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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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@RedRoosteras someone who didn’t follow NJPW I also don’t know or care about Bullet Club. But many people who jumped on AEW early doors did. It’s why All In was the biggest Indy Show ever. It’s why AEW even became an idea, due to what the Bucks, Page, Cody and Omega were doing with Bullet Club. So I understand you, but they are pandering to a big part of their fan base this way.

Enjoyed the show. Punk’s promo was great. Lee Moriarty looked superb against Danielson. I enjoyed the promo after but felt it took some of the shine from the match. Wardlow/Caster was a fun little match. Enjoyed the woman’s match and TNT as well. In fact the only thing I didn’t like was Adam Cole’s Ronsealed hands in the promo with Page. Still I have no issue with that match as long as Page runs through him. He needs a win like that.

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I don't think you necessarily need to know the ins and outs of Bullet Club, it's enough to give you the heads up that these guys have history, so that Jay White isn't just some random who showed up last week, and Adam Cole isn't a guy who was wrestling on the other channel the whole time Hangman Page was feuding with Kenny Omega.

It's refreshing, after years of WWE treating anything outside their company as non-existent, apart from in NXT where "they both wrestled in Japan" means that two wrestlers are best friends, even if they have never previously interacted or even worked for the same company, to have a promotion that just acknowledges that the characters on their show existed elsewhere first. 

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It was almost the perfect show to put on after all the news regarding Cody. Solid, focussed stuff throughout the night, with a great crowd. Not that anyone who follows this properly would ever think it, but they solidified it here. They didn’t miss them at all. At absolutely no point would this show have been improved by Cody or Brandi doing some aimless tweener shit to heckles and laughter. Good riddance.

Excellent main event. I like that part of the Four Pillar lore is that any combination always results in a guaranteed banger. I’m assuming it’s a three-way at the PPV with Andrade, which should be great. Andrade looked the business holding the belts. A TNT Title run is exactly what his career needs.

The pop for Eddie Kingston filled me with joy. I fucking love that man.

Weekly reminder that Bryan Danielson is the best wrestler of all time.

CM Punk vs. MJF has become one of the best feuds of the last decade. I wonder if they’ve got the balls to have MJF win at the PPV, too? That’d make him for life.

I assume that flash of someone behind Malakai Black was Buddy Murphy, leading to a bonkers six man tag with Death Triangle? Lovely stuff.

Having two Battle Royales to ensure we get Young Bucks vs. Red Dragon vs. Jungle Express at the PPV is the most convoluted nonsense, but fuck me if that doesn’t sound like the greatest PPV opener of all time!

However, the most note worthy thing coming out of this show - by a considerable margin - is the shape Jericho has gotten himself into. He looks amazing. I don’t know if he’s off the booze, took some inspiration from Moxley or if he realised he needs to tighten up now contracts are coming due, but whatever the reason he looked phenomenal here. I don’t think he’s ever been in better shape since joining AEW. Took years off him. Good performance in the tag match, too. Fair play.

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Moxley is mesmerising when he goes longer on a promo. I was going to bed and I couldn’t switch it off when he started talking. He has that proper sense of danger and realness when he talks. Like that they are going for “let’s have the match then let’s talk” than the big fight before it. Gives the chance of something new coming out of the ppv. Maybe they meet again in the Owen final 

Edited by Louch
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2 hours ago, Merzbow said:

Long Term Storytelling.


Wasn't this from an episode of Sabrina rather than Clarissa? 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

However, the most note worthy thing coming out of this show - by a considerable margin - is the shape Jericho has gotten himself into. He looks amazing. I don’t know if he’s off the booze, took some inspiration from Moxley or if he realised he needs to tighten up now contracts are coming due, but whatever the reason he looked phenomenal here. I don’t think he’s ever been in better shape since joining AEW. Took years off him. Good performance in the tag match, too. Fair play.

I wonder if Jericho falling ill when on tour was a wake up call for him. 

Forget in-ring shape, he didn't look well full stop before he went on the tour 

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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

However, the most note worthy thing coming out of this show - by a considerable margin - is the shape Jericho has gotten himself into. He looks amazing. I don’t know if he’s off the booze, took some inspiration from Moxley or if he realised he needs to tighten up now contracts are coming due, but whatever the reason he looked phenomenal here. I don’t think he’s ever been in better shape since joining AEW. Took years off him. Good performance in the tag match, too. Fair play.

He's about the same age Ric Flair was when he returned to WWE in 2001. 

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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

CM Punk vs. MJF has become one of the best feuds of the last decade. I wonder if they’ve got the balls to have MJF win at the PPV, too? That’d make him for life.

I'd love that, and for this to be the catalyst to turn Punk heel. I think he's doing a tremendous job as a babyface, but the prospect of a heel Punk vs. Jon Moxley is just too enticing. A heel Punk vs. Hangman Page or babyface Omega could also be really exciting. 

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