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47 minutes ago, The Reverend said:

Either he took the tube as he's 'man of the people' and had circumstances been different, that would've been a news story (everytime someone plays the O2 and takes the tube it gets huge column inches - despite most of the carriage being full of their entourage) however with what has happened, it was easy and convenient to flip the story to now make Punk look like a victim.

This was never an angle available to Punk really, was it?




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37 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

So Punk assaulted a co-worker, again. Hmm, I wonder what should happen?

Or he defended himself from another co worker attacking him, if you’re a Punk fan

Hrs got to be up there with Hogan for playing the game, working people into a shoot or whatever bollocks he’s playing at. And it works every single time. 

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5 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Or he defended himself from another co worker attacking him, if you’re a Punk fan

Hrs got to be up there with Hogan for playing the game, working people into a shoot or whatever bollocks he’s playing at. And it works every single time. 

Yeah, a mate said "Jack started it because he's mates with The Elite" Punk can do no wrong in his fans eyes.

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I've never met any of the Elite, so have no idea if they're arseholes or not, but the whole "friends with The Elite" line of thinking reminds me of a wrestler I worked with years ago who, no matter how often he was booked to win, would always complain that the only people getting pushed or given titles (at the time he was moaning of this, he held two belts of the company's three) were mates with the promoter. I just replied, "then try being mates with him, he's a nice guy". 

If having to play nice with his colleagues - like every one of us has to do every fucking day - is enough to drive CM Punk to violence, maybe this line of work isn't for him? 

Edited by BomberPat
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7 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

If having to play nice with his colleagues - like every one of us has to do every fucking day - is enough to drive CM Punk to violence, maybe this line of work isn't for him? 

Lovely choice of words.



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I’m not one for conspiracies and I think it’s becoming clearer by the day that there’s one common denominator in all of this, but I did laugh at the card placement on Sunday. They kept everyone as far apart as possible on Forbidden Door, but it was like Tony couldn’t be arsed with Punk’s bullshit anymore, so chose the worst place possible to put him. Imagine Punk’s face reading the production notes. “You’ll go on just after Jack Perry, just before Hangman and Omega. Have fun in Gorilla both before and afterwards!”

I also think it’s relevant that on the same show you had Tony Khan rolling the red carpet out for Will Ospreay. On loan from New Japan, with six months left on his contract, he’s given a prominent spot on a record-breaking show in his own back yard, big entrance with fireworks, booked to beat his childhood hero clean. Whole thing felt like a dick-sucking campaign to get Will to sign full-time. Tony Khan probably bought Will’s mum a new car, too.

But yeah. Message seems clear, Phil.


Edited by Supremo
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I would have kind of liked Omega and the Bucks to do a promo in the ring and saying 'Hey Punk, get out here' then do a whole 'we've all been idiots about everything, but look around us as to what we've built and are building. Shake hands with us, let bygones be bygones and let's be the best damn wrestling company in the business!' If Punk refused, he'd get massive heat, if he shook hands then there'd have been a huge roar and a big reset. 

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5 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

I would have kind of liked Omega and the Bucks to do a promo in the ring and saying 'Hey Punk, get out here' then do a whole 'we've all been idiots about everything, but look around us as to what we've built and are building. Shake hands with us, let bygones be bygones and let's be the best damn wrestling company in the business!' If Punk refused, he'd get massive heat, if he shook hands then there'd have been a huge roar and a big reset. 

Not gonna happen though is it? 

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31 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

I would have kind of liked Omega and the Bucks to do a promo in the ring and saying 'Hey Punk, get out here' then do a whole 'we've all been idiots about everything, but look around us as to what we've built and are building. Shake hands with us, let bygones be bygones and let's be the best damn wrestling company in the business!' If Punk refused, he'd get massive heat, if he shook hands then there'd have been a huge roar and a big reset. 

I mean, this has no reason to happen in public, but probably the only way this ever gets fixed is if this happens behind the scenes with everyone involved with any bullshit.

But no, trying to publicly shame someone into doing something for fear of getting heat probably isn’t the way forward.

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Not to fan the flames of conspiracy, but it seems there are Cage Fury shows on Friday and Saturday this week which Punk would have had to work anyway.

If he turns up as the Golden Vampire on Sunday to attack Kenny or someone, I’ll have wasted far too much time in this thread.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Tony Khan probably bought Will’s mum a new car, too.



Brilliant throwback, legit made me laugh out loud whilst in the office at work.

If Punk does go (it feel's a MASSIVE if) then that really takes the rug out from Collision, which is essentially built around him. I don't like Punk but it does feel like he wasn't really in the wrong here and it was just another 'Jack Perry' incident, how he went from one of the most likeable young babyfaces to what he is now is mad, just feels like hes become a right knob.

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