if someone’s being a prick are on Punk’s side, and anyone young enough to still have a semblance of optimism in their heart wants him to sod off.

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19 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Punk is going to quit at some point so let's just get on with it and agree to terms now. No point dragging this out any further. 

If they sort it out now, he can make himself free and clear to win the rumble. 

That is not a serious suggestion of course, but once things with AEW inevitably break down, I do wonder if he'd go back for a proper short term, Goldberg-like schedule in WWE and the HOF induction if they could come to terms. Which is naturally an enormous, possibly insurmountable "if". 

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