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2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Probably happy that people see him as trying to be everyone's friend. Rather than the typical boss trying to milk their staff for all they can get.

You know it's not one or the other, don't you? 

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17 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Probably happy that people see him as trying to be everyone's friend. Rather than the typical boss trying to milk their staff for all they can get.

Punk's camp is already complaining that he's being ghosted by the company. Which has been a complaint by Punk during the last suspension and a point made by numerous other talents over the years. Out of sight, out of mind while he carries on running his figure fed.


The man is a grown adult. Allegedly.

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1 minute ago, BomberPat said:

He should be fucked off just for hijacking the news cycle before the biggest show in history was even over. Everything that should be a victory lap for AEW has been swallowed up by the same old shit again.

To be honest this whole thing is so out of proportion it's mad. I'm sure this type of shit happens a lot. This isn't anywhere near the scale of what happened before. He's hardly hardly 'hijacked' it given nobody cares about Perry to be honest.

I'm not a Punk apologist but I do find the constant leaks ridiculous. If you don't like the bloke just stay away from him. Kenny and The Bucks seem to have managed it without further incident.

Also using real glass is dumb as hell.

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1 minute ago, BomberPat said:

He should be fucked off just for hijacking the news cycle before the biggest show in history was even over. Everything that should be a victory lap for AEW has been swallowed up by the same old shit again.

I don’t disagree, but Jack Perry should shoulder some of the blame.

It is quite unique to this era, maybe this company, that a guy on the undercard would call out one of the big stars on a live broadcast in such a way.

I don’t think it’s necessarily as simple as him just being a prick, I just think he’s a terrible cultural fit. Which happens in work places. I’ve left places where I just clearly didn’t belong.

He wants things a certain way, but that company doesn’t operate that way and I think he needs to have a real think about whether he wants to assimilate or just leave.

It’s not his company. The network may insist on him having his own fiefdom, and maybe in that window he can mould things to his liking, but on the occasions where everyone is under the same roof he needs to meet them where they are, not the other way round.

Tony Khan isn’t a normal ‘manager’, he’s an owner-leader. It’s entirely up to him to set the tone and the culture, and if he wants it to be like a scene from the movie BIG, that’s completely his call. Get on board or get away with yourself.

Part of me, though, does hope a little bit that it’s all an elaborate ruse and after Omega beats Takeshita in front of a Chicago crowd, Punk comes in and puts him to sleep showing that they’ve all kissed and made up and we embark on a few months of COLLIDERS vs DYNAMITEES.


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Before now, the only negative story about Jack Perry was that he was a bit mardy at an autograph signing. If I had to put the blame on anyone, I'd put the blame on the one bloke that this keeps happening to. You know what they say - if you meet an arsehole in the morning, you're having a bad day, but if you meet nothing but arseholes all day, chances are you're the arsehole. And CM Punk's met nothing but arseholes for the last decade. He's the common denominator in all of this shit. Remember when people used to sing the praises of the AEW locker room being the most friendly and supportive in the world? Or how they managed to keep things like Brodie Lee's illness completely under wraps for months? But suddenly it became as leaky as a sieve somewhere around, let's say, August 2021? Can't imagine why.

How many times is he going to get physical with co-workers before it becomes an actual liability, or a legal issue? It sucks, because he's capable of great things, and his match at All In was brilliant fun. But I'm just sick of this. Sick of these stories, sick of "who has aggrieved CM Punk this week", sick of the fucking horrible atmosphere around so much of AEW when they should be going into Dynamite still buzzing from the atmosphere of the biggest show ever. 

Get rid of him. It's at least the second time he's got into a fight backstage, both after telling people to "come find him" if they had a problem with him. Apparently he doesn't like being found. And if making a cheeky aside to other wrestlers without their consent is enough to make him want to physically assault co-workers, I can't wait for him to get his hands on whoever it was who started cutting promos on Hangman Page's action figures rather than the two dozen people he's apparently feuding with. 

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1 minute ago, BomberPat said:

Before now, the only negative story about Jack Perry was that he was a bit mardy at an autograph signing. If I had to put the blame on anyone, I'd put the blame on the one bloke that this keeps happening to. You know what they say - if you meet an arsehole in the morning, you're having a bad day, but if you meet nothing but arseholes all day, chances are you're the arsehole. And CM Punk's met nothing but arseholes for the last decade. He's the common denominator in all of this shit. Remember when people used to sing the praises of the AEW locker room being the most friendly and supportive in the world? Or how they managed to keep things like Brodie Lee's illness completely under wraps for months? But suddenly it became as leaky as a sieve somewhere around, let's say, August 2021? Can't imagine why.

