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Covid-19 Megathread


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I continue to let mine because I look after my mom after my dad died, otherwise I'd be living there.

I'm sure it's selfish of me but I don't want to be homeless in a few years time when I'm not needed due to the inevitable, so kept it and let it until that day.

Edited by Tommy!
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I'm not on board with 'fuck you if you're renting a place out' side of the coin. Recent governments have fucked the pension system so that people have to work well beyond retirement age, and many people are having to look at other investments to help them afford a living post-retirement. Property is the obvious choice and closest to a sure thing. 

Now there are a lot of greedy rich fuckers out there that will hoover up as much property as they can with the sole intention of making a lot of money from them, rather than say a couple in their 50s who are worried about what happens 10 years down the line. I support the 'fuck them' towards the greedy, but I think it's incredibly harsh to tar everyone that rents a place out with the same brush. That's coming from someone that doesn't have additional property to let, nor do my parents etc.

Working in a related industry I can tell you a huge issue is the number of overseas investors making the most of property for sale over here. But ultimately this boils down to greedy developers selling these for prices that are unaffordable for most folk in this country, so they target the wealthy in China, Russia and the Middle East.

Edited by PunkStep
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13 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

I'm not on board with 'fuck you if you're renting a place out' side of the coin. Recent governments have fucked the pension system so that people have to work well beyond retirement age, and many people are having to look at other investments to help them afford a living post-retirement. Property is the obvious choice and closest to a sure thing. 

Now there are a lot of greedy rich fuckers out there that will hoover up as much property as they can with the sole intention of making a lot of money from them, rather than say a couple in their 50s who are worried about what happens 10 years down the line. I support the 'fuck them' towards the greedy, but I think it's incredibly harsh to tar everyone that rents a place out with the same brush. That's coming from someone that doesn't have additional property to let, nor do my parents etc.

Working in a related industry I can tell you a huge issue is the number of overseas investors making the most of property for sale over here. But ultimately this boils down to greedy developers selling these for prices that are unaffordable for most folk in this country, so they target the wealthy in China, Russia and the Middle East.

OK Boomer Gooner

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44 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I was going to 'not all landlords' but then I saw this and he ruined it for the rest, the twat:



Wow, that is the whole thing ive been fighting at being labeled as in one tweet, Brexit supporting tory voter with a disregard for actual human beings. Hopefully a troll as i can only imagine the state of those houses he owns.

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This whole situation is a result of decades of neoliberalist fuckery. Successive governments refusing to build enough social housing to meet demand or even ease it, leading to them realising it makes them look bad when even middle-class people start being unable to afford to buy, so instead of actually fixing the problem, they "liberalise" the market to allow banks to give mortgages to people who can't afford them, because hey: we can make money out of thin air by leveraging debt, can't we? That isn't a fucking bubble waiting to burst, oh no. Workers find themselves squeezed at both ends by shitty landlords taking the piss and employers who will not only not raise wages, they'll actually take every opportunity to lower them or decrease hours, spurred on by a shitcunt Tory government rolling back every worker right they can, and set up by a shitcunt Blairite government to do so.

And now, because of all the money involved at the upper end, we now have a rentier class that's too powerful and too firmly entrenched with its vested interests to dislodge. No government (at least, no Tory or New Labour one) is going to do what needs doing, which is build social and truly affordable housing en masse, because that would deflate the market. 

I don't believe every landlord is a shitty one, but I do think the vast majority of them are. For my sins, I briefly had to work as an estate agent some years ago, and the sheer cuntery I saw from landlords during that time was flabberghasting. Hated that job.

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1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

Anyway, no loo roll eh?

Nonsense I've got literally thousands of loo rolls. So many actually I plan to build a property which I will rent out and demand exorbitant rental fees. 

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2 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Anyway, no loo roll eh?

Well the people clearing the shelves of loo roll aren’t actually vile, greedy, “I’m alright, Jack” cunts, they’re just worried about their future because PeNsIoNs.

Edited by King Pitcos
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1 hour ago, Rule One said:

You can't honestly tell me that you wouldn't invest in your future with one or more houses if you had the potential to? 

Yes I can. I owned my own house when I lived in Coventry, I bought it before prices went silly but I bought it not as an investment but as a home. 

15 years later, I moved to Manchester, I let a mate live there and he covered the mortgage. Once he moved out I sold the house because I didn’t need it anymore. 

I’ve been relatively lucky with landlords since moving, one of them had converted their house into two flats so they and the mother of one could live there. So they were downstairs when I lived there and everything to ensure I lived in a perfectly maintained house. 
Buy to let landlords see something as basic as a roof over your head as an investment. They have a whopping sense of entitlement about their investment. Stocks can be wiped out in a day and those who invested in them lose their money. If your investment is a house and you think you have some right to a government bailout because your investment isn’t making you the money you thought it would then fuck you. 

You won’t “Lose the house” if nobody rents it from you, you still have a fucking house that you can sell. And if you lose money on selling it then tough shit. 

So yeah, buy to let landlords can go fuck themselves. No DSS. 

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1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

Anyway, no loo roll eh?

I don't know what it's like for everyone else, but it's proper weird in my local area - the Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, et al are all sold out, but nobody's cottoned on to the local Turkish and Polish mini-supermarkets and general stores. Their shelves are still relatively full.

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2 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

I don't know what it's like for everyone else, but it's proper weird in my local area - the Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, et al are all sold out, but nobody's cottoned on to the local Turkish and Polish mini-supermarkets and general stores. Their shelves are still relatively full.

As I said earlier the shop across from me was selling 3 rolls for £2.99, said that's all they can get from cash and carry. No blame towards them as they're good lads but I'll just keep shit/showering instead of paying that.

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12 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

You won’t “Lose the house” if nobody rents it from you, you still have a fucking house that you can sell. And if you lose money on selling it then tough shit. 

So yeah, buy to let landlords can go fuck themselves. No DSS. 

if you sell it before lack of rent causes the bank to seize it because you cant pay them of course.  

Just ban evictions for 3 months and allow payment suspension of said debt until then. Tenant stays in the house landlord isnt forced to sell.  

This is going to have to apply to people that lease shops and other buildings to. 

Edited by quote the raven
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