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Survivor Series 2022


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My favourite bit of "Not on Vince's watch!" minutiae from commentary was Michael Cole going "16...15,000 sellout tonight!"

He must be just watching on mute at this point.

"Alexa, loop Thunderstruck dammit!" 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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40 minutes ago, pol_pot_rick said:

Sami really really needs to accidentally win the Rumble.

Why would he enter it in the first place

The two War Games matches were mid if you take the storyline stuff with Sami and The Bloodline. Maybe I shouldn't have watched the 1991 and 1992 War Games matches in the afternoon beforehand but after watching Sting and co brawl like hell in front of a rabid fan base with JR screaming like a lunatic I felt so wired like I'd spent the night partying with Tony Khan. This iteration of War Games felt like an afternoon of drinking tea with your grandparents. I couldn't have cared less about the babyface comebacks in the womens match and the crowd didn't either. 

The women worked hard but when they needed weapons to making things borderline interesting and jumping off the top to get pops, it shows how not over the majority of the women's roster are.

As for the men's match. Seeing the faces have the man advantage made me want to yell "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO WAR GAMES" yes they injured Pete Dunne to give the heels the numbers advantage but having Roman come in to clean up just made the faces weak in the end. 

I'm going to watch the 1987 War Games match so I can watch a proper War Games match. 

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1 hour ago, Tsurutagun said:

Why would he enter it in the first place

The two War Games matches were mid if you take the storyline stuff with Sami and The Bloodline. Maybe I shouldn't have watched the 1991 and 1992 War Games matches in the afternoon beforehand but after watching Sting and co brawl like hell in front of a rabid fan base with JR screaming like a lunatic I felt so wired like I'd spent the night partying with Tony Khan. This iteration of War Games felt like an afternoon of drinking tea with your grandparents. I couldn't have cared less about the babyface comebacks in the womens match and the crowd didn't either. 

The women worked hard but when they needed weapons to making things borderline interesting and jumping off the top to get pops, it shows how not over the majority of the women's roster are.

As for the men's match. Seeing the faces have the man advantage made me want to yell "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO WAR GAMES" yes they injured Pete Dunne to give the heels the numbers advantage but having Roman come in to clean up just made the faces weak in the end. 

I'm going to watch the 1987 War Games match so I can watch a proper War Games match. 

The baby faces had the advantage so they could have the spot where Roman held Jimmy back and sent Sami.

War Games, and the babyface team were just a plot device in the continuing Bloodline saga… and I loved it. Really good. Just a very well told story that ended in a very satisfying fashion.

Men’s war games and the triple threat were worth wasting a Sunday morning.

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I wouldn't be totally against the Bloodline turning against Roman and going face as they realise that Sami has had their back more than Roman the last year, Roman is purely about him keeping his title. 

From a long standing storyline position this is the Usos who forfeited against the New Day to give Kofi his moment at Mania and for their actions ended up losing their belts.

Zayn winning the Rumble but being conflicted on turning against his family only to find out they do support him and giving him his moment after all he's done would be something. If they don't have the Rock at next year's WrestleMania it's the next best match to have.

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2 hours ago, Vamp said:

So was it a proper Wargames match or one of those roofless ones? I love a Wargames match so I'm tempted to subscribe for it but they're not getting my tenner if they haven't put a roof on it. 

None of WWE’s WarGames matches have been under roofed cages, makes it better imo, especially for crazy high spots

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The smile on my face when Jey Uso accepted Sami was something else. The love I have for Sami right now,  when he was a guy who I always thought was good but never really got the hype as a big star over, is wild. 

It has to be Sami v Roman at WrestleMania now. They can’t make the same mistake they did last time they had The Rock.

Edited by FUM
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11 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Still think the end game is Sami/Ko vs The Uso's for the tag belts.

Roman/Sami is absolutely the way I would go though, could that happen in Montreal at the EC though rather than Mania?

Yeah, I also think this is most likely. But I suspect they’re playing a dangerous Daniel Bryan-style game if they don’t have Sami go over Roman at some point. 

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12 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Yeah, I also think this is most likely. But I suspect they’re playing a dangerous Daniel Bryan-style game if they don’t have Sami go over Roman at some point. 

How’s it dangerous? Fans will still watch regardless. 

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14 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Yeah, I also think this is most likely. But I suspect they’re playing a dangerous Daniel Bryan-style game if they don’t have Sami go over Roman at some point. 

Do the fans necessarily want Roman/Sami though? Feels to me like the majority of audiences absolutely love them together to be honest.

If The Rock is a certain for Mania could the Bloodline story carry on well into next year? Does anybody have to turn this soon?

I'd happily watch another year to 18 months of this to be honest for it to implode around Wrestlemania 40 time although appreciate that could be over doing it.

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23 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Do the fans necessarily want Roman/Sami though? Feels to me like the majority of audiences absolutely love them together to be honest.

You’re absolutely right - which is why, if Roman turns on Sami, I think fans will be clamouring for him to get his revenge; and if he doesn’t get it, there’s absolutely a risk of a Daniel Bryan/Batista moment.

25 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

If The Rock is a certain for Mania could the Bloodline story carry on well into next year? Does anybody have to turn this soon?

It’s a difficult one…you wait too long, you miss the moment. Personally, I think there’s a lot of fun to be had in Rock/Sami interactions and possibly even a match ahead of the Rock/Reigns showdown.

Of course, that’s on the assumption Rock/Reigns is even on the cards.

27 minutes ago, Louch said:

How’s it dangerous? Fans will still watch regardless. 

In terms of crowd reaction. I don’t think, given how over he is right now, it’s unrealistic to think that Sami could turn into a Daniel Bryan-type figure, should Roman turn on him. 

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