How many times is he going to get physical with co-workers before it becomes an actual liability, or a legal issue? It sucks, because he's capable of great things, and his match at All In was brilliant fun. But I'm just sick of this. Sick of these stories, sick of "who has aggrieved CM Punk this week", sick of the fucking horrible atmosphere around so much of AEW when they should be going into Dynamite still buzzing from the atmosphere of the biggest show ever. 

Get rid of him. It's at least the second time he's got into a fight backstage, both after telling people to "come find him" if they had a problem with him. Apparently he doesn't like being found. And if making a cheeky aside to other wrestlers without their consent is enough to make him want to physically assault co-workers, I can't wait for him to get his hands on whoever it was who started cutting promos on Hangman Page's action figures rather than the two dozen people he's apparently feuding with. 

I don’t disagree necessarily with any of this, but equally had Brian Kendrick done this to Austin or The Undertaker or whoever, he’d have got his head put through a wall if Vince hadn’t fired him first.

Wrestling history, even recent history, is awash with stories of wrestlers settling grudges with their fists. 

I think the difference here is how ill suited to this company it feels particularly.

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There are pictures of Punk on the underground/train in London so it seems the transport story is legit, in which case this is a massively amateur move from the second biggest company in the world, Either it was a) unintentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing or b) intentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing.

It just makes AEW look massively petty. Everyone knows Punk is thin skinned and petty but AEW is not looking good from all this no matter how much people try to babyface the company. It's nice that Tony wants to be everybody's friend but there needs to be a happy medium between the (seemingly) rigidly authoritarian WWE and the (seemingly) no rules, everybody can do what they want AEW.

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If Punk really was "the grown-up in the room" he likes to call himself or a locker room leader surely his reaction to Perry's silly behaviour would be to take him aside and calmly explain why what he's doing is incorrect and unprofessional. But apparently Punk's way of being a locker room leader is getting people banned from Collision or trying to fight them. Hardly the sign of a genuine locker room leader. Undertaker was a twat but he managed to keep the mental locker rooms of the 90s in line without having to fight anyone or throw tantrums.

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1 minute ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

There are pictures of Punk on the underground/train in London so it seems the transport story is legit, in which case this is a massively amateur move from the second biggest company in the world, Either it was a) unintentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing or b) intentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing.

Were there any other report of this happening to anyone else? It's not great obviously but mistakes happen.

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From what I can gather from reports it only happened to CM Punk because he decided to travel to London a day later than everyone else because he wanted to spend time with his wife and dog. So everyone else was there and they forgot to book Punk’s solo travel stuff meaning he arrived at Heathrow with nobody to meet him and the number they gave him was invalid so he had to make his own way there.

Then when he got booted for fighting, because it was so early in the show he still had no travel so had to tube it back.

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12 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

There are pictures of Punk on the underground/train in London so it seems the transport story is legit, in which case this is a massively amateur move from the second biggest company in the world, Either it was a) unintentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing or b) intentional, in which case they need to look at who they are employing to book this sort of thing.

It just makes AEW look massively petty. Everyone knows Punk is thin skinned and petty but AEW is not looking good from all this no matter how much people try to babyface the company. It's nice that Tony wants to be everybody's friend but there needs to be a happy medium between the (seemingly) rigidly authoritarian WWE and the (seemingly) no rules, everybody can do what they want AEW.

****JUST COVERED BY FELATIOLIPS***  Is that proof, because it could just be he got a train somewhere as wrestlers were travelling all over London. I mean, he's definitely on a train but that's it.

As for the rest, we dont know what Tony is doing other then leeks. Is he everyones friend and a pushover, is he sterner but we dont see that? Who knows, but one thing for sure is WWE was ruled under an iron fist which would make a lot of these issues backstage non issues, but it's not a great lifestyle. So Punk needs to decide does he want to work for a fully functioning company which is miserable to work in, or one which has stupid issues in terms of organization, but generally more fun to work at. I think he's a miserable sod who doesn't want either.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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People aren't talking enough about CM Punk trying to figure out the tube journey between Heathrow and Wembley. I want a minute-by-minute breakdown of this.

I desperately want him to have changed at Baker St, getting increasingly annoyed as he went up the stairs to the ticket hall, then down to the Met line, thinking that was it, then having to go down more stairs to get the escalator down to the Bakeoo line, getting more annoyed at Jack Perry with every step.

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It's definitely a battle of 'Who can be the pettiest and most passive-aggressive' from what it seems.

Apparently AEW's travel co-ordinator is friends/family of the Bucks so, did they deliberately fuck with the travel arrangements due to Punk deciding to come in a day late? Probably.

Did Punk, instead of getting an Uber on his own, use the one means of public transport that he knew would get the most people to see him so that he had documented evidence of his claims? Probably.

It's brilliantly petty from both sides and I'm here for all of it. Keep it coming, I say. 


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