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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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The "final boss" verbiage feels so designed to make him sound like he sees himself as above the reigning champ and "Head Of The Table" that I'm finding it impossible to consider any outcome other than Reigns blaming Rock's ego for them losing the tag on Night 1.

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8 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

So it's Mania or he's coming in as Macs lover. Either will do.

That would actually be a really fucking great role for Cena. I'd be more excited for that than 'Mania. 

Not that I'm not excited for 'Mania now because, fucking hell. I'm not a regular viewer and can't see myself ever being one again (unless my kids get really into years from now), but that final segment was just tremendous. 

The Rock is, was and always will be on another level. Really glad he changed the act up and is now going with this Final Boss thing because it really suits him. Here's hoping his body doesn't disintegrate on impact during the actual match.

Edited by SaitoRyo
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I went to bed after the first hour, thinking that with the Cody and Rock promo to start and the Punk segment that there wasn't going to be anything interesting enough left to stay up for. I was wrong. What an ending.

Cody v Rock 100% feels like the main event and it's a bit of a shame we're not getting it now because it's a really hot feud. When are we thinking it happens? Summerslam? Saudi show? Mania 41?

We could be getting a return back to 1999 with the overbooking this year in the two title matches, what with the Bloodline stuff in Cody/Roman and then the prospect of Punk and Priest getting involved in Rollins/McIntyre, but it makes two rematches a lot more exciting than they were before. 



Edited by AndyUK
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Whoever said that the person who could come out of WrestleMania the weakest would be Roman could be on to something. Who wants to see Cody/Roman now over Cody/Rock?

That said, and as great as that segment was, it does feel that The Rock has decided he needs to be the top guy in WWE and that’s pushed people out the way and I’ll be honest, not keen on that aspect of it. Makes for great TV I know, but I just don’t like collateral left in his wake. 

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It isn't even a moan at this point, but they've done an absolutely cracking job building matches that aren't happening.

It's messy and chaotic, and there's lots not to like still I think, but on nights like last night it's still entertaining.

Which, I guess, is all you can hope for. Hearing Cody boos will never not hurt my soul, though.

Cody/Rock is such a mad concept, that I think that's more interesting than Rock/Roman. I'd love to see a flipped script down the line, with Cody Rhodes embracing the inner DC TV villain he's destined to play, and The Rock as the babyface.

I do think, how much you're currently enjoying this all hinges on how much you like The Rock. As it's unarguably the case that Roman has been little brothered, Rollins is a joke (still) and the universality of Cody's reactions have been sacrificed at the altar of The Rock. Like I say, I enjoyed last night in a vacuum, but I still can't quite see the play for Sunday or what they're going to do between now and Mania to establish that as the match.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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7 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

That said, and as great as that segment was, it does feel that The Rock has decided he needs to be the top guy in WWE and that’s pushed people out the way and I’ll be honest, not keen on that aspect of it. Makes for great TV I know, but I just don’t like collateral left in his wake. 

And yet you got people moaning about him turning up and doing a half arsed tribute act. So he can't win really.

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

And yet you got people moaning about him turning up and doing a half arsed tribute act. So he can't win really.

To be fair, wrestling is full of big stars who don't 'comeback' well.

Cena has been very good at it, Austin was hit and miss, The Rock has been all over the place... I think there's a middle ground between a tribute to the good ol' days and being the biggest star on earth.

That said, I'm not sure it's all The Rock's fault. I just think he's such a fucking massive star, with more natural presence and charisma than every other big star in wrestling combined, that its very hard to not swallow everything around him and make them disappear in comparison. I'm not a huge fan, as discussed, but I think he either turns it on and he outshines everyone or he half arses it and it comes across like a cheap tribute. I don't think he's capable of anything else.

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32 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

To be fair, wrestling is full of big stars who don't 'comeback' well.

Cena has been very good at it, Austin was hit and miss, The Rock has been all over the place... I think there's a middle ground between a tribute to the good ol' days and being the biggest star on earth.

That said, I'm not sure it's all The Rock's fault. I just think he's such a fucking massive star, with more natural presence and charisma than every other big star in wrestling combined, that its very hard to not swallow everything around him and make them disappear in comparison. I'm not a huge fan, as discussed, but I think he either turns it on and he outshines everyone or he half arses it and it comes across like a cheap tribute. I don't think he's capable of anything else.

I think if we've got him back, we'd all rather he put in a decent shift. I don't think it's an ego thing or deciding he has to be the biggest star. I think he's just putting the work in. He has mostly come across as a guy that respects the business and I think business is at the forefront of the decisions especially now with his position. I'm sure he thinks everyone will come out better at the end. And while we don't know the longer term plan, I highly doubt he's gone in there to bury Roman deliberately and put himself ahead.

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3 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I think if we've got him back, we'd all rather he put in a decent shift. I don't think it's an ego thing or deciding he has to be the biggest star. I think he's just putting the work in. He has mostly come across as a guy that respects the business and I think business is at the forefront of the decisions especially now with his position. I'm sure he thinks everyone will come out better at the end. And while we don't know the longer term plan, I highly doubt he's gone in there to bury Roman deliberately and put himself ahead.

I suspect when you're as good as he is, and probably as competitive, you go in with the understanding that you could blow everyone out the water, and its up to them to try and hang in there with you. And that's probably fair enough.

It is what it is at this point. They've released a tiger in the pig pen, and we'll find out in a few weeks who survives I guess.

I'm more interested by the fact that Seth Rollins is in 2 featured matches at Wrestlemania, and a featured part of 0 feuds. Absolute waffle.

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Lazy babyface Rock, and motivated heel Rock are night & day. You can tell he's actually enjoying himself & not just going through the motions. The trash-talking was fantastic too, simple but so effective.What Drew said was very good, but I just can't get past his weird accent. Auld reliable Rollins continues to embarrass himself, what an insignificant clown. Champ for 303 days and nobody gives two shites.  Punk's 'No' when Rollins asked 'you wanna know what I think?' was great. Great show overall.

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