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Worst Films You Ever Saw At The Cinema

Devon Malcolm

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52 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:


I have no excuse with A Cure for Wellness though. I know it would be fucking dreadful and long and it was.


Urggggh, I watched this when it came onto Sky, it goes on forever and plays out like someone had tried to remake shutter Island but decided to pick the scenes out of a tombola at random. Utter shit. 

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4 minutes ago, Hugh Thesz said:

Spice World,

I'd forgotten I'd gone to see that. It was all they were showing out of season at Butlins so we ended up with it. Even at 10ish years old it was painful to sit through. The red coats version of the blues brothers blew it out of the water.

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Revolver was complete piss I thought. Dreadful. I didn't make it all the way through that one. 

The recent Alien films are definitely up there, and score extra points for expectations being somewhat high going in so it was more of a let down. At least Revolver just happened because there was nothing else on that night. 

The Hateful Eight was another colossal waste of time, that was made even worse by seeing it in the cinema, due to the cost making it such a waste of money. On top of being bad, it's about eighteen weeks long, so I was uncomfortable as sin and couldn't wait for it to end. 

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What was that western starring Seth McFarlane? That was fucking rotten.

The most annoyed I’ve been though was Mother. Terrible film where nothing happens for ages, then it’s stupid and they gratuitously kick Jennifer Lawrence in the head and reveal her tit for no reason (I mean, I love a boob but it was so weirdly done).

It was a film that thought it was clever but was as stupid as Anthony off Big Brother and as unpleasant as when Craig was was creeping around Anthony off Big Brother when he was pissed.

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This absolutely God awful film called Little Man with Marlon Wayans playing a dwarf pretending to be a baby so he can hide a diamond. 

The movie was so bad when it broke down half way through the cinema genuinely cheered thinking it was over and booed when the film came back on the screen. 

That was a moment I decided at 13 I still shouldn't have been allowed to make decisions for myself. Properly remember going to see it as a present for the start of the summer holidays too. 

Just awful. 

I'd suggest Truth or Dare that came out a few years ago, but we got so drunk before it from how negative the early reviews were and that we could watch it for free because we worked at the cinema that it became the best unintentional comedy that year. 

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Big Fish (2003). 

I went with a girl I'd fancied FOREVER. Finally, the stars aligned and we were going on a date - out to dinner and then to a late(r) showing of the Ewan MacGregor classic.

Context - I hate first dates at the cinema because let's face it, if I didn't want to talk to you for two hours I wouldn't have to pay £30 for the privilege, we'd just carry on life as normal. However, she was gorgeous so an exception was made.

So at the end of what was a 60 hour week we went and had a lovely dinner before heading to see the film. 9pm. 

The first 13 minutes of the film were absolutely honking. I had no idea what was going on, what the plot was or why anyone thought this film was a good idea. Settled back into my upgraded chair (the route to naan at the time was upgraded seats in my mind) and started to think of what might happen later.

The cleaning lady woke me up. After midnight. I'd missed the last train. It was ridiculous. I didn't see Debbie again for about a year after that. We never spoke. My mates slaughtered me for falling asleep when they found out.

To this day I maintain it is down to Ewan MacGregor and Big Fish being terrible.

Edited by Suplex Sinner
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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Wild Wild West. Was awful. Saw it with some cousins when I visited Norway so couldn’t leave because I had no where else to go without them. Just shit

Awful film. I went with my girlfriend  and her mate, luckily we had the forethought to take a bottle of Jack Daniels in a bag and ended up sitting on the floor facing away from the screen sharing the bottle. I'm not sure why we didn't just leave.


The only films I've ever walked out of were Sleepless in Seattle and Mrs Doubtfire, both of which once I was outside I realised my friends were still inside and I had to wait pretending to play the arcade machines until the film ended. 

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A pair of Hayden Christensen 'masterpieces' post Star Wars that I saw with my first girlfriend, first was the 2007 film Awake about a guy who hears a plot to kill him by Jessica Alba while he's on the surgical table, the other was 2008's Jumper also starring Jamie Bell and Samuel L Jackson about a guy who has the ability to jump to different points in time. Needless to say Young Anakin's acting skills hadn't improved one iota

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Jumper’s only about an hour long though so at least you didn’t have to sit through it for ages.

The closest I’ve come to walking out of the cinema was Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Anyone who read the Film thread on here at the time would have seen why. The other half’s pick for this subject is Captain Marvel - she left the cinema and went for a walk about half an hour in because she couldn’t take any more of it. She did come back before the end though.

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Wild Wild West is definitely up there.  There's a great story about that film, that the producer of it had been trying to get a giant mechanical spider into every film he'd produced for about a decade, and finally succeeded in that one even though it made no sense.

The worst film I ever saw all the way through was Spawn.  The worst film I ever saw full stop was Sky Captain...  but we left with half an hour to go as we just couldn't take it any more.  Terrible film.


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I worked at Cineworld between October 2011 and some point in 2012 so thankfully got free tickets as my girlfriend at the time picked some of the worst films for us to watch during my time there. Two of the worst were Dream House with Daniel Craig. A film so boring I’ve completely forgotten the plot. I started texting a mate instead. And Gone with Amanda Seyfried which was also a load of shite. 

Even though it was well received by critics, I thought The Muppets movie with Jason Segel was crap and kept trying to get the girlfriend to leave multiple times. 

Took another girlfriend to see The Revenent and fell asleep about half an hour in. Still haven’t seen the rest of it. 

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Shit! I've just remembered going to watch Knight and Day with a girl and honest to God, I could have fingered her next to a Catherine Wheel whilst having a stroke and it wouldn't have been the worst part of her night.

I love Tom Cruise but Jesus tonight. 


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