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Covid-19 Megathread


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@Divorced Dad that's great news about the all clear.

@Hannibal Scorch so sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you and your family are OK.

Trump has now claimed he was being sarcastic when he suggested injecting disinfectant. How many people are going to end up admitted to hospital as a result of following his advice, though? 

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32 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Trump has now claimed he was being sarcastic when he suggested injecting disinfectant. How many people are going to end up admitted to hospital as a result of following his advice, though? 

Considering a man died and his wife became seriously ill when they took some pills which had a common ingredient with the anti-malaria medication that Trump said we should take to help fight COVID, then probably a few.

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It's a pity, because they were out of camera shot, but I'd love to have seen the reaction from whoever Trump was directly addressing when he was ranting about UV light under the skin & rinsing the human system out with Domestos. He was saying 'we'll be looking into that, right?', looking directly at these poor bastards.

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1 hour ago, KingofSports said:

It's a pity, because they were out of camera shot, but I'd love to have seen the reaction from whoever Trump was directly addressing when he was ranting about UV light under the skin & rinsing the human system out with Domestos. He was saying 'we'll be looking into that, right?', looking directly at these poor bastards.

Best I could get

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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My sister in laws boyfriend is an absolute fucking idiot and posted this on Facebook earlier regarding Donald Trump: 

"He didn’t fuckin claim it 😂 fake news media doing what it does best. Not a major fan of trump but people need to stop taking everything so seriously and maybe they would have realised IT WAS A JOKE!!! Fuckin brain dead generations" 

I've called him out on it but he's not replied. 

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(in response to Divorced Dad):

Generally CNN are a fucking joke, but fair play last night & on some other stuff too. What the fuck do you do with statements such as the ones he made yesterday. Not a time for jokes and he doesn't have the wit anyway. I'm surprised CNN even went with it, as though it may have had even the slightest shred of credibility. It was the dreadful Anderson Cooper who eventually called bollocks on the lot of it, as seemingly nobody else to that point, had the balls to call it out.

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After being very very lucky for 3 months compared to many my company emailed today saying there's going to be a reduction to everyone's wages. Still can't really complain as it's only a 20% cut for 3 months and a lot of expenses are going to go out the window anyway. I won't struggle as that will just be some savings reduced but still stings a bit.

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