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Happy Christmas lads. One of my delightful clients I was in a small room with for an hour on Wednesday tested positive yesterday when he was PCR'd in prison, so I'm on lockdown until January 2nd. Luckily one of my mates did a big Christmas Eve shop for me so I'm laden down with food and booze at least.

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Seeing my mother till the 27th as no other plans or people really exist every year. I hate Christmas and generally the month of December as the early nights are too depressing. Hope everyone enjoys it if it's their thing, but I can't wait for it to be all over and ww can be back to ignoring and forgetting again. 

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I’m at the point of tears already. I wish I could go home. If I don’t come here for Christmas dinner though it would cause such a massive argument. I’ve already been called selfish for having to leave earlier than normal so I can rest for my night shift and my mother just called my nutroast ridiculous. Everyone is saying my son’s hair (it’s long) is silly. My father faked collapsing for attention. Im done. And I can’t have a single drop to drink ?

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50 minutes ago, Kookoocachu said:

I’m at the point of tears already. I wish I could go home. If I don’t come here for Christmas dinner though it would cause such a massive argument. I’ve already been called selfish for having to leave earlier than normal so I can rest for my night shift and my mother just called my nutroast ridiculous. Everyone is saying my son’s hair (it’s long) is silly. My father faked collapsing for attention. Im done. And I can’t have a single drop to drink ?

Sorry you've had to go through that.

I can only speak on my experience as obviously I don't know your situation,  but things like this is why we stopped taking our children to certain family members, not just for Christmas, but for good.

Its incredibly toxic behaviour, and to be quite honest, we felt that it just wasn't worth it for the absolute drama it brings.

Initially, it was a bit awkward and we felt that maybe we were limiting our children's 'family' options (something that is really hard if you don't have a big family or support network) but it was best in the long run as they soon stopped asking us to go, and were just left having their sad old miserable argumentative Christmas on their own.

I hope the rest of your day is better for you and your son.

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8 hours ago, Kookoocachu said:

I’m at the point of tears already. I wish I could go home. If I don’t come here for Christmas dinner though it would cause such a massive argument. I’ve already been called selfish for having to leave earlier than normal so I can rest for my night shift and my mother just called my nutroast ridiculous. Everyone is saying my son’s hair (it’s long) is silly. My father faked collapsing for attention. Im done. And I can’t have a single drop to drink ?

We went through something similar two years ago as we always went to my aunt's with the rest of the extended family, but it was just getting too much, especially with a toddler in tow, so we made the decision to start doing Christmas from home. It caused a massive to and fro arguement about who was going to come to ours and who wasn't etc. 

It was a bad experience, but also the best decision we made. No more schlepping round on Christmas Day, my son now gets to stay home and play with his toys all day and people are no longer pissed off about it.

Similarly with the hair, my son has shoulder length hair that is quite curly, the older end of the family used to pester us to get it cut etc which caused a lot of tension.

Hopefully, you managed to have a decent day after all, believe me, putting yourself and your son first over the family might be shite at first, but is really worth it in the long run.

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Just haven't enjoyed it to be honest. I'm at my mother's with her fellas family. Nice folk, but I've only met them twice and I just don't have anything to contribute to any chat. My sis and dad are with their families, so I'm here because my mum was just horrified at me just having it alone. Now I'm in the spare room just doing exactly that. Being alone and isolated, but it's because I'd way more awkward just sitting in the middle on conversation I can't add to. Plus I'm not drinking at the anti-d's make me sick if I drink. Sorry, random musings, this year has been so much worse than last year personally. My mum getting upset because I told her I simply don't have much self-confidence or esteem didn't help. It's not them, it's very much me deciding being on my own is preferable in my mind and not being able to convince myself not. 

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Just got home from my nightshift. Had cuddles with my favourite patients and it made me feel so much better. There's something special about working in healthcare etc on Christmas day, sometimes you're the only family some people have and everyone appreciates you so much. It was a tough shift work wise but also lovely.

I've decided to be brave and not put us through the aggro of family Christmas day again. I've tried in the past and it just caused so much stress and my MS suffered greatly. But now I also have my fiance for support. Time to do Christmas my way, however that ends up looking. Dyllan is my priority and given that he now sees the family for exactly what it is it's causing him a lot of stress too. 

Thank you for letting me vent x

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Sounds like you had a good night. You've got your little family there, so what's stopping you from starting your own tradition with your fiancé and son going forward? Hopefully things will start getting better. 

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