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TNA… Cross the Line again


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It took them years to get rid of the stink of that utterly idiotic name, they were finally starting to garner some semblance of respect as a wrestling company again... and now they're caling themselves TNA again. Awesome. Bring back S.E.X.

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8 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

It's found a niche as a no-nonsense booking company over the last few years. It doesn't make mistakes these days, really, but it's still got that Impact vibe of just being a bit...dead. 

Fair comment really. 

Despite Anthem saving the company from the abyss, arguably the most exposure its had since then was the Kenny Omega crossover which was filmed in an empty studio and doesn’t exactly make your company look and sound alive.

I think they've reached the stage where most people are aware that Impact is throwing out a solid enough to good product but there's almost always a 'but' or 'if only' thrown in by your average fan.

The number of times I've heard people say "Yeah, Impact is great and I'd watch if they got out of that studio in Nashville." Well they got out of that studio in Nashville and have been touring and holding tapings twice a month across north America ever since.

But if that's the perception people have then maybe that’s exactly why a rebrand is needed?

At least its got people taking about Impact/TNA and not Collision today, which is no easy feat when you have WWE and AEW sucking all the oxygen out of the room on any given weekend.

I’ve always thought that placing themselves away from the tired and toxic WWE/AEW megafan petty internet wars was Impact’s best bet. If everyone else is pumping out untold hours of content that your average punter struggles to make time for every week then, rather than fight it, use your solid 2 hour weekly show as your usp. Be that product that doesn’t take that much time out of your life but is an easy watch when you do.

A rebrand for a rebrand's sake is one thing, but if your product is built on something solid rather than your Malibu Stacy hat scenario then there's a chance that sharp shock will make at least a few more eyeballs stick around.

(All that and I haven’t been able to sit down and watch Bound for Glory yet…)

Edited by garynysmon
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I’m all for the return of TNA. There surely has to be some level of nostalgia for that brand now, and ‘did you hear TNA is coming back?’ has to get the some curiosity views. Impact is consistently fun, I wouldn’t have bothered tuning in if people weren’t raving about it on here, and I’m so glad that I did. They do what they do really well, and if this helps give them an extra something to get a better TV deal and pay their roster a bit more, even better. 

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I think it’s a great move. I think at the time it probably was a good move to try and get away from the stench the name of TNA had after the failed Monday Night Wars 2. That said, people know the name, and if they are googling TNA, even if the results come back with Impact Wrestling, they probably don’t realise it was the same company under a different name. 

Then there is the nostalgic element of that name. TNA had some great years. I watched a lot from 2005 to 2011. And even then due to the accessibility, I still kept up to date. It’s like Eurodisney rebranding to Disneyland Paris because Eurodisney was used as a punchline for how badly it did, the rebranding helped them bounce back. And I see this as a smart move.

Its biggest issue has been visibility, both here and in the US. Once they left Spike and went to Destination America (?) and Pop, they lost a lot of the casuals. Same when Challenge went here and they got those weird TV deals. I know they are on DAZN now, but I don’t have Sky, and I know you can get the Impact App, but I pay less for AEW and get 3 shows a week. If there was a better to watch, I’d be more inclined to because @garynysmon you do make it seem worthwhile, so if there is a better way to watch let me know.

I think their biggest positive is working out their audience, venues and schedules. I love my AEW, but they have been aiming for WWE sized arenas and really should only be doing that for PPV, not weekly TV. Impact/TNA have done really well in that regard and it’s paying off for them.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
Rent free in one’s head bizarrely.
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8 hours ago, Butch2000 said:

I’ve not read anyones opinion other than @garynysmon as it’s only us two fuckers that watch it week in and week out, so moreover they mean fuck all too, like any opinion of Hannibal Scorch, but it’s a strange change Gareth mate, Impact was a good rebrand

Actually, you're not - I do too, thanks largely to your and @garynysmon's posts, which made me give the show a chance. I really enjoy WWE Smackdown these days, but Impact has been stronger for longer. There are aspects of the show that haven't been to my tastes (Undead Realm, I'm looking at you) - but even then, at least they're trying something different. 

I do have nostalgia for the TNA brand, though - NWA-TNA on The Wrestling Channel was the first wrestling I ever saw that wasn't WWE. It was utterly mad at times, but I enjoyed it - particularly during the 2005-2008 (ish) era when Scott D'Amore was first booking the show, and Christian Cage made the jump over. I'm probably guilty of looking at the rebrand through that lens, as opposed to that of a new or younger viewer. Regardless, I like that it's coming back. 

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17 hours ago, Merzbow said:

Surely after all these years they could design a 6 sided ring that's not going to kill your spine? Is AAA's the same as it's always been?

Mexican rings are notoriously as hard as concrete. Problem will be you need support in the centre otherwise it will be like a trampoline and, as soft as that might be to bump on, a very bouncy ring is actually worse on the knees when it comes to running the ropes etc. 

Support in the centre means extra metal beams which means a much harder surface to bump on. It may be possible but I doubt anyone other than maybe Tony Khan would bother spending the time and money to build one. 

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It works for me, Clive. "TNA" still makes me think of AJ, Kurt, Joe, Christian, the X Division, Jeff Jarrett and all the good stuff (even with the bad that comes with it). "Impact" for the name of the company just reminds me that there have been several years of the company doing wrestling where I haven't been arsed to watch any of it.

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Chuck me in as another one now interested now that they've branded back to TNA. Obviously TNA had it's flaws but they also had some really strong runs at different points. The run they were on before the Aces and 8s angle went to absolute shit was brilliant. They were putting out really strong TV every week full of great, logical angles for a time.

I've tried to watch Impact a few times but it's low budget look has really put me off. Hopefully with the re-brand and new production they're rolling out I can get back into it.

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Having now watched Bound for Glory its probably the company’s PPV of the year.

The KO Tag-title match seems to have been left off to allow more time for the Hall of Fame speeches which, while disappointing for those four, was entirely justified given how well Traci Brooks and Mike Tenay spoke.

Not a bad match on the card but if nothing else I’d make some time to watch (wrestling) Mike Bailey v Will Ospreay if nothing else. Wowzers!! (Was never going to be a bad match though was it?)

The TNA promo video was still about 2 mins too long but have got the song stuck in my head all morning!


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5 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

I feel they need to do a King of the Mountain match at hard to kill

What's TNA's relationship with AEW like these days? Can't have a King of the Mountain match without The King of the Mountain. 



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