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Things that cheer you up


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The pets thread on here always brings warmth to this cold heart.  In fact, pets in general, the dafter the better.  
Also the sound of laughing babies.  Just pure loveable noise.

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1 hour ago, Thunderplex said:

The pets thread on here always brings warmth to this cold heart.  In fact, pets in general, the dafter the better.  

Couldn't agree more. Which brings me on to what cheers me up. This guy:


However bad my day's been or my mental health isn't in a good place, it all goes out of the window when I see him. Whoever said dog's just know was right. He knows how I'm feeling straight away without me saying a thing. If I'm in a good mood, he's jumping and playing. If I've had a shit day or I'm feeling down, he'll come and sit with me and look me in the eyes like this and I'm instantly cheered up. There's more warmth and humanity in him than most humans. I don't think it's exaggerating to say he's saved my life on more than one occasion. He's the best.

Edited by lars85
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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a wonderful experience at work today.


I work in a care home and we had a new resident arrive a few days ago. He was struggling with mobility and was embarrassed to have family visit as he didn't want them to see him in bed all the time. He wanted a riser/recliner type chair that he could easily mobilise into and out of for moving around independently. Went on a hunt round the home and found an unused one. Was a game and a half moving it around to his room as no wheels or coasters on but his face when he sat in it and got himself comfortable was so worth it. Yes care does pay crap, but sometimes little things happen that just make it all seem worthwhile and why we do what we do. Today was one of those days and I know I'll be smiling and feeling good for a while yet.

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The Thong Song, especially with the music video. I loved it as an 8 year old kid but have fell back in love with it again more this past year. The violin gives me Di Caprio in Wolf of Wall Street biting his knuckle 'sweet Jesus' vibes. The build in intensity throughout the song. Sisqo belting 'I don't think you heard me' about a women wearing a thong. His dancing and walking on top of a crowd of bikini'd women. The sexual climax and key change. What a bloody song.

Also, Vice have done a 20 minute history of how this song came about with interviews that's worth a watch.


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  • 2 months later...
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Y'know how they say "you get more conservative as you get older"? This cheers me up (the guys on this channel in general cheer me up, to be fair). I've no great love for Labour in general, but right now I'd take any even mild left-wing alternative to the current crop of shit-heads in power.


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7 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Winning £45 on a jackpot machine. 

You're supposed to post "Swing OUT!" and leave the forum now, I think.

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