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Covid-19 Megathread


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I found out how to upset your local community Facebook group today. Someone suggested we should all sing Happy Birthday to Captain Tom after we stop clapping for the NHS and I questioned why. I suggested if you wanted to actually do something for him, stick £1 on his Just Giving with a happy birthday rather then singing. Now I am disrespecting the country or something.. 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I found out how to upset your local community Facebook group today. Someone suggested we should all sing Happy Birthday to Captain Tom after we stop clapping for the NHS and I questioned why. I suggested if you wanted to actually do something for him, stick £1 on his Just Giving with a happy birthday rather then singing. Now I am disrespecting the country or something.. 

The same reason that the woman who bangs her windows and yells to me that I'm awesome and I'm doing a great job whilst ignoring the fact she should have a revolving door on her house the amount of people I see coming and going from there does, to make herself feel better.

Tom Moore is slightly more impressive though in all fairness.

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30 minutes ago, Max Power said:

He tweets remarkably often for a 100 year old chap too. Plus he's got a blue tick.

Is that what happens when you haven't used it in decades?

The Russian PM, Mikhail Mishustin has tested positive.

Edited by Merzbow
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Someone has painted him a mural on a wall in our town apparently.

I'm assuming it's the same chap who did the silhouettes of WW1 Tommy's with poppies on a couple of pubs but not the guy who did a Burberry cap wearing monkey in a jungle (I'll share a pic of that later)


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21 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Someone has painted him a mural on a wall in our town apparently.

I'm assuming it's the same chap who did the silhouettes of WW1 Tommy's with poppies on a couple of pubs but not the guy who did a Burberry cap wearing monkey in a jungle (I'll share a pic of that later)


Angry looking Jason Statham is doing the rounds here at the moment.

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So when Matt Hancock announces hitting his 100,000 daily tests target today, here's the scam: https://www.hsj.co.uk/quality-and-performance/revealed-how-government-changed-the-rules-to-hit-100000-tests-target/7027544.article


TLDR: The total for tests carried out yesterday includes tests carried out yesterday, tests posted to people yesterday, and tests that people requested yesterday but haven't been posted out yet.

Edited by JNLister
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