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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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3 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Mate, kiddie snatchers and paedophiles were a thing in the 80s regardless of how you romanticize your childhood. We weren't told to not accept sweets from strangers because our parents were scared we'd get fat.

Ah, but they were good old fashioned white paedos, our paedos. Not like these modern brown and black Muslim ones, being abused by a non white paedo is far worse.Ā 

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here's another one:

People who keep/watch their TV's in 'soap opera mode'. Just why?

I've recently started seeing who's TV is locked into the mode, we watched Beverly Hills Cop the other night and it was a brutal experience. She's lost the remote for her TV as well so there's nothing I can do about it for now, it may be a dealbreaker.

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25 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

It's really good for sports. Other than that I don't think there's any good reason to put frame interpolation on.

Yeah i think it works alright until you watch anything made to look cinematic. Its make a Hollywood movie look like it was filmed with a shoestring budget. Horrible.

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I find it acceptable on nature documentaries but even then itā€™s too much to watch the whole thing. I have a strong impulse to turn it off if Iā€™m around someoneā€™s house and they have it on.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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It's the mode that makes older cartoons from the 90's look like dogshit. Try watching a classic episode of the Simpsons with all the weird, off-putting extra frames, an incredibly unnatural experience. I'm constantly tinkering with my Samsung TV, because there's no "catch-all" set-up that works for everything. A proper modern, first-world ball ache.

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