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On 3/28/2021 at 9:25 AM, DavidB6937 said:

It had just enough intrigue for me to power through. If it hadn't been available all at once I probably wouldn't have bothered. Overall it was fine. Absolutely ridiculous but once you get over that it's fairly entertaining. It was a weird balance between the comedy and drama aspects though.

I’ve gotten to the third episode but the whole falling in love with her imagination is killing it for me. I was hoping for a Lynchian twist or something but it’s going more Ugly Betty than Twin Peaks. Doesn’t feel very HBO.

I finally started another watch through of The Sopranos. Three episodes on the bounce and even better me lady seems to like it so I can power watch my way to the end. Two things surprised me though, Gandolfini is 38 at the start of this which is only a year older than me although he looks ten years older. The other is that it’s only 6 series long but that’s more of a mix up in my mind forgetting that American shows used to run for 20 plus episodes per series.

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My Virgin Media box surprised me by showing me that I can watch the last 3 series of Modern Family on the box sets thing for free. I hear they're not great, but I feel like I need to see it out. 

Blazed through Brooklyn 99 series 7 on Netflix last Friday by accident. I only meant to watch a couple while I was eating, but I was enjoying it so much I just blazed through them all. 

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On 3/27/2021 at 11:01 PM, Chest Rockwell said:

I watched three episodes of the Kevin James NASCAR thing.

This is a confession really, rather than a review.

Update. I have watched a few more. And it's actually surprisingly not that bad. Still not great or anything but better than Superstore.

The main upside it has over superstore is that it isn't as completely predictable and by the numbers. Some jokes land and some don't, it's not going to set the world on fire. But overall it's more interesting than your average generic sitcom.

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2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

I finally started another watch through of The Sopranos. Three episodes on the bounce and even better me lady seems to like it so I can power watch my way to the end. Two things surprised me though, Gandolfini is 38 at the start of this which is only a year older than me although he looks ten years older. The other is that it’s only 6 series long but that’s more of a mix up in my mind forgetting that American shows used to run for 20 plus episodes per series.

I think it’s rare for any of the HBO dramas to go beyond 13 episodes per series, especially from that era. Oz was only 8 episodes per series apart from S4 which was 16, but even that was split into 8 episode blocks shown 6 months apart. 
Sex and The City was probably the exception, but episodes were only 30 minutes so it pretty much balanced out the same.

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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Update. I have watched a few more. And it's actually surprisingly not that bad. Still not great or anything but better than Superstore.

The main upside it has over superstore is that it isn't as completely predictable and by the numbers. Some jokes land and some don't, it's not going to set the world on fire. But overall it's more interesting than your average generic sitcom.

I watched to the final season of Superstore and gave up, and while it wasn't awful there was only one or two moments that made me actually laugh out loud. The season about joining a Union only for them to immediately retcon it in the same episode and then never mention it again was the final straw for me. 

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8 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I love how excited I get by that show but it also leaves me a right fucking nervous wreck. Also shouldn't try and sleep right after it because my brain is going crazy.

Man, I'm all over the place. I'm doing my wife's nut in because I can't sit still or stop talking about it. 7 days we have to wait, 7 days!! Obviously you paused the last scene and turned your head at an angle, right?

Edited by PunkStep
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1 minute ago, PunkStep said:

Man, I'm all over the place. I'm doing my wife's nut in because I can't sit still or stop talking about it. 7 days we have to wait, 7 days!! Obviously you paused the last scene and turned your head at an angle, right?

Obviously the first thing I did!

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Been watching Tuca and Bertie on Netflix. 

It's a good show!  The comparisons to Bojack are warranted in the balance of comedy to drama and whole surreal world of talking animals thing. The creative designer for bojack created this show and you can tell she got to really dig in and realise her vision more with this; the world feels a lot more fleshed out.

Also, The fact that the leads aren't awful cunts I struggle to sympathise with gives this the edge over Bojack for me even though I'd say that Bojack is funnier when it's being funny (and I did thoroughly enjoy Bojack to the end).

The music is really good too. Netflix cancelled the show after one season, but I understand adult swim has picked out up for a second.

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Fair play to Jed Mecurio if it turns out that the actual police force is the OCG and top government ministers are using the force and organised crime to stir up public unrest. I can’t imagine where he’d have gotten that idea from though. 

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2 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Been watching Tuca and Bertie on Netflix. 

It's a good show!

Tuca and Bertie was never given a chance by Netflix for some odd reason, they pumped money into a good cast, an animation style that would have cost a bit to produced and bigged it up for a week then buried it. Why put money into if you're not in it for a couple of series at least, there's tons of dross on there that's been given hefty promotion and flopped way harder. Big Mouth, Paradise PD and the Midnight Hour (That is truly surreal. First episode is interesting, the rest not so much.) spring to mind. 

I understand that Tuca and Bertie, Bojack and similar shows take a lot to get into because of its style/world but there is a market for them. Netflix really struggle with how/what they advertise and their UI/algorithm could do with a major shake up, unless it's relentlessly pimped, it's lost in the shuffle and it takes someone with patience to give newer/surreal shows a chance. I'm just waiting for them to can F is Family next. 

I'm glad that Adult Swim picked it up and hopefully it will be included in their UK broadcasting deal so it can potentially reach a wider audience. 

42 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Fair play to Jed Mecurio if it turns out that the actual police force is the OCG and top government ministers are using the force and organised crime to stir up public unrest. I can’t imagine where he’d have gotten that idea from though. 

I've watched the entire lot of LOD in the last week. How a wrestling board hasn't clued up that Jed Mecurio is Vince Russo in disguise is beyond me. The show is solid and you get one spectacular episode per series but there's more twists than pissed up amateurs at a blackjack night. The highs and lows are stacked in the wrong places and there hasn't been a good feel (I understand that it's the police, there is no good feelings as such.) season finale. The whole team would have been shit canned by season 3 but is that the further twist, they're all in it on it they just don't know it.

There's enough to hold interest but people have lost their marbles if this is some proclaimed masterpiece. 

Bent coppers is a good meme.

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Well it’s surely no surprise that a load of people on a wrestling board love it despite said flaws? What Mecurio does well is write great suspenseful moments. The final interrogation scene is like our Wrestlemania, he knows if he’s gotten us that far we’ll probably be back for the next one.

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