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Covid-19 Megathread


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16 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I'm torn on this one. I generally agree with the principle that all the "let's raise money for the NHS" stuff is not as helpful as demanding the government properly fund and run the NHS. That said, it's a great thing the old dude has done (family milking it not withstanding) and even a well run and well funded NHS would appreciate extra dosh at this time so I don't hold that against anyone.

There's nothing to be torn about Rick. It's perfectly acceptable to be proud of the guy (and by proxy the public) raising £12m to support the NHS further. We can also say shouldn't the NHS shouldn't be allowed to be in such a vulnerable position in the first place.

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There is a difference between money for the NHS and money for NHS “approved” charities. He’s doing it for the latter. Of course, the argument is still there about the need for such charities but it’s not money to buy PPE and ventilators is it?

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16 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

There's nothing to be torn about Rick. It's perfectly acceptable to be proud of the guy (and by proxy the public) raising £12m to support the NHS further. We can also say shouldn't the NHS shouldn't be allowed to be in such a vulnerable position in the first place.

I thought that's what I did say, to be honest. I'm torn because your original point said you are "disgusted we have to applaud..." That's where I'm torn. I'm happy to applaud him and more than happy to give the government a deserved kick-in.

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I can't be the only one who wanted to see that old cunt keel over on the 99th lap of his garden can I? Imagine the uproar!

As for Sam Smith, sorry but if you are going to film yourself crying like a pussy on the steps of your mansion and put it out onto social media, you deserve everything coming your way. 

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With regards to the discussion about letting family in to hospitals my brother is a nurse and he's explained one of the saving graces of this current situation is the fact that patients family can't be there as visitors are prime for causing spread of disease inside and outside of hospitals. The staff can control their patients and keep a close eye on who/what they're coming in contact with, they can't with family.

This obviously does not negate the effects being discussed of people not seeing loved ones before they die and other similar points, I don't particularly have a clear sense of what the best solution here is. Just felt that it was worth adding this point with regards to the reasons for and against allowing family members into hosptials.


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1 hour ago, johnnyboy said:


I saw a similar thing on Facebook at Barnsley hospital yesterday. They had a band playing outside the hospital during the "clap", so the local paper decided to film it. It soon cut away though when it caught about 100 people(including nurses and hospital porters) all hugging each ther and dancing together during the performance.

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1 hour ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

The barge on the Thames doing doughnuts in the water to show support for health workers is my favourite one of these so far. What a country.

I'm fucking howling watching the video. Where do you start? IT MAKES NO SENSE

All this clapping/dancing/singing/wanking for appreciation has to stop now. It's bollocks. If you want to really appreciate the NHS, stop voting for parties that cut their funding.

I mean, look at this 


Edited by PunkStep
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